This is a Very Lite Version of Portable AutoCAD 2010.
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AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software is a version of AutoCAD® software specifically designed for structural drafting and the creation of steel and concrete reinforcement detailing and fabrication shop drawings. This application supports the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process for structural engineers, drafters, detailers, and fabricators.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Taking a personal tone and devised with a focus on practical aspects, Geotechnical Problem Solving bridges the gap between geotechnical and soil mechanics material covered in university Civil Engineering courses and the advanced topics required for practicing Civil, Structural and Geotechnical engineers. By giving newly qualified engineers the information needed to apply their extensive theoretical knowledge, and informing more established practitioners of the latest developments, this book helps readers confidently approach problems having thought through the various options available. Where various competing solutions are proposed, the author systematically guides readers through each option, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each, to ensure they can approach and solve real-world problems in a similar manner.
Links theoretical and practical work to provide a reference and guide to geotechnical topics
Takes readers through various scenarios helping them to understand how to solve problems efficiently
Provides a perspective on complexity in geotechnical practice
Gives readers the tools they need to understand the principles and history behind the material so that they can handle real-world problems
Covers a broad range of geotechnical topics, including soils, foundations and retaining structures, and provides an introduction to the background and application of geotechnical LRFD
Reading recommendations are given including special articles and references for further study of advanced material
Uses a ‘problem’ and ‘answer’ mentoring approach from the author to the reader to answer many of the reader’s questions
The scope of material covered includes a range of geotechnical topics, such as soil classification, soil stresses and strength and soil self-weight settlement. Shallow and deep foundations are analyzed, including special articles on laterally loaded piles, retaining structures including MSE and Tieback walls, slope and trench stability for natural, cut and fill slopes, geotechnical uncertainty, and geotechnical LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design).
Use STELLA to:
Simulate a system over time
Jump the gap between theory and the real world
Enable students to creatively change systems
Teach students to look for relationships – see the Big Picture
Clearly communicate system inputs and outputs and demonstrate outcomes
"STELLA gives us an enormously powerful and flexible tool for creating environments that allow people to learn by doing."
Dennis Meadows
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"To all the people—past, present, and future—
who see it as their duty to help preserve our
natural environment for all the life on this planet."
"Explains how Design for the Environment (SFE) and Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) processes may be integrated into business an dmanufacturing practices. Examines major environmental laws and regulations in the U.S. and Europe, qualitative and quantitative analyses of ""green design"" decision variables, and heuristic search programs for a proactive future in ecological improvement."
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Create, modify, and manage piping and instrumentation diagrams with AutoCAD P&ID software. Built on the latest AutoCAD software platform, AutoCAD P&ID is easy to use and familiar to designers and engineers.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Design, model, and document process plants with AutoCAD Plant 3D software. Built on the familiar AutoCAD software platform, AutoCAD Plant 3D brings modern 3D design to plant designers and engineers.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics
Author: William W. Symes | Size: 465 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Rice University | Year: 2006 | pages: 105
This course aims to make students aware of the physical origins of the main partial differential equations of classical mathematical physics, including the fundamental equations of fluid and solid mechanics, thermodynamics, and classical electrodynamics. These equations form the backbone of modern engineering and many of the sciences, and solving them numerically is a central topic in scientific computation.
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Neutrosophic logics is one of the promising research instruments, which could be successfully applied by a theoretical physicist. Naturally, neutrosophic logics, being a part of modern logics, states that neutralities may be between any physical states, or states of space-time. In particular, this leads, sometimes, to paradoxist situations, when two opposite states are known in physics, while the neutral state between them seems absolutely impossible from a physical viewpoint.
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