OriginLab, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of Origin® and OriginPro 2017. This latest version of OriginLab’s award-winning software application adds over 100 new features, Apps and feature improvements, further enhancing Origin’s ease-of-use, graphing, analysis and programming capabilities.
Origin 2017 includes several ease-of-use enhancements such as a revamped plot menu with large icons to help users quickly find the graph type they need; simpler column/cell notation for defining column formulas; and the Origin Central Startup Dialog, which provides numerous graph and analysis samples, easy access to existing templates and projects, resources to explore and install Apps, and videos and tutorials for learning.
Origin 2017 also introduces: Trellis plots for creating multi-panel graphs from grouped data; 3D stacked bars and 100% stacked bars with a variety of bar shapes; more fill patterns including a large set of standard geology patterns, and user-defined patterns; improvements to box plots; improvements to axis dialog including support OriginLab OriginPro 2017 SR0 with Helpfor multiple reference lines; and enhanced multi-tabbed dialog for customizing graph annotations.
OriginLab continues to provide Apps for extending graphing and analysis features. 14 new Apps are being released at the same time as this new version. Notable among them are: Converting SMILES strings to molecular images; Principal Component Analysis for Spectroscopy; Enzyme Kinetics; Logistic Regression; General Linear Regression; Piecewise Fit; Simple Time Series Analysis; and an updated LaTeX App to insert equations in worksheet header rows and graph axes titles, legends and text labels.
Additional updates and features in Origin 2017 include: Two-way ANOVA support for means plot to help visually compare means; built-in formulas or metadata for parameter initialization; sequential initialization of parameter values in batch peak analysis; ability to communicate with Mathematica V8 or later; support for the full NAG Mark 25 library; and support for dialogs created with HTML and JavaScript.
Origin offers an intuitive, point-and-click interface for new users, combined with a wide range of powerful functions for advanced purposes. OriginPro includes all of the features of Origin plus extended analysis tools. Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 500,000 registered customers worldwide spanning Fortune Global 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.
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OriginLab produces professional data analysis and graphing software for scientists and engineers. Our products are designed to be easy-to-use, yet have the power and versatility to provide for the most demanding user. Origin is an easy-to-use software application that provides powerful data analysis and publication-quality graphing capabilities tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. Origin offers unique peak-analysis and curve-fitting capabilities, over 60 customizable graph types, and analysis templates, all within a tightly integrated workbook environment.
Peak Fitting
The Peak Analyzer tool in OriginPro provides the additional capability of finding and fitting multiple peaks in your spectra. Baseline anchor points can be customized and fit with a suitable fitting function, and the baseline fitting can be included as part of the final peak fitting process. A detailed Fit Control dialog is provided to control all aspects of peak fitting including mixed peak functions, peak centers and widths, sharing parameters, and imposing bounds and linear constraints on parameters. Graphical as well as tabular results are generated as part of the final fit report.
Surface Fitting
OriginPro can fit a 3D surface to XYZ data points. The surface and data points can be displayed together, including droplines from the points to the surface.
OriginPro expands on the statistical analysis capabilities of Origin by providing additional tools for Descriptive Statistics, Discrete Frequency Counting, Normality Tests, Correlation Analysis, One-way and Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, Hierarchical Cluster and Discriminant Analysis, many Nonparametric Tests such as Friedman ANOVA and Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Mann-Whitney Test, Survival Analysis tools including Weibull Fit and Cox Proportional Hazard Model, ROC Curves, and Power and Sample Size Tests.
Signal Processing
Advanced signal processing features in OriginPro include Short-Time FFT (STFT), Hilbert Transform, Coherence, 2D FFT and 2D FFT-based Filtering, 2D Correlation, and Wavelet analysis.
Image Handling
OriginPro offers more ways to handle your image data, including alpha blending, pixel logic, morphological filtering, and interpolated background subtraction.
Analytical Power
With so much analytical power, OriginPro is the software of choice for those who want a single data analysis and graphing solution.
OS : Microsoft Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10
Language : English
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The 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials 2013 (ICoSEM2013) was held 13 - 14 November 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was organised by Centre of Advanced Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya where the main objective of ICoSEM 2013 is to provide a platform for scientists, engineers and user worldwide who are working in different aspects of materials to share their knowledge and innovative thinking. During the conference, capital city of Malaysia was overwhelmed by the presence of more than 200 scientist, engineers, students and vendors from various countries. 4 plenary lectures, 15 talks and 150 oral contributions were delivered in 30 different sessions. The sessions were impressive and have demonstrated a high level of scientific knowledge and originality. In many cases, research ideas and activities have been accomplished or proposed. The same degree of achievement was also accomplished in many of the 50 posters that were displayed during 3 poster sessions. A special thanks goes to all speakers and presenters as well as the session chairpersons, who has chaired the sessions to be right on track, keeping them in time while permitting enriching discussions. In all, the different topics have been well presented and it is fair to be remarked that most all of the session have full participation. Regardless of the topic, the discussion have shown that the field of Materials Science and Engineering is very much active and the community of scientist, engineers and users are continuously pushing their limits and boundary to invent new materials, to improve the existing technique and equipments and thus to further enhance our understanding of these complex materials.
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This authoritative resource details current technological advancements in high structure plastics and elastomers, functionalized materials, and their product applications;furnishing practical information on new and conventional polymers and products as alternative materials and end-use applications as well as providing a unique comparison of manufacturing and processing techniques from around the world. Emphasizing product characterization, performance attributes, and structural properties, the Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials covers advanced engineering materials blends and alloys specialty applications manufacturing and polymerization product development product and structural characterization advanced processing operations and much more! Facilitating an integrated view of the subject with over 5500 references, tables, equations, drawings, and photographs, this exhaustive guide is indispensable for polymer and materials engineers; polymer chemists; applications development specialists in elastomers and plastics bending; product development specialists in polymers and polymer alloys; elastomer and plastics manufacturers and suppliers; and graduate-level students in these disciplines.
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This interdisciplinary work on condensed matter physics, the continuum mechanics of novel materials, and partial differential equations, discusses the mathematical theory of elasticity and hydrodynamics of quasicrystals, as well as its applications. By establishing new partial differential equations of higher order and their solutions under complicated boundary value and initial value conditions, the theories developed here dramatically simplify the solution of complex elasticity problems. Comprehensive and detailed mathematical derivations guide readers through the work. By combining theoretical analysis and experimental data, mathematical studies and practical applications, readers will gain a systematic, comprehensive and in-depth understanding of condensed matter physics, new continuum mechanics and applied mathematics.
This new edition covers the latest developments in quasicrystal studies. In particular, it pays special attention to the hydrodynamics, soft-matter quasicrystals, and the Poisson bracket method and its application in deriving hydrodynamic equations. These new sections make the book an even more useful and comprehensive reference guide for researchers working in Condensed Matter Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science.
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This book provides an overview of metal casting technologies starting from its historical evolution to casting design strategies that are being followed today in foundries and other metal casting industries. The details of most of the casting processes and their applications are also included for completeness. Foundry practices such as mold materials and molding techniques, pattern making and cores, furnaces, pouring, cleaning and heat treatment etc. are discussed in detail. Finally, current practices in casting design are demonstrated. Further developments in the field through computational methods and virtual reality are also described
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The book presents recently developed efficient metaheuristic optimization algorithms and their applications for solving various optimization problems in civil engineering. The concepts can also be used for optimizing problems in mechanical and electrical engineering.
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Article/eBook Full Name: Geomechanics in Soil, Rock, and Environmental Engineering
Author(s): John Small
Edition: 1
Publish Date: 2016
ISBN: 9781498739290
Published By: CRC Press
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The Multiphase Flow Handbook, Second Edition is a thoroughly updated and reorganized revision of the late Clayton Crowe’s work, and provides a detailed look at the basic concepts and the wide range of applications in this important area of thermal/fluids engineering. Revised by the new editors, Efstathios E. (Stathis) Michaelides and John D. Schwarzkopf, the new Second Edition begins with two chapters covering fundamental concepts and methods that pertain to all the types and applications of multiphase flow. The remaining chapters cover the applications and engineering systems that are relevant to all the types of multiphase flow and heat transfer. The twenty-one chapters and several sections of the book include the basic science as well as the contemporary engineering and technological applications of multiphase flow in a comprehensive way that is easy to follow and be understood. The editors created a common set of nomenclature that is used throughout the book, allowing readers to easily compare fundamental theory with currently developing concepts and applications. With contributed chapters from sixty-two leading experts around the world, the Multiphase Flow Handbook, Second Edition is an essential reference for all researchers, academics and engineers working with complex thermal and fluid systems.
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