Posted by: ranger - 04-05-2012, 04:44 AM - Forum: General Books
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Lectures on Introduction to Algebraic Topology
Author: G. de Rham | Size: 370 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | Year: 1969 | pages: 71 | ISBN: B0006CSS4C
These are notes of a part of lectures which the author gave at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in 1966. They were intended as a first introduction to algebraic Topology. Contents: Definition and general properties of the fundamental group; Free products of groups and their quotients; On calculation of fundamental groups; The group of a tame link given by a good plane projection; etc.
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This book represents a sample of recent contributions of researchers all around the world in the field of Railway Infrastructure Design, Signalling and Security.
Part 1 Railway Systems in the World
1 The Role of Light Railway in Sugarcane Transport in Egypt
2 Topological Analysis of Tokyo Metropolitan Railway System
3 Privatization Versus Public Funding on the Atacama Desert Railway-An Interpretation
4 Competitiveness and Sustainability of Railways
5 Structural and Kinematic Analysis of EMS Maglev Trains
6 Maglev
Part 2 Modelling for Railway Infrastructure Design and Characterization
7 Power System Modelling for Urban Massive Transportation Systems
8 Optimized Model Updating of a Railway Bridge for Increased Accuracy in Moving Load Simulations
9 Controlling and Simulation of Stray Currents in DC Railway by Considering the Effects of Collection Mats
10 Cellular Automaton Modeling of Passenger Transport Systems
11 Gaming Simulations for Railways: Lessons Learned from Modeling Six Games for the Dutch Infrastructure Management
12 Application of 3D Simulation Methods to the Process of Induction Heating of Rail Turnouts
13 EMC Analysis of Railway Power Substation Modeling and Measurements Aspects
Part 3 Signalling, Security and Infrastructure Construction in Railway
14 Criteria for Improving the Embankment- Structure Transition Design in Railway Lines
15 Influence of the Phreatic Level on the Stability of Earth Embankments
16 Evolutionary Algorithms in Embedded Intelligent Devices Using Satellite Navigation for Railway Transport
17 Study and Design of an Electro Technical Device for Safety on Railway Network
18 General Principles Regarding the Rehabilitation of Existing Railway Bridges
19 Special Tunnel Blasting Techniques for Railway Projects
20 Susceptibility of the GSM-R Transmissions to the Railway Electromagnetic Environment
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Autodesk Plant Design Suite Ultimate 2013 (x86/x64)
Size: 10.82/11.77 GB
Autodesk® Plant Design Ultimate supports AutoCAD® software-based plant design workflows. Leverage available AutoCAD expertise and resources to: perform basic plant design, drafting, and P&ID work. 3D plant modeling, including piping design and structural design; and whole-project review to maximize productivity while improving project team coordination. Tools for clash detection and Digital Prototyping of plant equipment and skids help reduce errors and rework, keeping projects on schedule and on budget. Includes: AutoCAD, AutoCAD P&ID, AutoCAD Plant 3D, AutoCAD Structural Detailing, Autodesk Revit Structure, Autodesk Navisworks Manage, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Showcase, Autodesk SketchBook Designer.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Pro 2013 Multi (x86/x64)
Size: 2.73 GB
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software provides structural engineers with advanced building analysis capabilities for large and complex structures. The structural analysis software offers a smoother workflow and interoperability with Autodesk Revit Structure software to extend the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process, enabling engineers to more quickly perform comprehensive analysis of a variety of structures.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
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This comprehensive and well-organized book presents the concepts and principles of earthquake resistant design of structures in an easy-to-read style. The use of these principles helps in the implementation of seismic design practice. The book adopts a step-by-step approach, starting from the fundamentals of structural dynamics to application of seismic codes in analysis and design of structures. The text also focusses on seismic evaluation and retrofitting of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. The text has been enriched with a large number of diagrams and solved problems to reinforce the understanding of the concepts.
Intended mainly as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering, this text would also be of considerable benefit to practising engineers, architects, field engineers and teachers in the field of earthquake resistant design of structures.
Table of Contents
Preface. Contributors.
Part I: Earthquake Ground Motions? Engineering Seismology. Seismic Zoning Map of India. Strong Motion Studies in India. Strong Motion Characteristics. Evaluation of Seismic
Design Parameters.
Part II: Structural Dynamics? Initiation into Structural Dynamics. Dynamics of Single Degree of Freedom Systems. Theory of Seismic Pickups. Numerical Evaluation of Dynamic Response. Response Spectra. Dynamics of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.
Part III: Concepts of Earthquake Resistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Building? Earthquake and Vibration Effect on Structures: Basic Elements of Earthquake Resistant Design. Identification of Seismic Damages in RC Buildings during Bhuj Earthquake. Effect of Structural Irregularities on the Performance of RC Buildings during Earthquakes. Seismoresistant Building Architecture.
Part IV: Seismic Analysis and Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Building? Code Based Procedure for Determination of Design Lateral Loads. Consideration of Infill Wall in Seismic Analysis of RC
Buildings. Step-by-Step Procedure for Seismic Analysis of a Four-storeyed RC Building as per IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002. Mathematical Modelling of Multi-storeyed RC Buildings.
Part V: Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) of Reinforced Concrete Buildings? Ductility Considerations in Earthquake Resistant Design of RC Buildings. Earthquake Resistant Design of a Four-storey RC Building Based on IS 13920: 1993. Earthquake Resistant Design of Shear Wall as per IS 13920: 1993. Capacity Based Design? An Approach for Earthquake Resistant Design of Soft Storey RC Buildings.
Part VI: Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) of Masonry Buildings?Identification of Damages and Non-Damages in Masonry Buildings from Past Indian Earthquakes. Elastic Properties of Structural Masonry. Lateral Load Analysis of Masonry Buildings. Seismic Analysis and Design of Two-storeyed-Masonry Buildings.
Part VII: Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings. Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings: A Practical Approach. Seismic Retrofitting Strategies of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Buildings?Case Studies. Seismic Provisions for Improving the Performance of Non-engineered Masonry Construction with Experimental Verifications. Retrofitting of Masonry Buildings.
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About The Book
A companion volume to the author’s Foundation Engineering (published by PHI Learning), this comprehensive and well-organized text deals with the structural design of the commonly used types of reinforced concrete foundations. It explains step-by-step procedure for the design of each type of foundation with the help of a large number of worked-out examples. The book provides an in-depth analysis of topics, such as wall footings, balanced footings, raft foundations, beam and slab rafts, pile caps and pile foundations.
Explains IS Codes on the subject.
Presentation of the book is lecture-based, with each chapter dealing with one topic. This helps the teachers in their lectures.
Deals with modern concepts as well as empirical procedure.
Devotes a separate chapter to the effects of earthquakes on foundations.
Has a large number of diagrams to illustrate the concepts discussed.
The book is designed as a textbook for the undergraduate and postgraduate students (Structural/Geotechnical) of Civil Engineering. As the book deals with both the fundamentals of the subject and field practice, practising engineers will also find the book very useful.
1. Foundation Structures
2. Review of Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete
3. IS 456 Provisions for Design of Footings and Pedestals
4. Design of Centrally Loaded Isolated Footings and Column Pedestals
5. Wall Footings
6. Design of Isolated Footings with Vertical Loads and Moments
7. Combined Footings for Two Columns
8. Balanced Footings
9. Strip Footings under Several Columns
10. Raft Foundations
11. Design of Flat Slab Rafts—Mat Foundations
12. Beam and Slab Rafts
13. Compensated Foundations, Cellular Rafts and Basement Floors
14. Combined Piled Raft Foundation (CPRF)
15. Circular and Annular Rafts
16. Under-reamed Pile Foundations
17. Design of Pile Caps
18. Pile Foundations—Design of Large Diameter Socketed Piles
19. Design of Cantilever and Basement Retaining Walls
20. Infilled Virendeel Frame Foundations
21. Steel Column Bases
22. Analysis of Flexible Beams on Elastic Foundation
23. ACI Method for Analysis of Beams and Grids on Elastic Foundations
24. Analysis of Flexible Plates on Elastic Foundations
25. Shells for Foundations
26. Hyperbolic Paraboloid (Hypar) Shell Foundation
27. Design of Conical Shell Foundation
28. Effect of Earthquakes on Foundation Structures
Appendix A Geotechnical Data
Appendix B Extracts from SP 16 for Design of Reinforced Concrete Members
Appendix C Steel Reinforcement Data
Appendix D Design Charts of Centrally Loaded Columns and Footings
Bibliography • Index
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Journal Pure and Applied Geophysics - Requested papers
The Selection of Field Acquisition Parameters
for Dispersion Images from Multichannel Surface Wave Data
Size: 0.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Journal: Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 161, Number 1, | Year: 2004 | pages: 17p. (185-201)
The accuracy and resolution of surface wave dispersion results depend on the parameters used for acquiring data in the field. The optimized field parameters for acquiring multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) dispersion images can be determined if preliminary information on the phase velocity range and interface depth is available. In a case study on a fill slope in Hong Kong, the optimal acquisition parameters were first determined from a preliminary seismic survey prior to a MASW survey. Field tests using different sets of receiver distances and array lengths showed that the most consistent and useful dispersion images were obtained from the optimal acquisition parameters predicted. The inverted S-wave velocities from the dispersion curve obtained at the optimal offset distance range also agreed with those obtained by using direct refraction survey.
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Posted by: peixoto - 04-04-2012, 08:45 AM - Forum: ISO
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ISO 1827:2007
Author: ISO | Size: 158 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: ISO | Year: 2007 | pages: 12
ISO 1827:2011 specifies methods for the determination of the modulus in shear and the strength of bonds of rubber to metal or other rigid plates, using rubber bonded between four parallel plates.
The methods are applicable primarily to test pieces prepared in the laboratory under standard conditions, such as can be used to provide data for the development and control of rubber compounds and methods of manufacture of bonded shear units.
Important: It isn't the last revision (2011).
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The Selection of Field Acquisition Parameters for Dispersion Images from Multichannel Surface Wave Data
Shuang X. Zhang, Lung S. Chan and Jianghai Xia
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Volume 161, Number 1, 185-201
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