I was wondering what the practice is in other countries regarding the architectural and structural layout of residental buildings.
What are your general structural systems in terms of lateral stability and/or seismic design - wall, frame or dual? Do you encounter a lot vertical irregularities that are forced due to (bad) architectural planning?
To keep it simple I had in mind buildings up to some 6-7 floors above ground in moderate to high seismic regions.
In Croatia the most common structural layout are wall systems, very often with lots vertical irregularities. The use of frame structures is very rare.
I would say there are two types of residental buildings: pure residental and residental buildings with the ground floor reserved for some retail/caffe's/restaurants.
In terms of seismic design the second one is in general the most problematic one, as the structural systems in general always border with soft storey due to different occupancies in the ground floor and the other floors. As such, the walls on the above floors are in lots of cases some deep beam-like members with questionable behaviour in earthquake scenarios.
One of the most common problems is alot of randomly placed RC walls in the above floors on the borders between two apartments, which is in alot of cases the architects choice because of sound insulation.
There's also the addition of basement floors mainly reserved for garages and parking space which introduces additional difference in layouts resulting in most cases in transfer structuras or some hybrid systems (part regular + part transfer).
So, please share your expiriences regarding architectural and structural solutions, and the problems you encounter.
analysis of 3 storey school bldg. using RAM SS (the project can be found in the book of SK Gosh & Fanella(Seismic & Wind Design of Concrete Bldg.)
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Based on the results, I think RAM SS is better than ETABS and STAAD PRO as far as design of concrete or steel building system is concerned.
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The Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Analysis and Design of Bridges held at ~e§me, lzmir, Turkey from 28 June 1982 to 9 July 1982 are contained in the present volume. The Advanced Study Institute was attended by 37 lecturers and participants from 10 different countries. The Organizing Committee consisted of Professors P. Gtilkan, A. C. Scordelis, S. T. Wasti and 9. Yl. lmaz. The guidelines set by NATO for the Advanced Study Institute require it to serve not only as an efficient forum for the dissemination of available advanced knowledge to a selected group of qualified people but also as a platform for the exploration of future research possibilities in the scientific or engineering areas concerned. The main topics covered by the present Advanced Study Institute were the mathematical modelling of bridges for better analysis and the scientific assessment of bridge behaviour for the introduction of improved design procedures. It has been our observation that as a result of the range and depth of the lectures presented and the many informal discussions that took place, ideas became fissile, the stimulus never flagged and many gaps in the engineering knowledge of the participants were "bridged". Here we particularly wish to mention that valuable informal presenta tions of research work were made during the course of the Institute by Drs. Friedrich, Karaesmen, Lamas and Parker.
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This book is an attempt to present systematically the general theory of dynamic stability of elastic systems and its numerous applications. Investigations of the author are used as the basis for the book, part of which was published previously in the form of separate articles. The author's method of presentation is retained where the problems treated have been analyzed by other authors.
The book is devoted to the solution of engineering problems. As in every other engineering (or physics) investigation, the presentation consists of first choosing an initial scheme or pattern, and then using the approximate mathematical methods to obtain readily understood results. This intent, and the desire to make the book easily understood by a large number of readers, is reflected in the arrangement and structure of the book. The book consists of three parts.
PART I is concerned with the simplest problems of dynamic stability which do not require complicated mathematical methods for their solutions. By using these problems, the author wishes to acquaint the reader with previously investigated problems. At the same time, certain peculiarities of the phenomena of instability, which previously have been only sketchily mentioned, are clarified. PART I also contains methods of solution of the general problem.
PART II begins with two chapters containing the minimum necessary mathematical information; a conversant reader can disregard these chapters. The properties of the general equations of dynamic stability are then examined; methods are presented for the determination of the boundaries of the regions of instability and the amplitudes of parametrically excited vibrations for the general case.
PART III is concerned with applications. Various problems of the dynamic instability of straight rods, arches, beams, statically indeterminate rod systems, plates, and shells are examined. The choice of examples was dictated by the desire to illustrate the general methods and present solutions to practical problems. The number of examples was limited by the size of the book.
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Steel Corrosion Induced Concrete Cracking presents the latest advances in the origin, mechanism and development of corrosion-induced cracking in concrete. It investigates topics including expansion coefficient and elastic modulus of steel corrosion, rust layer and rust distribution, spatial distribution of corrosion products, the shape of corrosion-induced cracks and so on.
This book concludes by proposing an improved corrosion-induced cracking model, which considers the phenomena of the simultaneous occurrence of corrosion layer accumulation and corrosion filling in concrete.
This book will be a valuable reference book for researchers and graduate students in the field of concrete durability and concrete structure, and industry engineers who are concerned with the deterioration mechanisms and the life cycle of reinforced concrete structures.
Proposes a new corrosion-induced concrete cracking model, which takes into account the phenomenon of the simultaneous occurrence of corrosion layer accumulation and corrosion filling paste.
Investigates the parameters and values of expansion coefficients and elastic modulus of steel corrosion, which enables a more rational prediction of concrete surface cracking
Introduces the use of the Gaussian function to describe the non-uniform spatial distribution of corrosion products.
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Supplementary cementing materials and other mineral admixtures are being used in increasing amounts in both cement and concrete. Their main technical benefits are that they enhance the workability of fresh concrete and the durability of hardened concrete. Indeed, they affect almost every property of the concrete. Their economic and ecological benefits may be just as significant, and their use can be expected to increase as concrete remains the most common construction material.
Cement and Concrete Mineral Admixtures concentrates mostly on natural pozzolans, fly ashes, ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume and limestone powder, namely the most commonly used mineral admixtures. Others such as metakaolin, rice husk ash, expanded clays and shales are also discussed. Their chemical, mineralogical, and physical properties are outlined. The influence of mineral admixtures on the hydration of cementitious systems, and the properties of fresh and hardened concrete in which they are used are emphasized. International standards are reviewed. The basics of concrete mix proportioning with mineral admixtures are outlined. The possibilities of using mineral admixtures as constituents of special concretes such as self-compacting, reactive powder, roller-compacted concretes and special non-portland, low-cost, low-energy and/or low-CO2 cements such as alinite, calcium sulfoaluminate, and belitic cements and alkali-activated binders are also covered.
The book is a comprehensive reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in the fields of cement and concrete, and for cement and concrete practitioners.
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The challenges facing humanity in the 21st century include climate change, population growth, overconsumption of resources, overproduction of waste and increasing energy demands. For construction practitioners, responding to these challenges means creating a built environment that provides accommodation and infrastructure with better whole-life performance using lower volumes of primary materials, less non-renewable energy, wasting less and causing fewer disturbances to the natural environment. Concrete is ubiquitous in the built environment. It is therefore essential that it is used in the most sustainable way so practitioners must become aware of the range of sustainable concrete solutions available for construction. While sustainable development has been embedded into engineering curricula, it can be difficult for students and academics to be fully aware of the innovations in sustainable construction that are developed by the industry.
Sustainable Concrete Solutions serves as an introduction to and an overview of the latest developments in sustainable concrete construction. It provides useful guidance, with further references, to students, researchers, academics and practitioners of all construction disciplines who are faced with the challenge of designing, specifying and constructing with concrete.
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Simplified engineering for architects and builders
Author(s)/Editor(s): James Ambrose & Patrick Tripeny | Size: 12 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2016 | pages: 719 | ISBN: 9781118975046
This book treats the topic of design of structures for buildings. Thematerial in this book has been prepared for persons lacking for mal training in engineering.Mathematical work is limited mostly to simple algebra. It is thus well suited for programs in architecture and building construction.
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This book presents research on the Boundary Element Method in dynamics of continua. The main emphasis is on the development of the different boundary element formulations for time-dependent problems and the necessary mathematical transformations to produce computer codes that are able to solve scalar, elastic, and poroelastic wave propagation problems. A substantial part of the book also covers the application of the BEM to important engineering dynamic problems.
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This book is written for engineering students and practicing engineers who have little knowledge of the boundary element method. Engineers and students have tended to be discouraged by complex mathematics usually employed in explaining this method, which has led to the popularity of the finite element method. This book attempts to redress the balance. It limits the mathematics to one chapter and breaks down the derivation of the formulation into logical steps, allowing the reader to focus on their particular applications. The book features coverage of all important boundary element applications, a step-by-step approach to the formulation and fully documented computer listing providing practical application solutions. It is aimed at research and development engineers and undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied mathematics, numerical computation and advanced mathematics in mechanical, civil and aeronautical departments.
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