Dear CivilEAns,
Unless otherwise, I have opened up this thread on the above two very important software especially for those designing structures to either British or Euro codes of practice.
I need guidance from the concerned CivilEAns on what could be the hiccup restricting the possibility of developing medicine for Masterseries and Tekla Structural Designer software. May be, by this, we could put our heads together and too enjoy just like the rest of CSI, Autodesk, and Bentley and part of Tekla users.
Please lets have a free discussion here for the benefit of all concerned users of the above two software.
1) The last working medicine of Masterseries is that of April 2011. A lot has evolved in the software since then.
2) That of TSD had a decomposition problem during analysis.
Robert L Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, Aviad Shapira, Robert Schmitt
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Mc Graw Hill
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Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSI Bridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSI Bridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today.
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This contributed volume celebrates the work of Tayfun E. Tezduyar on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The articles it contains were born out of the Advances in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation (AFSI 2014) conference, also dedicated to Prof. Tezduyar and held at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan on March 19-21, 2014. The contributing authors represent a group of international experts in the field who discuss recent trends and new directions in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Organized into seven distinct parts arranged by thematic topics, the papers included cover basic methods and applications of CFD, flows with moving boundaries and interfaces, phase-field modeling, computer science and high-performance computing (HPC) aspects of flow simulation, mathematical methods, biomedical applications, and FSI. Researchers, practitioners, and advanced graduate students working on CFD, FSI, and related topics will find this collection to be a definitive and valuable resource.
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This book reviews the key technologies and characteristics of the modern man-made specialty fibers mainly developed in Japan. Since the production of many low-cost man-made fibers shifted to China and other Asian countries, Japanese companies have focused on production of high-quality, high-performance super fibers as well as highly functionalized fibers so-called ‘Shin-gosen’. ZylonTM and DyneemaTM manufactured by Toyobo, TechnoraTM produced by Teijin, and VectranTM developed by Kuraray are those examples of super fibers. Carbon fibers ToraycaTM from Toray have occupied the most advanced high-performance application area. Various types of polyester fibers having design-shaped cross-sections and special fiber morphologies and those showing specific physico-chemical properties have also been developed to acquire a high-value textile market of the world.
This book describes how these high-tech fibers have been developed and what aspects are the most important in each fiber based on its structure-property relationship. Famous specialists both in industry and academia are responsible for the contents, explaining the design concepts and the special technologies for the production of these special fibers. For university teachers and students, this volume is an excellent textbook that elucidates the basic concepts of modern fibers. At the same time, researchers, both in academia and industry, will find a comprehensive overview of recent man-made fibers.
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This book is designed as a practical text for use in the laboratories of the plastic producer and user industries and by others such as universities and institutions who are concerned with problems associated with additives and adventitious impurities in polymers.
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With over thirty member societies in twenty-four different countries, the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) is one of the worlds largest corrosion organisations. Founded in 1955, it recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.
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