This part of ISO 4759 specifies a selection of tolerances for bolts, screws, studs and nuts with ISO metric threads and with product grades A, B and C and for tapping screws with product grade A.
NOTE The product grades refer to the size of the tolerances where grade A is the most precise and grade C is the least precise.
The tolerances, except tolerances for threads, are selected from the system of limits and fits specified in ISO 286-1 and ISO 286-2. The tolerances for metric threads are taken from the series of tolerance classes specified in ISO 965-3. The tolerances for tapping screw threads are covered in ISO 1478.
The tolerances of form and position are specified and indicated in accordance with ISO 1101, ISO 8015 and ISO 2692.
The tolerances specified in this part of ISO 4759 apply to fasteners prior to coating unless otherwise specified. See also ISO 4042.
Deviations from the tolerances specified in this part of ISO 4759 are only permitted in product standards where there are valid technical reasons. In cases where there is a difference between the tolerance requirements in this part of ISO 4759 and the product standard, the product standard takes precedence.
It is recommended that these tolerances also be used for non-standard fasteners.
Dimensions and tolerances given in this part of ISO 4759 are in millimetres
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This part of ISO 4759 establishes a selection of tolerances for use in the preparation of ISO product standards for punched plain washers of product grades A and C, for use with bolts, screws and nuts of nominal thread diameters of from 1 mm to 150 mm inclusive.
It is recommended that these tolerances also be used for non-standard washers.
NOTE The product grade refers to the quality of the product and to the size of the tolerances.
Annex A (informative) presents tolerances taken from ISO 286-1 and ISO 286-2.
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A closed form solution for elastic global buckling of twin girder systems interconnected with cross frames is derived. Current design specifications for such systems only consider individual girder buckling between cross frames. The solution, which is suitable for design specifications, was developed for a uniform moment loading condition. Finite-element analyses (FEAs) were used to verify the closed form solution and extend it to more practical loading conditions. FEA showed that the load height condition had only a minor effect for twin girders compared to the published effects on single girders. Both singly and doubly symmetric sections were studied and showed that the girder spacing and the in-plane moment of inertia of the girders are the principal variables controlling global buckling of twin girders. The number and size of the intermediate cross frames had little effect. A method for improving the global buckling capacity through the use of a partial top flange lateral bracing system is presented along with a design example
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Shear Resistance of Transversely Stiffened Steel I-Girders
Author: White Donald W., Barker Michael G. | Size: 0.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Journal of Structural Engineering; Vol. 134; Issue 9 | Year: Sep2008 | pages: p1425-1436, 12p.
This paper evaluates the accuracy and ease of use of 12 of the most promising models for the shear resistance of transversely stiffened steel I-girders. Several models that are well established in civil engineering practice as well as a number of other recently proposed models are considered. As the model developed in Basler’s seminal research is the method of choice in current American practice, the paper focuses on the merits and limitations of the alternative models relative to Basler’s. Statistical analyses are conducted on the predictions by the various models using an updated data set from 129 experimental shear tests, including 30 hybrid and 11 horizontally curved I-girders. The results support the conclusion that the form of Basler’s model implemented in 2004 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings gives the best combination of accuracy and simplicity for calculation of the shear resistance of transversely stiffened steel I-girders.
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Longitudinal stiffeners are often attached to increase the buckling strength of thin-walled box girder flanges. The minimum required rigidity for longitudinal stiffeners for curved box girder flanges is given by the AASHTO “Guide specifications for horizontally curved steel girder highway bridges.” However, this requirement is simply adopted from the current AASHTO specifications for straight stiffened flanges. The validity of this requirement has been questioned in a series of recent studies. The effect of important design parameters on the minimum required stiffener rigidity is investigated numerically in this study by examining the prebuckling stress distribution and elastic and inelastic buckling stresses of horizontally curved stiffened flanges. In order to characterize and quantify the analytically collected data, a series of parametric studies were performed. A new equation for the minimum required rigidity for the longitudinal stiffeners is derived from regression analyses. Through the evaluation of a few selected case studies and a design example, the validity and reliability of the proposed new equation is demonstrated.
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Hi i need a spread sheet or a small software which can help me building canal cross sections with given data points preferable in CAD format, which will later help in area calculations. Or any other solution related to this problem.
I really need solution. So any kind of help will be appreciated :)
Cheers.. !
The intent of the EERI oral history project is to publish a series of interviews with prominent figures in the field of earthquake engineering to preserve some of the rich history of those who have pioneered in shaping seismic design theory and practice. The Oral History Committee is charged with submitting the names of candidates for this honor to the Board of Directors.
The interviews were initially conducted by the late Stanley Scott, research political scientist at the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, except for the Nicholas Forell and Henry J. Brunnier interviews, which were done by Joseph P. Nicoletti and Frank Killinger, respectively. Scott’s interview of Joseph Penzien was supplemented by Robert Reitherman.
To be the subject of an EERI oral history, individuals must meet the following criteria:
1. have made an outstanding career-long contribution to earthquake engineering,
2. have valuable first-person accounts to offer concerning the history of earthquake engineering, and
3. have backgrounds, considering the series as a whole, that appropriately span the various disciplines that are included in the field of earthquake engineering
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AutoCAD® Map 3D mapping software for model-based infrastructure planning and management helps integrate CAD and GIS data to inform GIS, planning, and engineering decisions. With intelligent industry data models and tools, you can apply regional and discipline-specific standards. Integrating spatial information into a database makes data available throughout the organization, helping you improve quality, productivity, and asset management.
Working in an AutoCAD®-based environment, you can:
•Access and edit information
•Integrate and analyze assets
•Communicate effectively
Manage cable and fiber networks more confidently. AutoCAD Map 3D can help you to:
•Access data needed for planning, design, and asset management activities.
•Better visualize and evaluate existing conditions.
•Design in a real-world context.
•Exchange information with government agencies, utilities, and contractors in both CAD and GIS data formats.
•Support design and as-built data flow to GIS, asset management, and other applications.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
AutoCAD Map 3D mapping software for model-based infrastructure planning and management helps integrate CAD and GIS data to inform GIS, planning, and engineering decisions. With intelligent industry data models and tools, you can apply regional and discipline-specific standards. Integrating spatial information into a database makes data available throughout the organization, helping you improve quality, productivity, and asset management.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Author: Fulco Ludwig (Editor), Pavel Kabat (Editor), Henk van Schaik (Editor), Michael van der Valk (Editor) | Size: 6.50 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Routledge | Year: 2009 | pages: 304 | ISBN: 1844076520
Book Description:
Publication Date: February 26, 2009:
Today's climate variability already has a large impact on water supply and protection. Millions of people are affected every year by droughts and floods. Future climate change is likely to make things worse. Many people within the water sector are aware that climate change is expected to have serious consequences for water resource management, but they are unsure how to incorporate climate information into their management structures. Providing a compendium of specific strategies, Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector is the first book to show students and professionals in the water sector how to adapt to climate change and variability. It enables advanced students, managers, decision-makers and other practitioners to feel comfortable in analysing and using climate data within the water sector. The book consists of two parts: the first describes the general issues and is written mainly by the editors of the book, while the second part contains specific case studies drawn from a wide range of contrasting countries: Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Yemen. Published in association with the Co-operative Programme on Water and Climate, NeWater, UNESCO and WATCH (Water and Global Change)
'A very timely publication that reflects the current thinking in climate-related water management, and a much-needed contribution to education efforts dealing with global change. Highly recommended to all - students and teachers alike - as a guide to this complex but vital issue!' Professor Richard Meganck, Rector, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education 'I welcome this valuable effort, which sheds light on adaptation options for the water sector as a whole. This is an excellent publication that will be essential to anyone involved in water resources management.' Paul Reiter, Executive Director, International Water Association (IWA) 'Climate change will impact first on water. The water sector worldwide will need to mobilize for climate change adaptation and integrate the needs of both people and nature as it does so. This publication will help water managers meet this challenge.' Dr Mark Smith, Head, Water Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 'This book is indeed a very timely publication that reflects the current thinking in climate-related water management as a much-needed contribution to education efforts dealing with global change. Highly recommended to all - students and teachers alike, as a guide to this complex but vital issue!' Professor Richard Meganck, Rector, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
About the Author:
Fulco Ludwig is a member of the Climate Change group of Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands. Pavel Kabat is Full Professor and Chair Holder of the Earth System Science and Climate Change Group at Wageningen UR; Science Director of the Co-operative Programme on Water and Climate (CPWC), The Netherlands; and Science Director of the Dutch National Research Programme on Climate Change and Spatial Planning. Henk van Schaik is the Programme Co-ordinator of CPWC. Michael van der Valk is a hydrologist and Communication and Information Coordinator for CPWC.
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Although a little time went by, these conference papers report some valuable information for practicing engineers, specially those which use the Eurocodes.
- Bridges
- Fire Engineering
- Composite Structures
- Stainless Steels
- Connections
- Building Structures
- High Strength Steel
- Cold Formed Structures
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