Steel Building Design:Introduction to the Eurocodes
Size: 1.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Steel Construction Institute | pages: 37 | ISBN: 13: 978-1 85942-180-2
The design of steel framed buildings in the UK, including those where composite (steel and concrete) construction is used, has, since 1990, generally been in accordance with the British Standard BS 5950. However, that Standard is due to be withdrawn in March 2010; it will be replaced by the corresponding Parts of the Structural Eurocodes.
The Eurocodes are a set of structural design standards, developed by CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) over the last 30 years, to cover the design of all types of structures in steel, concrete, timber, masonry and aluminium. In the UK, they are published by BSI under the designations BS EN 1990 to BS EN 1999; each of these ten Eurocodes is published in several Parts and each Part is accompanied by a National Annex that implements the CEN document and adds certain UK-specific provisions.
SCI, BCSA and Tata Steel* have undertaken the preparation of a series of guidance publications to assist designers in the design of steel-framed buildings in accordance with the Eurocodes and this publication is the first in that series.
This publication offers a general overview of design to the Eurocodes but does not give detailed guidance.
The author of the publication is Miss M E Brettle, assisted by Mr D C Iles and Mr A L Smith, all of The Steel Construction Institute.
The preparation of this guide was funded by Tata Steel*, and their support is gratefully acknowledged.
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Steel Building Design:Worked Examples - Hollow Sections
Size: 2.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Steel Construction Institute | pages: 74 | ISBN: 979-1-85942-161-1
The design of steel framed buildings in the UK has, since 1990, generally been in accordance with the British Standard BS 5950-1. However, that Standard is due to be withdrawn in March 2010; it will be replaced by the corresponding Parts of the Structural Eurocodes.
The Eurocodes are a set of structural design standards, developed by CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) over the last 30 years, to cover the design of all types of structures in steel, concrete, timber, masonry and aluminium. In the UK, they are published by BSI under the designations BS EN 1990 to BS EN 1999; each of these ten Eurocodes is published in several Parts and each Part is accompanied by a National Annex that implements the CEN document and adds certain UK-specific provisions.
This publication is one of a number of new design guides that are being produced by SCI to help designers become acquainted with the use of the Eurocodes for structural steel design. It provides a number of short examples, in the form of calculation sheets, illustrating the design of structural hollow sections for beams and columns in buildings.
All the examples were prepared by Miss M E Brettle and checked by Mr A S Malik of The Steel Construction Institute.
The work leading to this publication was funded by Tata Steel* and their support is gratefully acknowledged.
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Breitenbach, A.J., (March, 1993), “Rockfill Placement and Compaction Guidelines”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Volume 16, No. 1, pp. 76 to 84.
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Building Technical Code (CTE-2006), additional documents and applications.
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Steel Building Design: Worked Examples – Open Sections (SCI P364)
Author: Steel Construction Institute | Size: 3.4 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Steel Construction Institute | Year: 2009 | pages: 225 | ISBN: 978-1-85942-183-3
This publication presents twenty design examples to illustrate the use of Eurocodes 3 and 4 for the design of structural open section members and connections. The examples all use the Nationally Determined Parameter values recommended in the UK National Annexes.
While preparing the examples for this publication, the emphasis has been to illustrate the design process in accordance with the Eurocodes and not necessarily to reproduce practical situations. Other solutions may be equally acceptable to those given. No consideration has been given to the influence of factors related to erection and fabrication; the consideration of these factors and the standardisation of sizes may well lead to solutions with better overall
economy than those given.
All the design examples assume the use of either S275 or S355 steel that complies with EN 10025-2.
In addition to the design of simple structural members, examples are included for simple connections used in buildings. Design guidance for simple connections will be given in SCI publication P358 Joints in steel construction:
Simple connection in accordance with Eurocode 3(due to be published in 2010).
Where a reference is made to P363 or the “Blue Book” this refers to Steel building design: Design data. In accordance with the Eurocodes and the UK
National Annexes.
In the examples, references are made to Eurocode Parts and to product standards. The Eurocode Parts and most of the product standards were prepared initially by CEN and all their internal references are made using the ‘EN’ designations. However, all these standards are published in the UK under a ‘BS EN’ designation; that designation has been used.
References to clauses introduced in the National Annex are distinguished by their NA prefix, for example, as NA.2.3. Unless otherwise stated, the clause and table numbers given in the right-hand margin of the worked examples refer to the Eurocode Part specified at the start
of each example.
Reference is made in some design examples to non-contradictory complementary information (NCCI). Such information might provide additional guidance to designers but care must be taken not to use any guidance that would conflict with the Eurocodes.
One instance where NCCI is needed is in determining the non-dimensional slenderness LT for lateral torsional buckling, which EN 1993-1-1 states may be derived from the elastic critical moment Mcr, although no method is given for determining the value of Mcr. Sources of NCCI for Mcr include:
Formulae in text books
Software, such as ‘LTBeam’ (available from the CTICM website)
Alternatively, a conservative simplified method for determining LT directly is given in SCI publication P362 Steel building design: Concise Eurocodes.
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Steel Building Design: Worked Examples for Students (SCI P376)
Author: The Steel Construction Institute | Size: 2.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Steel Construction Institute | Year: 2008 | pages: 105 | ISBN: 978-1-85942-185-7
This publication offers a general overview of the design of steel framed buildings to the structural Eurocodes and includes a set of worked examples showing the design of structural elements within a notional building. It does not present structural theory or explain detailed design rules. It is intended to be of particular help in undergraduate teaching, although it will also provide guidance to practising designers who want to become acquainted with design to the Eurocodes.
The text discusses the structure of the Eurocode system and the sections contained within a Eurocode Part. It introduces the terminology, and the conventions used for axes and
symbols. The document introduces the contents of EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) and EN 1994 (Eurocode 4) that relate to the design of structural steelwork and steel and composite
structures respectively.
The worked examples have all been evaluated using the values of parameters given in the Eurocodes. The UK Nationally Determined Parameters have not been used.
The publication has been produced with the assistance of structural design lecturers, who have been responsible for writing and checking the majority of the worked examples
presented in Section 6.
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Author: James Jonathan | Size: 608 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Manufacturers’ Health & Safety Association | Year: 2006 | pages: 60
The Steel Erection Safety Committee was formed as a result of an injury incident where two ironworkers were seriously injured and one ironworker, James Jonathan (Smitty) Smith, was killed while erecting steel.
Committee members include representatives from industry, employers, the Ironworkers Union, and Alberta Workplace Health and Safety among others. The main purpose of the committee is to develop and communicate industry recommended practices for the safe erection of structural steel in the construction industry.
This booklet fulfills that objective and is published to honour the memory of James Jonathan (Smitty) Smith.
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