About this book · Gives the reader hands on example-base experience for simulating dynamical models in MATLAB®/Simulink® and animating them in VRML · More than 150 images describe each step in the model realizations helping readers to understand them visually · Diverse examples and profound problem treatment enable the reader to animate complex dynamical problems m-files, Simulink models, VRML files and jpegs available for download provide full solutions for the end-of-chapter problems Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB® and Simulink® Users demonstrates the simulation and animation of physical systems using the MATLAB® Virtual Reality Toolbox (virtual models are created in V-Realm Builder). The book is divided into two parts; the first addresses MATLAB® and the second Simulink®. The presentation is problem-based with each chapter teaching the reader a group of essential principles in the context of a step-by-step solution to a particular issue. Examples of the systems covered include mass-spring-dampers, a crank-slider mechanism and a moving vehicle. The examples are given in ascending level of difficulty and contain MATLAB®/Simulink® codes deliberately simplified so that readers can focus on: • understanding how to link a 3-d virtual scene to MATLAB®/Simulink®; and • manipulating the 3-d virtual scene in MATLAB®/Simulink®. When studied in sequence, the chapters of this text form a coherent whole enabling the reader to gain a thorough expertise in virtual simulation and animation of dynamical models using MATLAB®/Simulink®. Individual chapters stand on their own, however, so that readers interested in a particular system can concentrate on it easily. Problems are provided in each chapter to give practice in the techniques demonstrated and to extend the range of the systems studied, for example, into the control sphere. Solution code for these problems can be downloaded from insert URL. Whether modeling the dynamics of a simple pendulum, a robot arm or a moving car, animation of a dynamical model can enliven and encourage understanding of mechanical systems and thus contribute to control design. Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB® and Simulink® Users will be instructive and interesting to anyone, researcher or student, working with the dynamics of physical systems. Readers are assumed to have some familiarity with MATLAB®.
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Dear All,
I am working on the biaxial bending capacity for RC columns and would like to request for three papers as follows:
(1) Title: Quasi‐Newton Method for Reinforced‐Concrete Column Analysis and Design
Author:J. Y. Richard Yen
Journal: ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume: 117
Issue: 3
Year: 1991
Page: 657-666
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(2) Title: Ultimate strength analysis of composite sections under biaxial bending and axial load
Author:A.E. Charalampakis, V.K. Koumousis
Journal: Advances in Engineering Software
Date: November 2008
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(3) Title: Concrete Sections Under Biaxial Bending: Interactive Analysis With Spreadsheets
Author:Fariborz Barzegar, Terence Erasito
Journal: Concrete International
Date: December 1, 1995
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering(GATE) Exam - Civil Engineering Previous Question Papers
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an entrance exam conducted annually for admissions to various science and technology post-graduate programs in India. Administration and conduction of the exam is supervised jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. In recent years, a sharp increase has been observed in the number of candidates appearing in GATE exam.
Year - 2003
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Corinna Rossi explores the use of numbers and geometrical figures by the Ancient Egyptians in their architectural projects and buildings. Whereas previous architectural studies have searched for "universal rules" to explain the entire history of Egyptian architecture, Rossi reconciles the approaches of architectural historians and archaeologists by testing architectural theories. This book is essential reading for all scholars of Ancient Egypt and the architecture of ancient cultures.
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Constant technological advances and the current focus on ecological considerations have had a strong impact on the construction of office buildings as well as the interior design of work spaces. Further decisive aspects beyond purely functional considerations of work organization are corporate identity, the creation of a positive and motivating working environment and very often also representative functions. Masterpieces: Office Architecture + Design, another volume of the new series Masterpieces presents 60 outstanding projects from all over the world. The reader will find carefully selected works from international established architectural firms as well as promising newcomers, documenting today?s different developments regarding the construction and design of offices.
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I am looking for the following and would appreciate if anyone could help me out.
Full title: Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology
Author(s): F.G. Bell
Publisher: Thomson India; 6th edition (July 26, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8131502023
ISBN-13: 978-1420044706
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Mounting concern about the influence of humans on climate and environmental conditions has increased the need for multi-disciplinary modeling efforts, including systems such as oceans, costal seas, lakes, land surfaces, ice, rivers and atmosphere. This unique book will stimulate students and researchers to develop their modeling skills and make model codes and data transparent to other research groups. The book uses the general equation solver PROBE to introduce process oriented numerical modeling and to build understanding of the subject step by step. PROBE is a general equation solver for one-dimensional transient, or two-dimensional steady, boundary layers. By the construction of nets of sub-basins the book illustrates how the process based modeling can be extended, complementing three-dimensional modeling. The equation solver has been used in many applications, particularly in Sweden and Finland with their numerous lakes, archipelago seas, fjords, and coastal zones. It has also been used for process studies in the Arctic and in the Mediterranean Sea and the approach is general for applications in many other environmental applications.
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