This book contains a collection of 11 research and review papers devoted to the topic of fluid-structure interaction. The subject matter is divided into chapters covering a wide spectrum of recognized areas of research, such as: wall bounded turbulence; quasi 2-D turbulence; canopy turbulence; large eddy simulation; lake hydrodynamics; hydraulic hysteresis; liquid impacts; flow induced vibrations; sloshing flows; transient pipe flow and air entrainment in dropshaft. The purpose of each chapter is to summarize the main results obtained by the individual research unit through a year-long activity on a specific issue of the above list. The main feature of the book is to bring state of the art research on fluid structure interaction to the attention of the broad international community. This book is primarily aimed at fluid mechanics scientists, but it will also be of value to postgraduate students and practitioners in the field of fluid structure interaction.
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Reinforced Concrete Jacketing for Masonry Columns with Axial Loads
Y. C. Kog, K. C. G. Ong, C. H. Yu, and A. P. V. Sreekanth
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ACI Materials Journal
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Part 1 sets out minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, erection and modification of steelwork in structures in accordance with the limit state design method or in accordance with the alternative design method. Part 2 provides background material to the requirements of Part 1. Gives the origin of certain requirements, departures from previous practice, and explains the application of certain clauses.
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Introduction to Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering
Author(s): Gian Paolo Cimellaro , Sebastiano Marasco
Published By:2017
Size: 23 MB
Quality:Original Preprint
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Strengthening of concrete structures by the use of mineral-based composites System and design models for flexure and shear
Author(s)/Editor(s): Thomas Blanksvärd | Size: 6.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Luleå University of Technology | Year: 2009 | pages: 302 | ISBN: 978-91-86233-23-5
Every expedition has to have a purpose and a defined finishing line. My exploration journey as a PhD student started in September 2004. The official purpose with this mission was to investigate the suitability of using mineral-based composites for strengthening of existing concrete structures. During the last four and a half years I have learned that the unofficial purpose with this expedition was to explore my own suitability as a researcher and how to strengthen myself as an individual. The outcome of all expeditions is highly dependent on the surrounding environment, people and finances. I would therefore like to extend my personal gratitude to the following:
For the financial support I am grateful to the Swedish Road Administration, the Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF), Skanska Sverige AB, the European Integrated Project “Sustainable Bridges” and Sto Scandinavia AB.
Elsa and Sven Thysell’s foundation, Maj and Hidling Brosénius Foundation, Wallenberg Fundation and Ångpanneföreningen are appreciated for scholarships enabling me to travel outside Sweden to present my research and make new friends.
Prof. Björn Täljsten, I have travelled the world under your wings and gathered knowledge not possible elsewhere. Thanks for being both a friend and firm supervisor, I hope to work with you in the future. Dr Anders Carolin, the deputy supervisor, for all on and off topic conversations and being a great mentor.
The laboratory investigations would not have been possible without the helpful members in the lab, Mr. Håkan Johansson, Civ Eng. Georg Danielsson, Mr. Lars Åström, Mr. Thomas Forsberg and Dr. Claes Fahlesson The staff at the division of Structural Engineering with its head Prof. Mats Emborg, for bringing me diversity in conversations and festivities. I would also like to send a special thought to my colleagues and friends in the research group “Innovative Materials and Structures” Gabbe, Mackan and Bennitz for all the help and support.
I mentioned that my expedition started in 2004, this was not entirely true. I have followed my father in the laboratory ever since I learned to walk. During my early missions in the division of Structural Engineering I met Prof. Lennart Elfgren who has given me insightful comments during my entire visit at the university. So thank you Dad for giving me confidence, showing me that the university was not a scary place and for all the useful and endless discussions regarding civil engineering I would also like to extend my gratitude to my mom, brother and sister for always being there, believing in me and defining me as a personWhen the academic environment became too dull, I took refuge in my band SlideShow. Thank you Poe Deprey, Foxy Black and Nicky Dollars for living the rock n roll life style with me.
Saved for last, the most important dynamic factor in my life is my wife. With your everlasting energy you bring colour and shape to the otherwise grey and square subsistence. Thank you for being you and always understanding that sometimes it requires 18h days to finish a PhD. If I need help with notations or to do NSMR strengthening, you are always first in line.
- Multiply it by infinity, take it to the depths of forever and you will still only have a glimpse of how much I love you.
This concludes my seemingly 30 year long expedition in the jungle called Luleå University of Technology. Now, it is off in to the horizon and beyond.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Geoffrey C. Mrema- Lawrence O. Gumbe - Hakgamalang J. Chepete - Januarius O. Agullo | Size: 23.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS | Year: 2011 | pages: 500 | ISBN: 9789251070475
There is a growing awareness of the need for better rural structures and services in many developing countries.
For many years, rural buildings and structures in numerous countries have been built either traditionally with few improvements, or in an inadequate and often overly expensive way, guided by people with insufficient knowledge of the special technical, biological and socio-economic problems involved.
Rural buildings and structures have become an important part of integrated rural development programmes. As a large proportion of the food grain produced in Africa is stored on-farm, it is very important to develop effective storage methods and structures, especially for the modern, high-yielding grain varieties being adopted by farmers, which are more susceptible to pests than traditional types.
Improved management and breeding programmes to increase livestock production have also created a need for more appropriate animal housing.
The subject of rural structures and services needs to be included at all levels of the agricultural education system to assist the rural population still further in raising their standard of living. Specialists in rural structures and services need to have a thorough knowledge of farming systems, crop and livestock production systems and climate factors, as well as a genuine understanding of rural life and the farmer’s social and economic situation. They should also be familiar with the full range of building materials and types of construction, from traditional indigenous to industrially produced, as they apply to rural structures. They must be able to select appropriate installations and equipment for rural buildings.
This knowledge will enable them to produce specifications, in cooperation with the farmer, for functional building designs that provide a good environment and durable construction, thereby contributing to efficient and economically sound farm operations. Further important tasks for specialists in rural structures and services are interpreting and explaining the drawings and technical documentation to farmers, as well as supervising the construction work.
However, they should be aware of the need to consult other specialists in related fields where necessary.
This book is an effort by FAO to compile an up-to-date, comprehensive text on rural structures and services in the tropics, focusing on structures for small- to medium-scale farms and, to some extent, village-scale agricultural infrastructure. The earlier edition, entitled Farm structures in tropical climates. A textbook for structural engineering and design, was published in 1986, and was based on material developed as part of the FAO/SIDA Cooperative Programme: Rural Structures in East and South-East Africa. The programme was established to help member countries to develop functional, low-cost rural structures using locally sourced construction materials and skills wherever possible.
For over two decades, the earlier edition has been used as a standard textbook for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses on rural structures and services in universities throughout sub-Saharan Africa. As part of its normative programme on rural infrastructure development, the FAO Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division (AGS) commissioned a team of three professional engineers who participated in teaching courses on rural structures and services to review and rewrite the earlier edition, whilst examining the socio-economic and technological developments that have taken place over the past 25 years. This team, which worked during the period 2010–2011 under the direct supervision of former AGS Director, Professor Geoffrey C. Mrema, comprised Professor Lawrence O. Gumbe and lecturer Januarius O. Agullo from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and Dr Hakgamalang J. Chepete from Botswana College of Agriculture.
We trust that this second edition will help to improve teaching – at all educational levels – on the subject of rural buildings in developing countries of the tropics and that it will assist professionals currently engaged in providing technical advice on rural structures and services, from either agricultural extension departments or non-governmental rural development organizations.
We also trust that this book will provide technical guidance in the context of disaster recovery and rehabilitation, for rebuilding the sound rural structures and related services that are key to development and economic sustainability.
While this book is intended primarily for teaching university- and college-level agricultural engineering students about rural structures and services, it is our hope that resources will be made available to produce textbooks based on this material for teaching at other educational levels. Although parts of the background material relate specifically to East and Southeast Africa, the book’s principles apply to the whole of tropical Africa, Latin America and South Asia because, while building traditions may vary, the available materials are similar.
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Our topic is irreversible or plastic deformation of structural elements composed of relatively thin ductile materials. These deformations are commonly used in sheet metal forming operations to produce lightweight parts of any particular shape. In another context, this type of plastic deformation is described as impact damage in the case of structural components involved in collision. Here we are concerned with mechanics of both static and dynamic deformation processes. The purpose is to use typical material properties and structural characteristics to calculate the deformation for certain types of load; in particular to find the final deflection and shape of the deformed structure and to illustrate how the development of this final shape depends on the constitutive model used to represent the material behavior. The major issue to be addressed is which structural and constitutive properties are important for calculating response to either static or brief but intense dynamic loads. Furthermore, how do the results of various constitutive models compare with observed behavior.
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Strength, Stiffness, and Cyclic Deformation Capacity of Concrete Jacketed Members
Stathis N. Bousias, Dionysis Biskinis, Michael N. Fardis, and Alexis-Loukas Spathis
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ACI Structural Journal
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Steel has, over centuries, played a crucial role in shaping our material, and in particular, urban landscapes. This books undertakes a cultural and ecological history of the material, examining the relationship between steel and design at a micro and macro level – in terms of both what it has been used to design and how it has functioned as a 'world-making force'.
The research for the book is informed by diverse sources including industry journals, contemporary accounts and technical literature – all framed by rich, early accounts of iron and steel making from the middle ages to the opening of the industrial age, and most notably, the crucial works of Vannoccio Biringuccio, Georgius Agricola, Andrew Ure and Harry Scrivenor.
In contrast, trans-cultural accounts of the history of metallurgy from eminent sinologists and cultural historians like Joseph Needham and G.E.R. Lloyd are used. Readings on the pre-history and history of science, as well as histories and philosophies technology from scholars such as Siegfried Giedion, Merritt Roe Smith, L.T.C Rolt, Robert B. Gordon inform the analysis. Social and economic history from historians such as Eric Hobsbawn, William T. Hogan and David Brody are consulted; labour process theory is also examined, particularly the influential writings of F.W. Taylor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and his contemporary critics, like David Nobel and Harry Braverman. Many other disciples also inform the account: histories of urban design and architecture, transport and military history, environmental history and geography.
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