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The Use and State-of-the-Practice of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, AASHTO Task Force 36 report, August 2001.
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Autodesk Autocad Utility Design 2013 ISO (x86 / x64)
Size: 1.77 / 1.91 GB
AutoCAD® Utility Design software is a model-based design solution for electrical distribution networks that combines design and documentation with standards-driven workflows and analysis. Utility designers and engineers can improve productivity, analyze and optimize network designs for performance and reliability, and deliver more consistent and coordinated construction documentation—all in a familiar AutoCAD® software environment.
•Easy-to-use templates and predefined standards—Design overhead and underground electrical distribution networks more efficiently and consistently.
•Rules-based engineering analysis—More efficiently size and place assets and standardize electrical distribution designs, resulting in improved network reliability and fewer over-orders of materials and in-field changes.
•Integrated materials ordering and work management—Simplify construction documentation by automating the delivery of a coordinated 3D construction model that better conforms to cost and materials estimates.
•Deliver design to GIS—Minimize duplicate entries and as-built backlogs, enhancing the availability, usability, and quality of asset information.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Terbela Dam currently located at Pakistan is one the biggest earth and rock fill dam in the world. In its initial phases of operation, dam faced very critical problems and seepage and sink hole formation was one of it. This paper by Dr. Izhar give indetail idea about the seepage control and its remedial measures.
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MERO-TSK International GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Mengeringhausen-Straße 5
97084 Würzburg
This document can be found here but you have to pay money
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Proceedings of the 2009 IAG Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 August 31 - 4 September 2009
Series: International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 136
These proceedings include the written version of 130 papers presented at the International Association of Geodesy IAG2009 "Geodesy for Planet Earth" Scientific Assembly. It was held 31 August to 4 September 2009 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The theme "Geodesy for Planet Earth" was selected to follow the International Year of Planet Earth 2007-2009 goals of utilizing the knowledge of the world’s geoscientists to improve society for current and future generations. The International Year started in January 2007 and ran thru 2009 which coincided with the IAG2009 Scientific Assembly, one of the largest and most significant meetings of the Geodesy community held every 4 years.
The IAG2009 Scientific Assembly was organized into eight Sessions. Four of the Sessions of IAG2009 were based on the IAG Structure (i.e. one per Commission) and covered Reference Frames, Gravity Field, Earth Rotation and Geodynamics, and Positioning and Applications. Since IAG2009 was taking place in the great Argentine city of Buenos Aires, a Session was devoted to the Geodesy of Latin America. A Session dedicated to the IAG’s Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), the primary observing system focused on the multidisciplinary research being done in Geodesy that contributes to important societal issues such as monitoring global climate change and the environment. A Session on the IAG Services was also part of the Assembly detailing the important role they play in providing geodetic data, products, and analysis to the scientific community. A final Session devoted to the organizations ION, FIG, and ISPRS and their significant work in navigation and earth observation that complements the IAG.
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AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software is a version of AutoCAD® software specifically designed for structural drafting and the creation of steel and concrete reinforcement detailing and fabrication shop drawings. This structural engineering software application supports the Building Information Modelling (BIM) process for engineers, drafters, detailers and fabricators.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Following are classical geotechnical papers including big names of the researchers who had done tremendous work in geotechnical field (e.g POULOS ,LAMBE and LADD)
ladd & lambe (Undrained shear strength of clays)
Ladd (stability evaluation during staged construction)
Ladd (stability of soft clays)
Ladd_(Stress Deformation Charachterstics)
lambe (Stress Paths)
law & holtz (A-parameter with rotation of principal stress)
lee and seed (drained strength of sands)
Leps (shear strength of rockfill)
lovell & johnson (shear behaviour of compacted saturated clays)
Marachi (properties of rockfill material)
Marr, W. A. (State of the art practice-Geotechnical Lab Testing)
OCR vs Ko
Oda & Konishi (rotation of principle stresses)
Parry (Historical perspective of shear strength)
Poulos (liquefaction evluation procedure)
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Following are classical geotechnical papers including big names of the researchers who had done tremendous work in geotechnical field (e.g POULOS ,LAMBE and LADD)
ladd & lambe (Undrained shear strength of clays)
Ladd (stability evaluation during staged construction)
Ladd (stability of soft clays)
Ladd_(Stress Deformation Charachterstics)
lambe (Stress Paths)
law & holtz (A-parameter with rotation of principal stress)
lee and seed (drained strength of sands)
Leps (shear strength of rockfill)
lovell & johnson (shear behaviour of compacted saturated clays)
Marachi (properties of rockfill material)
Marr, W. A. (State of the art practice-Geotechnical Lab Testing)
OCR vs Ko
Oda & Konishi (rotation of principle stresses)
Parry (Historical perspective of shear strength)
Poulos (liquefaction evluation procedure)
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