Autodesk Navisworks Simulate project review software supports intelligent model-based designs with advanced scheduling, cost, visualization, and collaboration capabilities.
- Supports the creation of a single, coordinated model to facilitate collaboration, encouraging shared learning and helping to provide a platform for interdisciplinary workflows
- Comprehensive schedule, cost, animation, and visualization capabilities enable you to demonstrate design intent and simulate construction, promoting insight and predictability
- Provides a comprehensive range of markup, review, and commenting tools to support collaboration among all design disciplines
- Offers comprehensive API and data integration tools to help deliver a visual portal for easy and intuitive access to project data
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This collection of 24 articles covers a range of topics in the analysis, design and construction of braced barrel vaults.
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For all who are posting "Portable Versions", could you please mention the software used for making it portable, for example:
"Made portable with VMWare",
"Made portable with Spoon Studio",
"Made portable with PortableAppZ", etc.
The reason here is that for example, on some LAN networks (like mine), anything made using "VMWare" will not run due to strict proactive defense from the virus protection system, which is group policy outside my control. On the other hand, portables made with either "Spoon Studio" and "PortableAppZ" will run just fine. So I would like to know before wasting my time downloading anything made using "VMWare".
Author: Cumrun Vafa, Eric Zaslow | Size: 4.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: American Mathematical Society | Year: 2003 | pages: 952 | ISBN: 9780821829554
The aim of the book is to provide a pedagogical introduction to the field of mirror symmetry from both a mathematical and physical perspective. After covering the relevant background material, the main part of the monograph is devoted to the proof of mirror symmetry from various viewpoints. More advanced topics are also discussed. In particular, topological strings at higher genera and the notion of holomorphic anomaly.
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These are lecture notes on various topics in analytic theory of differential equations: Singular points of solutions to analytic differential equations; Monodromy of linear differential operators with rational coefficients.
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Contents: The hyperbolic algebra as a bidimensional Clifford algebra; Limits and series in the hyperbolic plane; The hyperbolic Euler formula; Analytic functions in the hyperbolic plane; Multivalued functions on the hyperbolic plane and hyperbolic Riemann surfaces; Physical application to the vibrating string; Hyperbolic Analysis as the (1,0)-case of Clifford Analysis.
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The book reviews and extends the theory of Lie groups, develops differential geometry, proposing compact definitions of torsion and of curvature, and adapts the usual notion of linear tangent application to the intrinsic point of view proposed for physics. As an illustration, two simple theories are studied with some detail, the theory of heat conduction and the theory of linear elastic media. The equations found differ quantitatively and qualitatively from those usually presented.
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This a book is for those who would like to learn something about special and general relativity beyond the usual textbooks, about quantum field theory, the elegant Fock-Schwinger-Stueckelberg proper time formalism, the elegant description of geometry by means of Clifford algebra, about the fascinating possibilities the latter algebra offers in reformulating the existing physical theories, and quantizing them in a natural way.
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An elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal harmonics
Author: William Elwood Byerly | Size: 1.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Ginn and company | Year: 1983 | pages: 309 | ISBN: 1116151464
From the table of contents: Development in Trigonometric Series; Convergence of Fourier's Series; Solution of Problems in Physics by the Aid of Fourier's Integrals and Fourier's Series; Zonal Harmonics; Spherical Harmonics; Cylindrical Harmonics; Laplace's Equation in Curvilinear Coordinates. Ellipsoidal Harmonics.
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This book presents the course material for mathemathical methods of theoretical physics intended for an undergraduate audience. The author most humbly presents his own version of what is important for standard courses of contemporary physics.
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