This book is dedicated to the general study of the dynamics of mechanical structures with consideration of uncertainties. The goal is to get the appropriate forms of a part in minimizing a given criterion. In all fields of structural mechanics, the impact of good design of a room is very important to its strength, its life and its use in service. The development of the engineer's art requires considerable effort to constantly improve structural design techniques.
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This book introduces a methodology for solving the seismic inverse problem using purely numerical solutions built on 3D wave equations and which is free of the approximations or simplifications that are common in classical seismic inversion methodologies and therefore applicable to arbitrary 3D geological media and seismic source models. Source codes provided allow readers to experiment with the calculations demonstrated and also explore their own applications.
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Pluralsight - 2D CNC Milling at Its Best in Autodesk Inventor HSM (
Year: 2016
Language: English
Format: mp4
Duration: 4:42
Size: 1.21 GB
Quality: DVDRip
Autodesk HSM CAM products have revolutionized the CNC Programming industry. This course will teach the fundamentals of Inventor's user interface and design tools to get you up and running quickly.
Parametric CAD design has been around for decades, and to some extent, so has its CAM side. For the majority of the industry, however, it was too difficult and too expensive to implement. Autodesk's Inventor HSM has changed that. In this course, 2D CNC Milling at Its Best in Autodesk Inventor HSM, you will learn all of the necessary basics behind Inventor's CAD tools so you can get up and running with its parametric CAD side to fully utilize the CAM side Inventor HSM provides. This course is presented in an assembly environment to get the best out of the Inventor side of INVHSM, such as quick and painless model replacement for revision changes that are a constant in manufacturing today. Along the way you will learn how Inventor's 2D CAM tools can advance your everyday CNC programming tasks with key tips, including how to create easy default settings, intuitive tool path structure, tool libraries, fast calculation speeds, and above all the parametric tool path control that Inventor offers. After finishing this course, you will be able to properly import parts from all CAD formats, 2D program in an individual part environment with Facing, 2D Adaptive Clearing, Contour, Pocket, Circular, Hole, and Thread Milling tool paths.
1.Course Overview 2m 9s
2.Getting Inventor Set, Application, and GUI Settings to Help You Succeed 54m 47s
3.Model Prep Using the Key Design Tools 34m 22s
4.Diving into 2D Milling Head-first: Part 11h 7m
5.Diving into 2D Milling Head-first: Part 241m 33s
6.The Assembly Difference, Best Practice, and Performance 49m 51s
7.The Revision Change / Inventor's Secret Weapon 32m 48s
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This book is on urban resilience – how to design and operate cities that can withstand major threats such as natural disasters and economic downturns and how to recover from them. It is a collection of latest research results from two separate but collaborating research groups, namely, researchers in urban design and those on general resilience theory. The book systematically deals with the core aspects of urban resilience: systems, management issues and populations.
The taxonomy can be broken down into threats, systems, resilience cycles and recovery types in the context of urban resilience. It starts with a discussion of systems resilience models, focusing on the central idea that resilience is a moving average of costs (a set of trajectories in a two-player game paradigm). The second section explores management issues, including planning, operating and emergency response in cities with specific examples such as land-use planning and carbon-neutral scenarios for urban planning. The next section focuses on urban dwellers and specific people-related issues in the context of resilience. Agent-based simulation of behaviour and perception-based resilience, as well as brand crisis management are representative examples of the topics discussed. A further section examines systems like public utilities – including managing power supplies, cyber-security issues and models for pandemics. It concludes with a discussion of the future challenges and risks facing complex systems, for example in resilient power grids, making it essential reading for a wide range of researchers and policymakers.
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Utilizing a series of thematic lenses, this book explains the rich history of Japanese architectural developments from the 1920s foundation of modern architecture to contemporary permutations of modern and post-modern architecture. It introduces the diversity of Japanese architecture and traces the evolution of Japanese architecture in the context of domestic and international developments. It also examines the relationship between architecture and nature, and explores various approaches to craft and material. Finally, this book considers tensions between refinement and ostentation in architectural expression.
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In this set of tutorials you'll learn how to draw a stair detail in AutoCAD. We'll begin the project by using Polylines to draw the basic form of the treads. Once we have the form in place we'll then draw the stringers and landing. We'll finish out the drawing by adding some handrails and balusters as well as text and dimensions. While working with our drawing we'll be sure to adhere to the code requirements which can be found in the International Building Code. By the end of this training you'll have a solid understanding of what it takes to draw a professional looking and code compliant stair detail for your permit set of drawings.
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