Energy Methods of Structural Analysis: Theory, worked examples and problems
Author(s)/Editor(s): B.A. Young | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Palgrave HE UK | Year: 1981 | pages: 176 | ISBN: 0333277767 / 978-0333277768
A wide variety of different methods of structural analysis exist although many of them are designed for the solution of particular types of problem. Two procedures, however, are generally applicable; these are the method of virtual work and energy methods. In essence, the two methods are equivalent since, although the arguments used in establishing the governing equations differ, the equations themselves are identical.
In the author's experience, students studying virtual work find some difficulty in coming to terms with the idea of hypothetical forces or deformations whereas they quickly grasp the more obvious physical interpretations of the energy approach. One additional advantage that energy methods have over virtual work is their application to the approximate solution of complex problems for which exact solutions may not exist.
Energy methods have not received the consideration they deserve in the literature and it is for this reason that this book has been written. The few acceptable textbooks which treat the subject are at a level which is not easily accessible to undergraduates. It is a matter of regret that most undergraduate textbooks which do deal with energy methods generally reveal a hazy understanding of the principles and fail to take full advantage of their potential.
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This book is the first to cover the engineering aspects of severe plastic deformation (SPD) technology used to refine grain structure in metallic materials. The fundamentals of both the well-known and novel SPD processes are explained and the engineering know-how required for successful implementation of these processes revealed. The principles of each SPD technique are explained and insight provided into the mechanics of material deformation and microstructural changes. The equipment used for SPD processing is described including machines and tools.
The book covers the most popular SPD process of equal channel angular pressing, ECAP and its incremental version, I-ECAP. A separate chapter is devoted to tooling used in ECAP/I-ECAP. Another popular SPD process is high pressure torsion (HPT), which produces very good results in terms of refining grain structure but faces some technical challenges. A less known SPD process is cyclic extrusion compression (CEC), which is thoroughly explained as is twist extrusion (TE) which is a relatively new process that is showing good potential. Finally, an original SPD process of accumulated roll bonding (ARB), capable of refining grain structure in sheets, is discussed.
The book is intended for students and researchers working in the field of refining grain structure of metals by SPD. By explaining the engineering aspects of SPD, it enables the best SPD process to be chosen for a given application thus avoiding time-consuming and wasteful trials. It also encourages metal forming researchers and material scientists to work together in order to improve existing and develop new SPD processes. Finally, this book is also for industrial engineers, who will ultimately be using the SPD technology for mass production of metals with refined grain structure and improved properties.
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This book is therefore written to fulfill two main objectives. First, to introduce the modern matrix methods gradually from an early stage and in a simple manner. Second, to remove duplication by omitting topics that are out of use so that those currently practiced are covered thoroughly.
This volume treats simple structures and covers the course given in the first two years of undergraduate study.
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Handbook of Green Building Design and Construction: LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes, Second Edition directly addresses the needs of building professionals interested in the evolving principles, strategies, and concepts of green/sustainable design. Written in an easy to understand style, the book is updated to reflect new standards to LEED. In addition, readers will find sections that cover the new standards to BREEAM that involve new construction Infrastructure, data centers, warehouses, and existing buildings.
Key Features
-Provides vital information and penetrating insights into three of the top Green Building Codes and Standards applied Internationally
-Includes the latest updates for complying with LEED v4 Practices and BREEAM
-Presents case studies that draws on over 35 years of personal experience from across the world
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Author(s)/Editor(s): J. P. Moitinho de Almeida, Edward A. Maunder | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2017 | pages: 296 | ISBN: 1118424158 / 978-1118424155
A comprehensive treatment of the theory and practice of equilibrium finite element analysis in the context of solid and structural mechanics
Equilibrium Finite Element Formulations is an up to date exposition on hybrid equilibrium finite elements, which are based on the direct approximation of the stress fields. The focus is on their derivation and on the advantages that strong forms of equilibrium can have, either when used independently or together with the more conventional displacement based elements. These elements solve two important problems of concern to computational structural mechanics: a rational basis for error estimation, which leads to bounds on quantities of interest that are vital for verification of the output and provision of outputs immediately useful to the engineer for structural design and assessment.
Key features:
-Unique in its coverage of equilibrium – an essential reference work for those seeking solutions that are strongly equilibrated. The approach is not widely known, and should be of benefit to structural design and assessment.
-Thorough explanations of the formulations for: 2D and 3D continua, thick and thin bending of plates and potential problems; covering mainly linear aspects of behaviour, but also with some excursions into non-linearity.
-Highly relevant to the verification of numerical solutions, the basis for obtaining bounds of the errors is explained in detail.
-Simple illustrative examples are given, together with their physical interpretations.
-The most relevant issues regarding the computational implementation of this approach are presented.
When strong equilibrium and finite elements are to be combined, the book is a must-have reference for postgraduate students, researchers in software development or numerical analysis, and industrial practitioners who want to keep up to date with progress in simulation tools.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): Jože Korelc, Peter Wriggers | Size: 16 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer International Publishing | Year: 2016 | pages: 346 | ISBN: 978-3-319-39003-1
New finite elements are needed as well in research as in industry environments for thedevelopment of virtual prediction techniques. The design and implementation of novel finiteelements for specific purposes is a tedious and time consuming task, especially for nonlinearformulations. The automation of this process can help to speed up this processconsiderably since the generation of the final computer code can be accelerated by order ofseveral magnitudes.This book provides the reader with the required knowledge needed to employ modernautomatic tools like AceGen within solid mechanics in a successful way. It covers the rangefrom the theoretical background, algorithmic treatments to many different applications. Thebook is written for advanced students in the engineering field and for researchers ineducational and industrial environments.
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This collection of papers is a state of the art presentation of theories and methods related to the problem of the behaviour of mechanical structures under variable loads beyond their elastic limit In particular, the problems of shakedown, ratchetting, transient and asymptotic cyclic states are addressed. The volume is composed of four chapters devoted to material modelling for cyclic loading conditions; general theory of accommodated states of structures; effects of changes of the geometry on the inelastic structural response; and numerical techniques with applications to particular engineering problems. It was aimed to provide a unified approach in order to understand both inelastic material and structural response under variable loading conditions. The attempt to extend the classical shakedown theory of Melan and Koiter to geometrically non-linear problems is presented in several papers. The industrial application of cyclic plasticity to the analysis and the design of pressure bellows, compensators, turbine disks, or flange connections under thermal and pressure cycles illustrates the great potential of the numerical techniques developed for this purpose using mostly min-max approaches. The treatment of railway problems and the analysis and optimisation of pavements are further examples of important areas of applications. Emphasis was laid on approaches that take into account the fact that loading histories are often not precisely known Therefore, the center of interest lies in other than step by step calculation methods.
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The design of tall buildings and complex structures involves challenging activities, including: scheme design, modelling, structural analysis and detailed design. This book provides structural designers with a systematic approach to anticipate and solve issues for tall buildings and complex structures.
This book begins with a clear and rigorous exposition of theories behind designing tall buildings. After this is an explanation of basic issues encountered in the design process. This is followed by chapters concerning the design and analysis of tall building with different lateral stability systems, such as MRF, shear wall, core, outrigger, bracing, tube system, diagrid system and mega frame. The final three chapters explain the design principles and analysis methods for complex and special structures. With this book, researchers and designers will find a valuable reference on topics such as tall building systems, structure with complex geometry, Tensegrity structures, membrane structures and offshore structures.
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The goal of this book is to provide engineers and scientIsts in academia and industry with a thorough understanding of the underlying principles of nonlinear system identification. The reader will be able to apply the discussed models and methods to real problems with the necessary confidence and the awareness of potential difficulties that may arise in practice. This book is self-contained in the sense that it requires merely basic knowledge of matrix algebra, signals and systems, and statistics. Therefore, it also serves as an introduction to linear system identification and gives a practical overview on the major optimization methods used in engineering. The emphasis of this book is on an intuitive understanding of the subject and the practical application of the discussed techniques. It is not written in a theorem/proof style; rather the mathematics is kept to a minimum and the pursued ideas are illustrated by numerous figures, examples, and real-world applications. Fifteen years ago, nonlinear system identification was a field of several ad-hoc approaches, each applicable only to a very restricted class of systems. With the advent of neural networks, fuzzy models, and modern structure opti mization techniques a much wider class of systems can be handled. Although one major characteristic of nonlinear systems is that almost every nonlinear system is unique, tools have been developed that allow the use of the same ap proach for a broad variety of systems.
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Precise dynamic models of processes are required for many applications, ranging from control engineering to the natural sciences and economics. Frequently, such precise models cannot be derived using theoretical considerations alone. Therefore, they must be determined experimentally. This book treats the determination of dynamic models based on measurements taken at the process, which is known as system identification or process identification. Both offline and online methods are presented, i.e. methods that post-process the measured data as well as methods that provide models during the measurement. The book is theory-oriented and application-oriented and most methods covered have been used successfully in practical applications for many different processes. Illustrative examples in this book with real measured data range from hydraulic and electric actuators up to combustion engines. Real experimental data is also provided on the Springer webpage, allowing readers to gather their first experience with the methods presented in this book. Among others, the book covers the following subjects: determination of the non-parametric frequency response, (fast) Fourier transform, correlation analysis, parameter estimation with a focus on the method of Least Squares and modifications, identification of time-variant processes, identification in closed-loop, identification of continuous time processes, and subspace methods. Some methods for nonlinear system identification are also considered, such as the Extended Kalman filter and neural networks. The different methods are compared by using a real three-mass oscillator process, a model of a drive train. For many identification methods, hints for the practical implementation and application are provided. The book is intended to meet the needs of students and practicing engineers working in research and development, design and manufacturing.
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