Cross References EN 10002-1:2001, EN 10020:2000, EN 10021:2006, EN 10049, EN 10079:2007, EN 10143, EN 10204:2004, EN 10325, ISO 10113, ISO 10275, EN 606, EN 10027-1, EN 10027-2, EN 10149-2, EN 10152:2009, EN 10169-1, EN 10169-2, EN 10169-3, EN ISO 14713, ISO 14713:1999
Replaces: BS EN 10326:2004, BS EN 10327:2004, BS EN 10336:2007, BS EN 10292:2007
International Relationships: EN 10346:2009 Identical
Supersedes Draft: 07/30164802 DC
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can anyone provide some guidelines or excel sheet or any material regarding footing design with uplift(for steel structures).
i know there are many spread sheets available but most of them don't incorporate the effect of uplift
Posted by: ir_71 - 10-21-2010, 09:49 AM - Forum: EN
- Replies (2)
prEN 206-9 Concrete - Part 9: Additional Rules for Self-compacting Concrete (SCC)
Introduction Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an evolving technology and practices vary. As far as possible this Standard sets common requirements, but where this is not possible the relevant clause contains permission for the application of national standards or provisions valid in the place of use of the concrete. This Standard will be applied in Europe under different climatic and geographical conditions, different levels of protection and under different, well established, regional traditions and experience. Classes for self-compacting concrete properties have been introduced to cover this situation. Where such general solutions were not possible, the relevant clauses contain permission for the application of national standards or provisions valid in the place of use of the concrete. In tables, notes and footnotes in this Standard are normative unless stated otherwise; other notes and footnotes are informative. Further explanations and guidance on the application of this Standard are given in other documents. Further guidance on the production and other aspects of SCC is given in The European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete – Specification, Production and Use (May 2005). 1 Scope This European Standard applies to SCC for structures cast in situ, precast structures, and structural precast products for buildings and civil engineering structures. This Standard applies to SCC which is self-compacting by gravity to retain no appreciable amount of entrapped air other than entrained air. This Standard applies to normal-weight concrete. Experience with SCC containing light-weight or heavy-weight aggregate and fibres is limited. Some but not all provisions of this Standard will apply for these forms of SCC but the requirements have to be determined on a case by case basis. The SCC may be mixed on site, ready-mixed concrete or produced in a plant for precast concrete products. In addition to those in EN 206-1:2000, this Standard specifies requirements for:
the constituent materials of SCC;
the properties of fresh and hardened SCC and their verification;
the limitations for SCC composition;
the specification of SCC;
the factory production control procedures;
the conformity criteria. Other European Standards for specific products e.g. precast products or for processes within the field of the scope of this Standard may require or permit deviations from this standard. The limitations of scope in EN 206-1:2000 apply to SCC conforming to this Standard. This Standard does not cover health and safety requirements for the protection of workers during production and delivery of concrete.
Dear friends, if some of you possess the official version of this standard - EN 206-9:2010, please share it.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 10-21-2010, 07:28 AM - Forum: EN
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EN ISO 6892-1:2009 Metalic materials. Part 1:Method of test at room temperature
ISO 6892-1:2009 specifies the method for tensile testing of metallic materials and defines the mechanical properties which can be determined at room temperature.
The tension strength of the steel is very important property for the civil engineer. I hope to be useful with this document to all of you.
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Posted by: Grunf - 10-21-2010, 06:43 AM - Forum: EN
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EN 10080 - Steel for the reinforcement of concrete
May 2005
English version
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing
steel - General
BS EN 10080:2005
Weldable steel for the reinforcement of concrete has become subject to the European Standard, BS EN 10080. This standard went back and forth over many years seeking a pragmatic agreement amongst Europeans on how to standardise reinforcement. In other words, it has taken a long time to move from being a mandated standard (one that the European Commission asked CEN to prepare) to being a harmonised standard. In 2008 it had to be withdrawn as a harmonized standard because some countries legal requirements for additional proprties of reinforcement were not met. However, it was implemented in the UK in late 2005 and its subsequent withdrawl has no effect on BS 4449 etc.
BS EN 10080:2005 gives no actual specification or figures that is left to the National Standards. requires that technical classes should be specified by values of:
* Re, yield strength;
* Rm/Re, Ratio of tensile strength/Yield strength,
* Agt, Percentage total elongation at maximum force,
* Re,act/Re,nom (where appropriate), Ratio of actual to specified value of yield strength,
* fatigue strength,
* bend performance,
* weldability,
* bond strength,
* tolerances and
* dimensions.
It contains an informative Annex ZA, which describes how the standard may be used for the purposes of CE marking. Please note that the CE mark is not a quality mark. It merely identifies the product as complying with the essential requirement laid down by the European Commission in their 'mandate' to CEN. CE marking is not a requirement of BS 4449:2005.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 10-21-2010, 06:29 AM - Forum: EN
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EN 196-1: 2005 Methods of testing cement - Part 1: Determination of strength
This document describes the method for the determination of the compressive and, optionally, the
flexural strength of cement mortar. The method applies to common cements and to other cements
and materials, the standards for which call up this method. It may not apply to other cement types that
have, for example, a very short initial setting time.
The method is used for assessing whether the compressive strength of cement is in conformity with
its specification and for validation testing of a CEN Standard sand, EN 196-1, or alternative
compaction equipment.
This document describes the reference equipment and procedure and allows alternative compaction
equipment and procedures to be used provided that they have been validated in accordance with the
appropriate provisions in this document. In the event of a dispute, only the reference equipment and
procedure are used.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 10-21-2010, 04:59 AM - Forum: Concrete
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Concrete Society TR 18 A Guide to Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 1ed.
TR 18 A Guide to Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 1ed.
Catalogue ID: TR18
Publisher: The Concrete Society
This is a non-technical introduction and guide to admixtures selection. It is written for site engineers, consulting engineers, architects and others who are not necessarily materials specialists. This new edition has been fully updated and revised according to current practice. The guide is intentionally pragmatic with a view to encouraging informed and responsible admixture use. It recognises the many applications of admixtures and their effects on the properties of concrete in the plastic and hardened state.
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