A practical, comprehensive resource for commercial interior design
Designing Commercial Interiors is the industry standard reference, now fully revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments in commercial interior design. This book guides you through the entire design process, from planning to execution, to teach you the vital considerations that will make your project a success.
This new third edition includes new:
Sustainability concepts for a variety of commercial spaces
Coverage of accessibility, security, safety, and codes—and how these factors influence commercial design
Chapters on design research, project process, and project management
Drawings and photographs of design applications
Supplemental instructor's resources
Commercial interior design entails a much more complex set of design factors than residential design, and many of these considerations are matters of safety and law. This book walks you through the process to give you a solid understanding of the myriad factors in play throughout any commercial project, including how the global marketplace shapes designers' business activities.
Whether it's a restaurant, office, lodging, retail, healthcare, or other facility, the interior designer's job is much more complicated when the project is commercial. Designing Commercial Interiors is an exhaustive collection of commercial design skills, methods, and critical factors for professionals, instructors, and those preparing for the NCIDQ exam.
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Multi-disciplinary Sustainable Engineering: Current and Future Trends: Proceedings of the 5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, Ahmedabad, India, November 26-28, 2015"
The Nirma University International Conference on Engineering NUiCONE is a flagship event of the Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. NUiCONE-2015 is focussed on events/themes in the current trends in Engineering and its research issues. Practicing engineers, technologists and technopreneurs from the industry will engage in special knowledge sharing sessions using applied technical papers by industry participants on case-study applications, white-papers, panel discussions, industrial exhibitions of innovations and technology products etc.
This proceedings book includes peer reviewed and presented research papers by research scholars and professionals from academia, industry and government R&D organizations. The papers included in this proceedings volume present unpublished research of participating researchers related to some specific multi-disciplinary themes addressing sustainable engineering fields like Sustainable Manufacturing Processes; Design and Analysis of Machine & Mechanisms; Energy Conservation and Management; Concrete and Structural Engineering; Infrastructure Project Planning and Management; Chemical Process Development and Design; and Technologies for Green Environment.
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This well-illustrated 'think piece' provides a much needed and topical philosophical introduction to the place of environmental design in architecture.
The Environments of Architecture sets out a range of considerations necessary to produce appropriate internal environments in the context of a wider discussion on the effect of building decisions on the broader environment.
The authors, from architecture and engineering, academia and practice, provide a rounded and well-balanced introduction to this important topic. Starting from a belief that the built environment can contribute more positively to the planet and the pleasure of places as well as answering the practical demands of comfort, they cover site planning, form, materials, construction and operation as well as looking at design on a city level.
Presenting a thoughtful and stimulating approach to the built environment, this book forms an excellent guide for practitioners, students and academics concerned with our built environment.
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This book systematizes recent research work on variable-structure control. It is self-contained, presenting necessary mathematical preliminaries so that the theoretical developments can be easily understood by a broad readership.
The text begins with an introduction to the fundamental ideas of variable-structure control pertinent to their application in complex nonlinear systems. In the core of the book, the authors lay out an approach, suitable for a large class of systems, that deals with system uncertainties with nonlinear bounds. Its treatment of complex systems in which limited measurement information is available makes the results developed convenient to implement. Various case-study applications are described, from aerospace, through power systems to river pollution control with supporting simulations to aid the transition from mathematical theory to engineering practicalities.
The book addresses systems with nonlinearities, time delays and interconnections and considers issues such as stabilization, observer design, and fault detection and isolation. It makes extensive use of numerical and practical examples to render its ideas more readily absorbed.
Variable-Structure Control of Complex Systems will be of interest to academic researchers studying control theory and its application in nonlinear, time-delayed an modular large-scale systems; the robustness of its approach will also be attractive to control engineers working in industries associate with aerospace, electrical and mechanical engineering.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Jai B. Kim, Robert H. Kim, Jonathan Eberle | Size: 22 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2013 | pages: 358 | ISBN: 9781466566514
Developed to comply with the fifth edition of the AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications [2010]––Simplified LRFD Bridge Design is "How To" use the Specifications book. Most engineering books utilize traditional deductive practices, beginning with in-depth theories and progressing to the application of theories. The inductive method in the book uses alternative approaches, literally teaching backwards. The book introduces topics by presenting specific design examples. Theories can be understood by students because they appear in the text only after specific design examples are presented, establishing the need to know theories.
The emphasis of the book is on step-by-step design procedures of highway bridges by the LRFD method, and "How to Use" the AASHTO Specifications to solve design problems.
Some of the design examples and practice problems covered include:
Load combinations and load factors Strength limit states for superstructure design Design Live Load HL- 93 Un-factored and Factored Design Loads Fatigue Limit State and fatigue life; Service Limit State Number of design lanes Multiple presence factor of live load Dynamic load allowance Distribution of Live Loads per Lane Wind Loads, Earthquake Loads Plastic moment capacity of composite steel-concrete beam LRFR Load Rating
Simplified LRFD Bridge Design is a study guide for engineers preparing for the PE examination as well as a classroom text for civil engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers. Eight design examples and three practice problems describe and introduce the use of articles, tables, and figures from the AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications. Whenever articles, tables, and figures in examples appear throughout the text, AASHTO LRFD specification numbers are also cited, so that users can cross-reference the material.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Lyatkher and Alexander M. Proudovsky | Size: 27.3 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: WILLY | Year: 2016 | pages: 609 | ISBN: 1118946197
Water. Except for air, it is the most important ingredient to all life on Earth. It surrounds us every day. We are literally bathed in it, we cook our food with it, and we need a steady stream of it in our bodies every single day just to survive. But water, and the study of it, is one of the most important and unheralded branches of engineering, affecting every other aspect of engineering in almost every industry. We harness its power for energy, we inject massive blasts of it into the earth to extract oil, gas, and minerals, and we use it in nearly every single industrial application, including food processing, refining, manufacturing, and waste disposal, just to name a few.
Hyraulic modeling is, essentially, the understanding and prediction of fluid flow and its applications in industrial, municipal, and environmental settings, whether in a creekbed, locked in the pores of rocks deep in the earth, or in the ocean. Mathematical models, which started out with mechanical pencils and drafting tables originally, have been increasingly relied upon over the last few decades, due to the invention, growth, and refinement of computers. Physical modeling, however, is still practiced in laboratories, and it is the intersection of physical and mathematical modeling of fluid flow that is most successful in creating models that are safer, less costly, and are better for the environment.
Hydraulic Modeling introduces and explores this incredibly important science, from the most basic tenets to valuable real-world applications that are used in industry today. It is the only volume on the market to offer a thorough coverage of the subject without adding lots of useless fluff or inapplicable appendices. It is a must-have for any engineer, scientist, or student working with hydraulic modeling, as a daily reference or a textbook.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Roman Gr. Maev and Volf Leshchynsky | Size: 36.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC PRESS | Year: 2016 | pages: 348 | ISBN: 1466584424
Your Guide to Advanced Cold Spray Technology
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray centers on cold gas dynamic spray (or cold spray―CS) technology, one of the most versatile thermal spray coating methods in materials engineering, and effectively describes and analyzes the main trends and developments behind the spray (coating) techniques. The book combines theory with practice to enable the reader to deeper understand the CS coatings as well as their structures and properties, and describes the state of the art in CS technology with an emphasis on all major components of the cold spray process.
This book begins with an introduction to CS spray and goes on to thoroughly explain the process. It describes the different powder synthesis methods and equipment currently used, and defines the CS coating microstructure, characterization methods, and properties of CS coatings. The authors present a comprehensive approach that highlights grit blasting and cold spraying as well as the hybrid CS-sintering technology that offers integrity of microstructure, compositional homogeneity, and mechanical property levels equal to (and frequently better than) those of the wrought counterpart.
The book largely covers the basic principles of CS technology and also includes:
A brief survey of thermal spray methods
The basic principles of plasticity theory
A description of the CS equipment, the nozzle design, and the geometry of a CS gun
Coverage of the microstructural and mechanical properties of CS metals and alloys
A detailed analysis of aircraft component repair using GS
An overview of the economic aspects of CS applications.
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray explains how cold gas dynamic spray works and what it can do, and is intended for engineering professionals working with sprays and coatings in the industry as well as graduate student specializing in material science, mechanical, automotive, aerospace, and chemical engineering.
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The ultimate guide to Revit Architecture just got even better
Mastering Autodesk Revit 2017 for Architecture is the bestselling guide for Revit Architecture users of all levels, with focused discussions, detailed exercises, and compelling real-world examples. This new edition has been completely revamped based on reader and Revit Architecture instructor feedback to be more useful, more complete, and more approachable than ever. Organized by real-world workflow, practical tutorials guide you through each phase of a project to help you understand BIM concepts and quickly start accomplishing vital Revit Architecture tasks. From templates, work-sharing, and project management, to modeling, documentation, annotation, and complex structures, this book provides full coverage of essential Revit Architecture tools and processes. The companion website features before-and-after tutorials, additional advanced content, and an hour of video instruction to help you quickly master crucial techniques.
Learn up-to-date Revit Architecture workflows and processes
Master modeling, massing, and other visualization techniques
Work with complex structural elements and advanced detailing
Prepare for Autodesk certification exams
Building information modeling pairs the visual design representation with a parametric database that stores all geometry, spatial relationships, materials, and other data generated by the design process. Design changes instantly update all documentation, and it's this efficiency that makes BIM the new permanent paradigm. Whether you're studying for a certification exam or navigating the switch from CAD, Mastering Autodesk Revit 2017 for Architecture is your number-one guide to getting up and running quickly.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): S. Ponnuswamy and D. Johnson Victor | Size: 15.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC PRESS | Year: 2016 | pages: 370 | ISBN: 1138029815
Transportation Tunnels, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive text on tunneling and tunnel engineering applicable in general to all types of tunnels, with more detailed information on highway and railway tunnels. While the First Edition of the book was confined to deal with railway and highway tunnels, the Second Edition is also extensively considering the latest trends in use of tunnels in different other fields. The book has been revised to provide coverage of water conveyance, navigation and material conveyance tunnels also and deals with these subjects in more detail.
It covers all aspects of investigation, design, construction, monitoring and maintenance of tunnels. Special emphasis has been laid on the geotechnical investigations, interpretation of findings and relating the same to the design as well as the construction of tunnels. The book reflects the advancements in the knowledge of ground behaviour and rock mechanics and also in construction technology, including use of TBM in the last two decades.
It covers in sufficient detail the basic requirements of tunnel profile, the geometric parameters, clearance requirements, aerodynamics, and cost economics in fixing alignments with different design parameters like curvature, gradient and operational requirements. It discusses in detail alternative forms of the cross section / profile and illustrates design methodology with examples.
The different methodologies that have been used in the past using timber or steel supports by stage wise expansion of cross sections and modern methodologies used for boring full profile using new tunneling methods and Tunnel Boring Machines are also comprehensively discussed.
Requirements of tunnels in respect of ventilation, lighting and drainage are adequately covered. Separate chapters have been included on ‘Instrumentation’ and ‘Tunnel Inspection and Maintenance’.
The expanded text on the use and advantages of methodologies and equipment for dealing with various aspects of construction of tunnels is based on observations through site visits, discussions with, and experiences of people as recorded on large number of tunneling works which have been taken up recently for railways, highways and urban transport subway projects.
The book can serve as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students and as a reference book for practicing engineers.
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