One of the primary objectives of this code is to define the allowable capacities used in sheet steel applications in which transfer of calculated load occurs. The foremost examples of such applications are steel decks, panels, storage racks, and stud and joist framing members. It is a concurrent objective of this code to impose \Vorkmanship, technique, and qualification requirements so as to effect consistently sound execution of \velding of joints in these categories.
Certain shielded 1netal arc, gas 1netal arc, gas tungsten, gas metal arc, and flux cored arc welding procedure specifications (WPSs) when used with certain types of joints, have been tested by users and have a history of satisfaction perfonnance. These WPSs are designated as prequalified, may be en1ployed \vithout further evidence, and include 1nost of those that are co1nn1only used. However, the purpose of defining prequalified WPSs is not to preclude the use of other WPSs as they are qualified.
When other processes, WPSs, or joints are proposed, they are subject to the applicable provisions of this code and shall be qualified by tests. The obligation is placed on the contractor to prepare WPSs and qualify them before production use.
All WPSs (prequalified and qualified) must include the classification of the filler metal, its size, and for each type ofv.1eld, its melting rate or other suitable means of current control indicative of the melting rate, as applicable. The requirements for the qualification of v.1elders and welding operators are also given. A Welder qualification test requires each welder to prove their ability to produce satisfactory welds using prequalified or qualified WPSs.
Although this code is essentially directed at those joints that are used to transfer loads, the quality of welds \vhere strength is not a govenling consideration should 1neet quality standards that will 1naintain the integrity of the supporting structure. The allov.1able capacity provisions of Clause 4 could be disregarded when the ,velds are not used in a loadcarrying capacity.
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ANSI_HI 2.4-2008 Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps Installation Operation Maintenance
ISBN 978-1-880952-87-0
ANSI_HI 3.1-3.5-2008 Rotary Pumps Nomenclature Definitions Application Operation
ISBN 978-1-880952-80-1
ANSI_HI 3.6-2010 Rotary Pumps Tests
ISBN 978-1-880952-81-8
ANSI_HI 4.1-4.6-2010 Sealless Magnetically driven Pumps
ISBN 978-1-935762-00-3
ANSI_HI 5.1-5.6-2010 Sealless Rotodynamic Pumps Nom Def Apps Oper Tests
ISBN 978-1-880952-92-4
ANSI_HI 6.1-6.5-2000 Reciprocating Power Pumps Nom Defs Apps Op
ISBN 1-880952-39-4
ANSI_HI 6.6-2000 Reciprocating Pumps Tests
ISBN 1-880952-40-8
ANSI_HI 7.1-7.5-2013 Controlled Volume Metering Pumps Nom Defs Apps Op
ISBN 978-1-935762-09-6
ANSI_HI 7.6-2012 Controlled Volume Metering Pumps Tests
ISBN 978-1-935762-08-9
ANSI_HI 8.1-8.5-2000 Direct Acting Steam Pumps Nom Defs Apps Op
ISBN 1-880952-42-4
ANSI_HI 9.1-9.5-2000 Pumps General Guidelines Types Defs Apps Meas Decont
ISBN 1-880952-43-2
ANSI_HI 9.6.1-2012 Rotodynamic Pumps Guideline NPSH Margin
ISBN 978-1-935762-10-2
ANSI_HI 9.6.2-2011 Rotodynamic Pumps Assmt Applied Nozzle Loads
ISBN 978-1-935762-06-5
ANSI_HI 9.6.3-2012 Rotodynamic Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps Allow Oper Region
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ANSI_HI 9.6.4-2009 Rotodynamic Pumps Vibration Measurement Allow
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ANSI_HI 9.6.5-2009 Rotodynamic Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps Condition Monitoring
ISBN 978-1-880952-89-4
ANSI_HI 9.6.6-2009 Rotodynamic Pumps - Pump Piping
ISBN 978-1-880952-60-3
ANSI_HI 9.6.7-2010 Rotodynamic Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps Effects Liquids Viscosity Pertormance
ISBN 978-1-935762-04-1
ANSI_HI 9.6.9-2013 Rotary Pumps Condition Monitoring
ISBN 978-1-935762-20-1
ANSI_HI 9.8-2012 Rotodynamic Pumps - Pump Intake Design
ISBN 978-1-880952-70-2
ANSI_HI 10.1-10.5-2010 Air Operated Pumps Nom Defs Apps Op
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ANSI_HI 10.6-2010 Air Operated Pumps Tests
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Factory stairways, ladders and handrails Including access platforms and ramps
Edition 8
ISBN 978 0 85931 200 4
This Publication gives recommendations and typical details for the design and general construction of factory stairways, ladders, access platforms, ramps and handrails. It is primarily intended for use by engineers and architects responsible for the preparation of detail drawings for the construction and installation of this ancillary equipment. Its scope covers the design, construction, maintenance and inspection of such equipment.
Recommendations for refrigerated liquefied gas storage tanks
Edition 3
ISBN 978 0 85931 213 4
The purpose of this EEMUA Publication is to supply the outline information necessary for the categorisation, inspection and maintenance of single, double and full containment tanks for the bulk storage of refrigerated liquefi ed gases down to -165°C, and essentially at atmospheric pressure. Liquids covered by the scope of this document include Liquefi ed Petroleum Gas (LPG), ethylene, ethane, Liquefi ed Natural Gas (LNG) and similar hydrocarbons, together with ammonia.
2nd. Edition
EEMUA 154 was first published in 1989. In line with the present EEMUA policy of assessing the currency of its publications every five years, the Storage Tanks Technical Committee, which is responsible for the document‘s upkeep, has undertaken a comprehensive review of the document, and prepared this revised, second edition. The new edition has been expanded to include guidance on the demolition of both damaged tanks and storage spheres. A number of photographs are also included, and the bibliography expanded.
Construction Specification for fixed offshore structures.
Edition 3
ISBN 978 0 85931 202 8
This Specification was originally developed by the EEMUA Materials for Offshore Service (MOS) technical committee in 1991 and covered the construction of fixed offshore steel structures for installation primarily within the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. Though the original document was created for use in the North Sea, it has been applied successfully in other locations. Therefore changes in this 3rd Edition now reflect the global nature of the offshore oil and gas industry, with the Specification having a much broader applicability. Furthermore, wind turbine installations now constitute a significant proportion of new constructions offshore.
Above ground flat bottomed storage tanks Guide to inspection, maintenance and repair
Edition 4
ISBN 978 0 85931 205 9
In addition to improving the logical sequence of the subject matter, this Edition contains appendices offering additional guidance on how to perform assessment calculations on tank components, illustrated by means of sample calculations, as well as on repair methods. It also includes various new Sections such as that on risk and reliability-based maintenance (herein termed Probabilistic Preventive Maintenance―PPM), a subject that is given comprehensive coverage.
A guide to the pressure testing of in-service pressurised equipment.
Edition 2
ISBN 978 0 85931 181 6
The Guide gives practical advice on the testing and inspection which may be carried out once the service life of pressure equipment has begun, but excluding the initial installation and commissioning. It is applicable to all types of nontransportable industrial pressure equipment and systems, including pressure vessels and pipework.
ISBN O 85931 061 2
This Specification has been prepared by the EEMUA Materials for Offshore Service Technical Committee as a joint Supplier-Purchaser document for the procurement of carbon-manganese steel castings for use as structural members of offshore platforms for location in the North Sea. The Specification may also be used at the discretion of purchasers of castings for application in other geographic areas, but it would be necessary in such circumstances to take into account any alternative and/or supplementary requirements of local statutory regulations and authorities.
Frangible Roof Joints for Fixed Roof Storage Tanks:Guide for designers and users.
Edition 2
ISBN 0 85931 161 9
This Publication has been developed by the EEMUA Storage Tanks Technical Committee to give guidance to designers and users of fixed roof vertical cylindrical storage tanks on methods of ensuring that, in the event of vapour over-pressure, tank failure occurs preferentially at the roof-to-shell joint. This Publication covers the essential features both for new structures and for the modification of existing structures and includes illustrated examples of good design practice and photographs of tank failures.
Prevention of tank bottom leakage A guide for the design and repair of foundations and bottoms of vertical, cylindrical, steel storage tanks
Edition 2
ISBN 978 0 85931 183 0
The prevention of ground and ground water pollution from leaking storage tanks containing oil or chemical feedstocks or products is of primary importance, particularly in areas with a large number of storage facilities. Where such facilities are near to rivers and other waterways there is an additional risk of pollution being spread and affecting a wider natural environment. Also, leakage is a financial loss to the owner.
EEMUA PUBLICATON No. 190 : 2000 (Ammdt2004)
ISBN 085931 071 X
The integrity of a pressure vessel depends on both its strength and the adequacy of the supporting foundation or structure. For vessels on earth foundations, with their inherent proneness to settlement, this aspect is of greater importance than for those more conventionally supported. For this reason, considerable coverage is given in this guide to soil investigation and foundation design.
ISBN O 85931 111 2
Developed by the EEMUA Materials for Offshore Service Technical Committee (now merged with the Materials and Fabrication Committee to form the Materials Technology Committee), this
Specification covers the construction of offshore steel structures for installation primarily within the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. It may also be applied to other geographic areas when so desired by the Purchaser, but account would need to be taken of alternative and/or additional requirements which may be specified by local statutory authorities.
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Rules of Thumb Guidelines for building services (5th Edition)
BSRIA BG 9/2011
As a construction project progresses from a client’s statement of need, through design and construction, and into operation and use, project teams seek increased certainty of criteria such as layout, fit, cost and performance. Rules of Thumb, such as those contained in this publication, can provide extremely useful guidance to inform the early stages of this process, such as briefing, feasibility studies and concept design. This may be in the assessment of space and weight requirements, the preparation of outline cost models, the configuration of nvironmental performance targets or the evaluation of heating, cooling and electrical loads, for example. Furthermore, Rules of Thumb can be employed throughout the project delivery process to sense-check precise calculations, quickly verify the work of junior construction professionals and rapidly perform what-if scenarios for different design options.
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The Illustrated Guide to Mechanical Building Services
BSRIA BG 31/2012
ISBN 978 0 86022 709 0
This illustrated guide provides basic reference information on mechanical building services systems for construction clients and professionals in other areas of the construction industry.
The Illustrated Guide to Electrical Building Services
BSRIA BG 32/2014
ISBN 978-0-86022-732-8
This illustrated guide provides basic reference information on electrical building services systems for construction clients, and professionals in other areas of the construction industry.
The Illustrated Guide to Mechanical Cooling
BSRIA BG 1/2010
ISBN 978 0 86022 675 8
The Illustrated Guide to Mechanical Cooling starts with a general overview of the various cooling systems and their purpose in maintaining comfortable conditions in buildings. It then describes the main refrigeration systems and their application principles, the types of refrigerants available, and the various ways in which renewable forms of cooling energy can be used. The guide goes on to explain the various ways in which cooling can be delivered to an occupied space.
The Illustrated Guide to Ventilation
BSRIA BG 2/2009
ISBN 978 0 86022 673 4
Effective ventilation, whether provided by mechanical or natural means, is crucial to provide a comfortable, healthy and ultimately productive working environment. This new guide addresses the design and performance issues of the three main types of ventilation.
BSRIA BG 33/2014
ISBN 978-0-86022-736-6
For construction clients, this guide provides a simple insight into the main system options discussed during the briefing process and can consequently assist dialogue with the design team. It can also help clients to identify and raise technical questions which they feel are relevant to their organisation’s specific needs. For construction professionals, the guide provides a quick reference to hot and cold water services systems and can assist their working knowledge of the subject.
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This reliable resource, complete with MATLAB, is an easy-to-understand introduction to the fundamental principles of the scaled boundary finite element method. It establishes the theory of the scaled boundary finite element method systematically as a general numerical procedure, providing the reader with a sound knowledge to expand the applications of this method to a broader scope. The book also presents the applications of the scaled boundary finite element to illustrate its salient features and potentials.
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method: Introduction to Theory and Implementation covers the static and dynamic stress analysis of solids in two and three dimensions. The relevant concepts, theory and modelling issues of the scaled boundary finite element method are discussed and the unique features of the method are highlighted. The applications in computational fracture mechanics are detailed with numerical examples. A unified mesh generation procedure based on quadtree/octree algorithm is described. It also presents examples of fully automatic stress analysis of geometric models in NURBS, STL and digital images.
Written in lucid and easy to understand language by the co-inventor of the scaled boundary element method
Provides MATLAB as an integral part of the book with the code cross-referenced in the text and the use of the code illustrated by examples
Presents new developments in the scaled boundary finite element method with illustrative examples so that readers can appreciate the significant features and potentials of this novel method—especially in emerging technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality, and digital image-based analysis
The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method: Introduction to Theory and Implementation is an ideal book for researchers, software developers, numerical analysts, and postgraduate students in many fields of engineering and science.
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Unlike most finite element books that cover time dependent processes (IVPs) in a cursory manner, The Finite Element Method for Initial Value Problems: Mathematics and Computations focuses on the mathematical details as well as applications of space-time coupled and space-time decoupled finite element methods for IVPs. Space-time operator classification, space-time methods of approximation, and space-time calculus of variations are used to establish unconditional stability of space-time methods during the evolution. Space-time decoupled methods are also presented with the same rigor. Stability of space-time decoupled methods, time integration of ODEs including the finite element method in time are presented in detail with applications. Modal basis, normal mode synthesis techniques, error estimation, and a posteriori error computations for space-time coupled as well as space-time decoupled methods are presented. This book is aimed at a second-semester graduate level course in FEM.
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Discusses the CFD-DEM method of modeling which combines both the Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid Dynamics to simulate fluid-particle interactions.
-Deals with both theoretical and practical concepts of CFD-DEM, its numerical -implementation accompanied by a hands-on numerical code in FORTRAN
-Gives examples of industrial applications
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Author(s)/Editor(s): John K. Vennard | Size: 13 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: J. Wiley & sons, inc. Chapman & Hall, limited | Year: 1940 | pages: 368 | ISBN: 9781446547816
Fluid mechanics is the study under all possible conditions of rest and motion. Its approaches analytical, rational, and mathematical rather than empirical it concerns itself with those basic principles which lead to the solution of numerous diversified problems, and it seeks results which are widely applicable to similar fluid situations and not limited to isolated special cases. Fluid mechanics recognizes no arbitrary boundaries between fields of engineering knowledge but attempts to solve all fluid problems, irrespective of their occurrence or of the characteristics of the fluids involved. This textbook is intended primarily for the beginner who knows the principles of mathematics and mechanics but has had no previous experience with fluid phenomena. The abilities of the average beginner and the tremendous scope of fluid mechanics appear to be in conflict, and the former obviously determine limits beyond which it is not feasible to go these practical limits represent the boundaries of the subject which I have chosen to call elementary fluid mechanics. The apparent conflict between scope of subject and beginner f s ability is only along mathematical lines, however, and the physical ideas of fluid mechanics are well within the reach of the beginner in the field. Holding to the belief that physical concepts are the sine qua non of mechanics, I have sacrificed mathematical rigor and detail in developing physical pictures and in many cases have stated general laws only without numerous exceptions and limitations in order to convey basic ideas such oversimplification is necessary in introducing a new subject to the beginner. Like other courses in mechanics, fluid mechanics must include disciplinary features as well as factual information the beginner must follow theoretical developments, develop imagination in visualizing physical phenomena, and be forced to think his way through problems of theory and application. The text attempts to attain these objectives in the following ways omission of subsidiary conclusions is designed to encourage the student to come to some conclusions by himself application of bare principles to specific problems should develop ingenuity illustrative problems are included to assist in overcoming numerical difficulties and many numerical problems for the student to solve are intended not only to develop ingenuity but to show practical applications as well. Presentation of the subject begins with a discussion of fundamentals, physical properties and fluid statics. Frictionless flow is then discussed to bring out the applications of the principles of conservation of mass and energy, and of impulse-momentum law, to fluid motion. The principles of similarity and dimensional analysis are next taken up so that these principles may be used as tools in later developments. Frictional processes are discussed in a semi-quantitative fashion, and the text proceeds to pipe and open-channel flow. A chapter is devoted to the principles and apparatus for fluid measurements, and the text ends with an elementary treatment of flow about immersed objects.
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Extended Finite Element Method provides an introduction to the extended finite element method (XFEM), a novel computational method which has been proposed to solve complex crack propagation problems. The book helps readers understand the method and make effective use of the XFEM code and software plugins now available to model and simulate these complex problems.
The book explores the governing equation behind XFEM, including level set method and enrichment shape function. The authors outline a new XFEM algorithm based on the continuum-based shell and consider numerous practical problems, including planar discontinuities, arbitrary crack propagation in shells and dynamic response in 3D composite materials.
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