Author(s)/Editor(s): Béla Bodó, Colin Jones | Size: 30 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell | Year: 2013 | pages: 608 | ISBN: 0470659432 / 978-0070407695
Introduction to Soil Mechanics covers the basic principles of soil mechanics, illustrating why the properties of soil are important, the techniques used to understand and characterise soil behaviour and how that knowledge is then applied in construction. The authors have endeavoured to define and discuss the principles and concepts concisely, providing clear, detailed explanations, and a well–illustrated text with diagrams, charts, graphs and tables. With many practical, worked examples and end–of–chapter and coverage of Eurocode 7, Introduction to Soil Mechanics will be an ideal starting point for the study of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
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A comprehensive treatment of open channel flow, Open Channel Flow: Numerical Methods and Computer Applications starts with basic principles and gradually advances to complete problems involving systems of channels with branches, controls, and outflows/ inflows that require the simultaneous solutions of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations coupled with differential equations. The book includes a CD that contains a program that solves all types of simple open channel flow problems, the source programs described in the text, the executable elements of these programs, the TK-Solver and MathCad programs, and the equivalent MATLAB® scripts and functions.
The book provides applied numerical methods in an appendix and also incorporates them as an integral component of the methodology in setting up and solving the governing equations. Packed with examples, the book includes problems at the end of each chapter that give readers experience in applying the principles and often expand upon the methodologies use in the text. The author uses Fortran as the software to supply the computer instruction but covers math software packages such as MathCad, TK-Solver, MATLAB, and spreadsheets so that readers can use the instruments with which they are the most familiar. He emphasizes the basic principles of conservation of mass, energy, and momentum, helping readers achieve true mastery of this important subject, rather than just learn routine techniques.
With the enhanced understanding of the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics provided by this book, readers can then apply these principles to the solution of complex real-world problems. The book supplies the knowledge tools necessary to analyze and design economical and properly performing conveyance systems. Thus not only is the book useful for graduate students, but it also provides professional engineers the expertise and knowledge to design well performing and economical channel systems.
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Geotechnique Symposium in Print 2011: The theme of this symposium blends together two areas of research which relate to the effects of suction and partial saturation on soil behaviour and the study of compaction as a method of soil improvement. The recurring interest in these areas of research, together with the recent increase in the number of international conferences dedicated to unsaturated soils, is a clear indication of the continued relevance of this theme to the geotechnical profession.
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This book provides a complete text on highway and traffic engineering for developing countries. It is aimed principally at students and young engineers from the developed world who have responsibility for such work in the third world, but will also be valuable for local highway engineers.
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Guidance on Protecting and Extending the Life of Suspension Bridges
Suspension bridges are graceful, aesthetic, and iconic structures. Due to their attractiveness and visibility, they are well-known symbols of major cities and countries in the world. They are also an essential form of transportation infrastructure built across large bodies of water. Despite being expensive to build, they are economical structures for the lengths they span. They have evolved significantly from the basic concept dating back to 200 BC China through the first design for a bridge resembling a modern suspension bridge, attributed to Fausto Veranzio in 1595, to present-day span lengths close to two kilometers.
Many of these bridges carry significant traffic and their upkeep is very important to maintain transportation mobility. They offer grace and functionality, yet are extremely complex to construct and maintain. Bridge owners spend a considerable amount of time and resources to ensure uninterrupted service, safety, and security for users. Inspection, evaluation, maintenance, and rehabilitation have evolved significantly. Modern materials and innovative design and construction practices have been integrated into these bridges to maintain durability and extended service life.
Captures the Experience of More Than 20 Suspension Bridge Operators
Inspection, Evaluation and Maintenance of Suspension Bridges is written by the bridge owners and practitioners who strive to cost-effectively manage these bridges. It is invaluable to everyone interested not only in suspension bridges but in the upkeep of any bridges―students, designers, maintenance personnel, contractors, and owners.
Describes the evolution and trends in the operation and maintenance of cable supported bridges
Contains the latest methods for evaluating cable supported bridge capacities and durability
Presents suspension bridge security risk management aspects and Bayesian network-based methodology for risk evaluation
This volume discusses state-of-the-art practice in suspension bridge inspection, evaluation, and rehabilitation methods used worldwide, described by the personnel directly involved with managing them. Its companion volume presents detailed case studies of specific bridges to give a comprehensive picture of how suspension bridges are maintained around the world.
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Water Engineering: Hydraulics, Distribution and Treatment
Author(s)/Editor(s): Nazih K. Shammas, Lawrence K. Wang | Size: 50 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: JOHN WILEY & SONS INC | Year: 2015 | pages: 832 | ISBN: 0470390980 / 978-0470390986
Details the design and process of water supply systems, tracing the progression from source to sink * Organized and logical flow, tracing the connections in the water-supply system from the water s source to its eventual use * Emphasized coverage of water supply infrastructure and the design of water treatment processes * Inclusion of fundamentals and practical examples so as to connect theory with the realities of design * Provision of useful reference for practicing engineers who require a more in-depth coverage, higher level students studying drinking water systems as well as students in preparation for the FE/PE examinations * Inclusion of examples and homework questions in both SI and US units
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Highway Bridge Maintenance Planning and Scheduling - 1st Edition
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mark A. Hurt, Steven D Schrock | Size: 33 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann | Year: 2016 | pages: 348 | ISBN: 0128020695 / 978-0128020692
Highway Bridge Maintenance Planning and Scheduling provides new tactics for highway departments around the world that are faced with the dilemma of providing improved operations on a shoestring budget. Even after the much needed infrastructure funding is received, the question of which project comes first must be answered. Written by a 20-year veteran with the Kansas Department Of Transportation Bridge Office in design and in maintenance, this book provides Senior Bridge Maintenance Engineers with practical advice on how to create an effective maintenance program that will allow them to not only plan, schedule, direct, and monitor highway bridge repair and rehabilitation projects, but also evaluate all completed work for technical acceptability, productivity, and unit-cost standards.
Provides the tools and methods for building, maintaining, planning, and scheduling effective maintenance
Presents experience-based suggestions for evaluating highway bridges to determine maintenance priorities
Includes methods for evaluating all completed work for technical acceptability, productivity, and unit-cost standards
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Pile Design and Construction Rules of Thumb presents Geotechnical and Civil Engineers a comprehensive coverage of Pile Foundation related theory and practice. Based on the author’s experience as a PE, the book brings concise theory and extensive calculations, examples and case studies that can be easily applied by professional in their day-to-day challenges.
In its first part, the book covers the fundamentals of Pile Selection: Soil investigation, condition, pile types and how to choose them. In the second part it addresses the Design of Pile Foundations, including different types of soils, pile groups, pile settlement and pile design in rock. Next, the most extensive part covers Design Strategies and contains chapters on loading analysis, load distribution, negative skin friction, design for expansive soils, wave equation analysis, batter piles, seismic analysis and the use of softwares for design aid. The fourth part covers Construction Methods including hammers, Inspection, cost estimation, load tests, offshore piling, beams and caps.
In this new and updated edition the author has incorporated new pile designs such as helical, composite, wind turbine monopiles, and spiral coil energy piles. All calculations have been updated to most current materials characteristics and designs available in the market. Also, new chapters on negative skin friction, pile driving, and pile load testing have been added.
Practicing Geotechnical, and Civil Engineers will find in this book an excellent handbook for frequent consult, benefiting from the clear and direct calculations, examples, and cases. Civil Engineering preparing for PE exams may benefit from the extensive coverage of the subject.
Convenient for day-to-day consults;
Numerous design examples for sandy soils, clay soils, and seismic loadings;
Now including helical, composite, wind turbine monopiles, and spiral coil energy piles;
Methodologies and case studies for different pile types;
Serves as PE exam preparation material.
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The ICE Manual of Project Management makes a major contribution towards the improvement of knowledge and skills in civil engineering project management through providing a central reference source for project managers working on civil engineering construction projects. Offering clear and accessible guidance on how practitioners can apply the key principles and standards in practice, the IICE Manual of Project Management provides a thorough introduction to the key processes involved in civil projects. It also discusses the range of skills and techniques that project managers working in a construction context will need to employ competently in order to plan and deliver projects successfully in accordance with prevailing international standards. The manual will also be available as an online repository of concise briefing papers and case studies.
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Author(s)/Editor(s): DW Taylor | Size: 52 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: John Wiley and Sons | Year: 1948 | pages: 700 | ISBN: ASIN: B0006ARKWA
"Soil mechanics is a pioneer science which has grown rapidly during the last two decades. Its introduction into this country --- under this name, at least --- is generally accredited to Dr. Karl Terzaghi and is considered to have occurred in 1925. With each year since that date soil mechanics has become more widely known, the number of soil mechanics laboratories has increased, more colleges have offered courses in this new subject, and practical applications of this science have become more numerous. The amount of existing soil mechanics literature has increased rapidly but textbooks and handboks have been slow to appear, probably because of the extensive scope of the subject. Books of a number of types on this subject are needed, and it is of considerable importance to distinguish between the various types, which include the handbook for the practicing engineer, the manual for the laboratory technician, the textbooks for college courses of undergraduate level and graduate level, and the advanced textbook for the specialist. It is probable that no book can serve more than one or two of these fields to best advantage. This book is written as a textbook for use in graduate courses, but it is presented in such form that by the omission of certain portions it can be used in undergraduate courses. Practicing engineers and specialists in soil engineering may find the book of interest and value but, primarily, it is written for the student. The basic aim of the book is the presentation of fundamentals rather than the furnishing of final answers to practical problems; nevertheless, the book aims to develop the reader's appreciation for the practical significance of the various subjects considered. I wish to acknowledge and to express appreciation for the privilege of including in this book material that is the work of three of my predecessors on the Soil Mechanics staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These three engineers,......" [from preface by D. W. T.]
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