This text explains the fundamentals of structural analysis, materials and design. By adopting an integrated approach, the author aims to increase the motivation of the reader, since the relevance of the theory is explained by applying the principles of structural analysis and design to realistic examples. Emphasis is placed on understanding and developing a physical feel for the way that structures work. At the same time, the necessary mathematics is explained and illustrated by numerous worked examples. The book covers the design of statically determinate structures in all the common structural materials, and the treatment is in line with the latest limit-state approach, now adopted by National Standards for structural design in most materials. Plastic bending strength is discussed before the elastic case, on the basis that it is more easily understood first.
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I request the following papers authored by M.J.N. Priestley on Thermal Analysis in Bridges.
1 ) M.J.N. Priestley, “Thermal Gradients in Bridges – Some Design Considerations,” New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 7, October 1972.
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2) M.J.N. Priestley, “Design Thermal Gradients for Concrete Bridges,” New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 9, September 1976, pp. 213-219.
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3) S.J. Thurston; M.J.N. Priestley and N. Cooke, “Thermal Analysis of Thick Concrete Sections,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 77, No. 5, September-October 1980, pp. 347-357.
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4) M.J.N. Priestley, “Design of Concrete Bridges for Temperature Gradients,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 75, No. 5, May 1978, pp. 209-217.
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Focuses on developing and enhancing the understanding of the fundamental principles of structural and architectural analysis using building information modeling tools
Examines the interrelationship between structural engineering and architecture
Includes over 600 high-quality 3D and 2D illustrations
Demonstrates how BIM can bring efficiency to the current practice of structural design
Provides numerous examples and end-of-chapter review questions
BIM for Structural Engineering and Architecture
Building Information Modeling: Framework for Structural Design outlines one of the most promising new developments in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). Building information modeling (BIM) is an information management and analysis technology that is changing the role of computation in the architectural and engineering industries. The innovative process constructs a database assembling all of the objects needed to build a specific structure. Instead of using a computer to produce a series of drawings that together describe the building, BIM creates a single illustration representing the building as a whole. This book highlights the BIM technology and explains how it is redefining the structural analysis and design of building structures.
BIM as a Framework Enabler
This book introduces a new framework—the structure and architecture synergy framework (SAS framework)—that helps develop and enhance the understanding of the fundamental principles of architectural analysis using BIM tools. Based upon three main components: the structural melody, structural poetry, and structural analysis, along with the BIM tools as the frame enabler, this new framework allows users to explore structural design as an art while also factoring in the principles of engineering. The framework stresses the influence structure can play in form generation and in defining spatial order and composition. By highlighting the interplay between architecture and structure, the book emphasizes the conceptual behaviors of structural systems and their aesthetic implications and enables readers to thoroughly understand the art and science of whole structural system concepts.
Presents the use of BIM technology as part of a design process or framework that can lead to a more comprehensive, intelligent, and integrated building design
Places special emphasis on the application of BIM technology for exploring the intimate relationship between structural engineering and architectural design
Includes a discussion of current and emerging trends in structural engineering practice and the role of the structural engineer in building design using new BIM technologies
Building Information Modeling: Framework for Structural Design provides a thorough understanding of architectural structures and introduces a new framework that revolutionizes the way building structures are designed and constructed.
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1- Introduction to the Indeterminate Beam
2- Mohr´s Theorems-Moment-Area Method
3- Conjugate (or Analogous) Beam Method
4- Clapeyron´s Theorem of Three moments
5- Strain Energy
6- Slope-Deflection
7- Moment Distribution
8- Column Analogy
9- Inlfuence Lines
10- Indirect Model Analysis
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1. Introduction
2. Constitution of Soil
3. Groundwater
4. Friction
5. Cohesion
6. Small Strains
7. Transient Flow
8. The Deformation of a Soil Element
9. The Collapse of Soil Constructions
10. Towards Design
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This book treats the mechanics of porous materials infiltrated with a fluid (poromechanics), focussing on its linear theory (poroelasticity). Porous materials from inanimate bodies such as sand, soil and rock, living bodies such as plant tissue, animal flesh, or man-made materials can look very different due to their different origins, but as readers will see, the underlying physical principles governing their mechanical behaviors can be the same, making this work relevant not only to engineers but also to scientists across other scientific disciplines.
Readers will find discussions of physical phenomena including soil consolidation, land subsidence, slope stability, borehole failure, hydraulic fracturing, water wave and seabed interaction, earthquake aftershock, fluid injection induced seismicity and heat induced pore pressure spalling as well as discussions of seismoelectric and seismoelectromagnetic effects. The work also explores the biomechanics of cartilage, bone and blood vessels.
Chapters present theory using an intuitive, phenomenological approach at the bulk continuum level, and a thermodynamics-based variational energy approach at the micromechanical level. The physical mechanisms covered extend from the quasi-static theory of poroelasticity to poroelastodynamics, poroviscoelasticity, porothermoelasticity, and porochemoelasticity. Closed form analytical solutions are derived in details.
This book provides an excellent introduction to linear poroelasticity and is especially relevant to those involved in civil engineering, petroleum and reservoir engineering, rock mechanics, hydrology, geophysics, and biomechanics.
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The author is to be commended for introducing a chapter on the gauge theory of fluid mechanics, which is quite scarce in fluid mechanics books . . . the book can serve as an excellent introduction for graduate students in applied mathematics and physics who are interested in pursuing research in specific areas of fluid mechanics . . . One of the strengths of the book is its culmination in a detailed solution to all the problems. Choice This book contains an excellent basic presentation of theory, applications, and methods of solutions for various problems of classical and modern fluid dynamics. Zentralblatt Math This textbook describes the fundamental physical aspects of fluid flows for beginners of fluid mechanics in physics, mathematics and engineering, from the point of view of modern physics. It also emphasizes the dynamical aspects of fluid motions rather than the static aspects, illustrating vortex motions, waves, geophysical flows, chaos and turbulence. Beginning with the fundamental concepts of the nature of flows and the properties of fluids, the book presents fundamental conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy, and the equations of motion for both inviscid and viscous fluids. In addition to the fundamentals, this book also covers water waves and sound waves, vortex motions, geophysical flows, nonlinear instability, chaos, and turbulence. Furthermore, it includes the chapters on superfluids and the gauge theory of fluid flows. The material in the book emerged from the lecture notes for an intensive course on Elementary Fluid Mechanics for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of theoretical physics given in 2003 and 2004 at the Nankai Institute of Mathematics (Tianjin) in China. Hence, each chapter may be presented separately as a single lecture.
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This book stems from a course on Micromechanics that I started about fifteen years ago at Northwestern University. At that time, micromechanics was a rather unfamiliar subject. Although I repeated the course every year, I was never convinced that my notes have quite developed into a final manuscript because new topics emerged constantly requiring revisions, and additions. I finally came to realize that if this is continued, then I will never complete the book to my total satisfaction. Meanwhile, T. Mori and I had coauthored a book in Japanese, entitled Micromechanics, published by Baifu-kan, Tokyo, in 1975. It received an extremely favorable response from students and re searchers in Japan. This encouraged me to go ahead and publish my course notes in their latest version, as this book, which contains further development of the subject and is more comprehensive than the one published in Japanese. Micromechanics encompasses mechanics related to microstructures of materials. The method employed is a continuum theory of elasticity yet its applications cover a broad area relating to the mechanical behavior of materi als: plasticity, fracture and fatigue, constitutive equations, composite materi als, polycrystals, etc. These subjects are treated in this book by means of a powerful and unified method which is called the 'eigenstrain method. ' In particular, problems relating to inclusions and dislocations are most effectively analyzed by this method, and therefore, special emphasis is placed on these topics.
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