Composite materials are engineered from two or more constituents with significantly altered physical or chemical properties within the finished structure. Due to their special mechanical and physical properties they have the potential to replace conventional materials. This book, written by experts from all over the world, presents fundamentals and recent advances on ceramic matrix composites.
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Shallow Foundations: Discussions and Problem Solving is written for civil engineers and all civil engineering students taking courses in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. It covers the analysis, design and application of shallow foundations, with a primary focus on the interface between the structural elements and underlying soil. Topics such as site investigation, foundation contact pressure and settlement, vertical stresses in soils due to foundation loads, settlements, and bearing capacity are all fully covered, and a chapter is devoted to the structural design of different types of shallow foundations. It provides essential data for the design of shallow foundations under normal circumstances, considering both the American (ACI) and the European (EN) Standard Building Code Requirements, with each chapter being a concise discussion of critical and practical aspects. Applications are highlighted through solving a relatively large number of realistic problems. A total of 180 problems, all with full solutions, consolidate understanding of the fundamental principles and illustrate the design and application of shallow foundations.
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The development of the use of polymeric materials in the form of geosynthetics has brought about major changes in the civil engineering industry. Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of compositions appropriate to different applications and environments. Over the past three to four decades, civil engineers have grown increasingly interested in geosynthetics and in understanding their correct use. Simultaneously, significant advances have been made in the use of geosynthetics in civil engineering applications as well as in the areas of aquaculture, agriculture and mining engineering. These developments have occurred because of the ongoing dialogue among leading engineers and researchers from several organizations and academic institutions.
This concise introductory textbook on geosynthetics deals with the basic concepts of the subject, especially for meeting the requirements of senior undergraduate/graduate students as well as of practising engineers who have not been exposed to geosynthetics thus far. It includes recently developed fundamental concepts and new applications covering the use of polymer and other fibres in soil improvement.
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This book discusses how smart cities strive to deploy and interconnect infrastructures and services to guarantee that authorities and citizens have access to reliable and global customized services. The book addresses the wide range of topics present in the design, development and running of smart cities, ranging from big data management, Internet of Things, and sustainable urban planning. The authors cover - from concept to practice – both the technical aspects of smart cities enabled primarily by the Internet of Things and the socio-economic motivations and impacts of smart city development. The reader will find smart city deployment motivations, technological enablers and solutions, as well as state of the art cases of smart city implementations and services.
· Provides a single compendium of the technological, political, and social aspects of smart cities;
· Discusses how the successful deployment of smart Cities requires a unified infrastructure to support the diverse set of applications that can be used towards urban development;
· Addresses design, development and running of smart cities, including big data management and Internet of Things applications.
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Accompanies the bestselling textbook series on Engineering Mechanics
Offers numerous step-by-step solved mechanical problems to help the reader to consolidate their skills and learn quickly
Provides a summary of important formulas with each chapter for efficient use
This book contains the most important formulas and more than 160 completely solved problems from Statics. It provides engineering students material to improve their skills and helps to gain experience in solving engineering problems. Particular emphasis is placed on finding the solution path and formulating the basic equations. Topics include:
- Equilibrium
- Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, Centroids
- Support Reactions
- Trusses
- Beams, Frames, Arches
- Cables
- Work and Potential Energy
- Static and Kinetic Friction
- Moments of Inertia
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Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues covers the domain of theoretical, experimental and computational mechanics as well as interdisciplinary issues, such as industrial applications. Special attention is paid to the theoretical background and practical applications of computational mechanics.
This volume contains 132 contributions presented at the PCM-CMM-2015 Congress held on 8-11 September, 2015 in Gdańsk, Poland. The Congress is a joint scientific event of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics (PCM) and the 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM).
Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues will be of interest to researchers and designers dealing with mechanics and its applications.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): M. David Egan | Size: 46.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: J. Ross Publishing Classics | Year: 2007 | pages: 448 | ISBN: 1932159789, 0070191115
Authored by David Egan, one of the foremost authorities in the field of architectural acoustics, this architecture classic presents in a highly illustrated format the principles of design for good hearing and freedom from noise in and around buildings. The more than 540 illustrations are not merely supplements to the text but serve as the core of the basic principles of sound and hearing, sound absorption and noise reduction, sound isolation and criteria for noise, control of HVAC systems noise and vibrations, auditorium acoustics design, and electronic sound systems. Architectural Acoustics is a must have for architects, interior designers, engineers, consultants, students and all others concerned with the design and construction of buildings. An unabridged J. Ross Publishing republication of the edition published by MG-H, New York, 1988, 448pp. Key Features - Offers more than 540 illustrations to visually explain basic acoustic engineering principles with complete clarity and tables of engineering data that further enhance understanding and the usefulness of the text - Contains many valuable checklists of design aids, data tables of sound absorption and sound isolation properties for a wide variety of building materials - Presents case study examples of common problems and step-by-step practical solutions - Provides handy access to useful formulas, a metric system conversion table, a summary of common building acoustics terms, and extensive references
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The First Southern African Geotechnical Conference was organised by the Geotechnical Division of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) under the auspices of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and took place at Sun City, South Africa on 5 and 6 May 2016. More than 60 papers were received from authors in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Algeria, Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. They represent consulting engineers and engineering geologists, contractors, academics and product specialists. The papers were grouped into the following themes: Foundations, Mining and Tailings, Modelling and Design, Site investigation, Soil Properties and Soil Reinforcement and Slopes. The wide range of topics is considered to be thoroughly representative of the current activities of the geotechnical industry in the Southern African Region.
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Posted by: TAFATNEB - 12-10-2016, 08:48 AM - Forum: Steel
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Recent Progress in Steel and Composite Structures: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Metal Structures
Author(s)/Editor(s): Marian A. Gizejowski and Jakub Marcinowski | Size: 216 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC PRESS | Year: 2016 | pages: 224 | ISBN: 1138029467
Recent Progress in Steel and Composite Structures includes papers presented at the XIIIth International Conference on Metal Structures (ICMS 2016, Zielona Góra, Poland, 15-17 June 2016). The contributions focus on the progress made in theoretical, numerical and experimental research, with special attention given to new concepts and algorithmic procedures, and to background knowledge as well as the development and implementation of rules and recommendations for codification worldwide.
The keynote contributions are from: (1) J. Michael Rotter (University of Edinburgh, UK), on advances in the shell buckling phenomenon, which is of particular importance for industrial metal structures such as silos, tanks and vessels; (2) Milan Veljkovic (Lulea University, Sweden), on conceptual and design aspects of supporting structures for wind energy generation, which topic is related to the current worldwide discussion on the benefits of wind power in the light of high vulnerability of modern economies to changes in fuel prices and the imminent shortage of fossil resources; (3) Jiang Qian (Tongji Univeresity, China), on advances in seismic assessment and control of steel-concrete composite high-rise buildings; (4) Johan V. Rietief (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa), international efforts to harmonize and unify reliability-based codification within the area of civil engineering structures. Recent developments in metal and steel-concrete composite structures in Poland are summarized in the 5th and final keynote paper by Tomasz Siwowski (Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland) and Krzysztof Żółtowski (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland), in which they describe advances in modern structural shaping, material engineering and technology, as well as in computation and design, using examples of recent, spectacular bridges and sporting venues in Poland.
In addition to the five keynote papers the book contains 62 two-page extended abstracts of individual contributions delivered by 164 Authors and Co-authors from 13 countries of four continents. The CD containing all full-length papers is an attachment to the conference book. The individual papers cover a wide variety of topics:
-Cold-formed sections and profiled sheeting
- Steel-concrete composite structures
- Buckling and effect of bracings
- Dynamics, fatigue and seismic analyses
- Bridges, Structural steel, metallurgy and behaviour in fire
- Strength, stability and postbuckling behaviour
- Joints and connections
- Silos, tanks and vessels and
- Reliability, masts and towers
Recent Progress in Steel and Composite Structures is a useful reference source to academics, researchers, graduate students and practicing engineers.
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Rock Dynamics: From Research to Engineering is a collection of the scientic and technical papers presented at the Second International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-2, Suzhou, China, 18-19 May 2016). The book has four sections. The first section contains 8 keynote papers, covering a wide range of dynamic issues related to rock mechanics and rock engineering, from rock failure mechanism and stress wave propagation to seismic behaviour and impact. Section 2 includes papers on rock dynamic theory and numerical modelling, focussing on theoretical aspects of rock fracture dynamics, wave propagation, numerical methods and numerical modelling works. Papers on laboratory testing and experimental techniques are collected in Section 3, including new testing facilities, data monitoring and data analysis. Section 4 deals with case studies and engineering applications, and presents state-of-the-art papers on rock engineering related to dynamic conditions such as earthquake and blasting.
Rock Dynamics: From Research to Engineering will serve as a must-have reference, presenting the results of recent developments in rock dynamics scienti c research and rock dynamics engineering applications.
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