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Active Control of Noise and Vibration (2nd Edition)
Author(s)/Editor(s): Colin Hansen, Scott Snyder, Xiaojun Qiu, Laura Brooks, Danielle Moreau | Size: 29 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 2012 | pages: 3106 | ISBN: 0415590612
Since the publication of the first edition, considerable progress has been made in the development and application of active noise control (ANC) systems, particularly in the propeller aircraft and automotive industries. Treating the active control of both sound and vibration in a unified way, this second edition of Active Control of Noise and Vibration continues to combine coverage of fundamental principles with the most recent theoretical and practical developments. What's New in This Edition Revised, expanded, and updated information in every chapter Advances in feedforward control algorithms, DSP hardware, and applications Practical application examples of active control of noise propagating in ducts The use of a sound intensity cost function, model reference control, sensing radiation modes, modal filtering, and a comparison of the effectiveness of various sensing strategies New material on feedback control of sound transmission into enclosed spaces New material on model uncertainty, experimental determination of the system model, optimization of the truncated model, collocated actuators and sensors, biologically inspired control, and a discussion of centralised versus de-centralised control A completely revised chapter on control system implementation New material on parametric array loudspeakers, turbulence filtering, and virtual sensing More material on smart structures, electrorheological fluids, and magnetorheological fluids Integrating the related disciplines of active noise control and active vibration control, this comprehensive two-volume set explains how to design and implement successful active control systems in practice. It also details the pitfalls one must avoid to ensure a reliable and stable system
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Vibration Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2014 goes beyond the standard software manual. It concurrently introduces the reader to vibration analysis and its implementation in SolidWorks Simulation using hands-on exercises. A number of projects are presented to illustrate vibration analysis and related topics. Each chapter is designed to build on the skills and understanding gained from previous exercises.
Vibration Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2014 is designed for users who are already familiar with the basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using SolidWorks Simulation or who have completed the book Engineering Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2014. Vibration Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation 2014 builds on these topics in the area of vibration analysis. Some understanding of structural analysis and solid mechanics is recommended.
Topics Covered
Differences between rigid and elastic bodies
Discrete and distributed vibration systems
Modal analysis and its applications
Modal Superposition Method
Modal Time History (Time Response) analysis
Harmonic (Frequency Response) analysis
Random Vibration analysis
Response Spectrum analysis
Nonlinear Vibration analysis
Modeling techniques in vibration analysis
Table of Contents
Before you start
1. Introduction to vibration analysis
2. Introduction to modal analysis
3. Modal analysis of distributed systems
4. Modal analysis the effect of pre-stress
5. Modal analysis - properties of lower and higher modes
6. Modal analysis mass participations, properties of modes
7. Modal analysis mode separation
8. Modal analysis axi-symmetric structures
9. Modal analysis locating structurally weak spots
10. Modal analysis a diagnostic tool
11. Harmonic excitation of discrete systems
12. Harmonic base excitation of distributed systems
13. Omega square harmonic force excitation
14. Time response analysis, resonance, beating
15. Vibration absorption
16. Random Vibration
17. Response Spectrum analysis
18. Nonlinear vibration
19. Vibration benchmarks
20. Glossary of terms
21. References
22. List of exercises
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With Over 60 tables, most with graphic illustration, and over 1000 formulas, Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics, and Vibration will provide an invaluable time-saving source of concise solutions for mechanical, civil, nuclear, petrochemical and aerospace engineers and designers. Marine engineers and service engineers will also find it useful for diagnosing their machines that can slosh, rattle, whistle, vibrate, and crack under dynamic loads
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Friction-vibration interactions are common but important phenomena in science and engineering. Handbook of Friction-Vibration Interactions introduces the principles and provides the resources to understand and work with them.
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This thesis focuses on the seismic response of piles in liquefiable ground. It describes the design of a three-dimensional, unified plasticity model for large post-liquefaction shear deformation of sand, formulated and implemented for parallel computing. It also presents a three-dimensional, dynamic finite element analysis method for piles in liquefiable ground, developed on the basis of this model,. Employing a combination of case analysis, centrifuge shaking table experiments and numerical simulations using the proposed methods, it demonstrates the seismic response patterns of single piles in liquefiable ground. These include basic force-resistance mode, kinematic and inertial interaction coupling mechanism and major influence factors. It also discusses a beam on the nonlinear Winkler foundation (BNWF) solution and a modified neutral plane solution developed and validated using centrifuge experiments for piles in consolidating and reconsolidating ground. Lastly, it studies axial pile force and settlement during post-earthquake reconsolidation, showing pile axial force to be irrelevant in the reconsolidation process, while settlement is process dependent.
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Furniture World is the oldest continuously published trade publication in the United States. Furniture World also established the Bernice Bienenstock Furniture Library in High Point NC, now a public foundation, which contains over 8,000 books on furniture and design dating from 1620. Furniture World is designed to achieve long shelf life and maximum response for advertisers who are manufacturers of home furnishings products and suppliers of services to home furnishings retailers.
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