Recently i entered the forum and got a question regarding new rules (that you should post requests in the correct section and not on the same request page). Anyway, i incidentally clicked on "decline" (my mistake) but quickly a realized and clicked over "agree". Then i got a page saying you have agreed and now be taken back to forum. Later a realized some of my point were deleted (status went from semi pro-engineer to engineer). Did my lost of points had to do anything with this?
Title - The Mechanics of Vibration [Hardcover]
Author - R. E. D. Bishop (Author), D. C. Johnson (Author)
Hardcover: 458 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (July 31, 1979)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521042585
ISBN-13: 978-0521042581
Anyone has the book above, Please kindly help to share.
Title - An Introduction to Random Vibration [Hardcover]
Author - Robson J D
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press (January 1, 1964)
Any one have the book above, please kindly help to share for me.
Design of Plated Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-5
The main aim of this book is to provide practical advice to designers of plated structures for correct and efficient application of EN 1993-1-5 design rules. In chapter 1 the purpose, the scope and the structure of the book is explained. In chapter 2 a rather detailed and commented overview of EN 1993-1-5 design rules is given following the structure of the standard. Shear lag effect as well as plate buckling problems due to direct stresses, shear forces, transverse forces and interactions of these effects are covered. This chapter also includes a reduced stress method and a finite element analysis approach to plate buckling problems. A large number of design examples illustrate the proper application of individual design rules. Chapter 3 and 4 bring two complete design examples on a crane runway and a box-girder bridge.
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The book reflects the current situation in precast concrete construction. Besides general observations regarding building with precast concrete elements, the book focuses first and foremost on the boundary conditions for the design of precast concrete structures, loadbearing elements and façades. Connections and specific structural and constructional issues are covered in detail and stability of precast concrete structures is another central theme. The requirements brought about by the emergence of the European Single Market are explained and the diverse possibilities for façade design are presented. A chapter on the production processes provides the reader with an indispensable insight into the characteristics of this form of industrialised building.
The book is a practical tool for engineers, but certainly also architects and students.
One of the authors' intentions is to demonstrate to engineers and architects the possibilities that factory prefabrication can offer, and hence pave the way towards the economic application and ongoing development of precast concrete construction.
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Dear friends, I'd really appreciate it if someone could upload the following book:
# Full title: Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering
# Authors: Naylor DJ, Pande GN, Simpson B and Tabb R
# Publisher: Pineridge Press; 2nd edition (1984)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 09066 74115
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Advances in Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Water Waves (Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering)
Author: Qingwei Ma | Size: 21.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company | Year: 2010-04-15 | pages: 700 | ISBN: 9812836497
Most of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Many aspects of our everyday lives and activities may be affected by water waves in some way. Sometimes, the waves can cause disaster. One of the examples was the tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean on 26 December 2004. This indicates how important it is for us to fully understand water waves, in particular the very large ones. One way to do so is to perform numerical simulation based on the nonlinear theory.
Considerable research advances have been made in this area over the past decade by developing various numerical methods and applying them to emerging problems; however, until now there has been no comprehensive book to reflect these advances. This unique volume aims to bridge this gap. This book contains 18 self-contained chapters written by more than 50 authors from 12 different countries, many of whom are world-leading experts in the field. Each chapter is based mainly on the pioneering work of the authors and their research teams over the past decades. The chapters altogether deal with almost all numerical methods that have been employed so far to simulate nonlinear water waves and cover many important and very interesting applications, such as overturning waves, breaking waves, waves generated by landslides, freak waves, solitary waves, tsunamis, sloshing waves, interaction of extreme waves with beaches, interaction with fixed structures, and interaction with free-response floating structures. Therefore, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art research and key achievements in numerical modeling of nonlinear water waves, and serves as a unique reference for postgraduates, researchers and senior engineers working in industry.
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