F. C. Lea, Hydraulics for Engineers and Engineering Students
E. Arnold | 1916 | ISBN: 1152837052 | Pages: 598 | PDF | 62,2MB
Contents: fluids at rest; floating bodies; fluids in motion; flow of water through orifices and over weirs; flow through pipes; flow in open channels; gauging the flow of water; impact of water on vanes; water wheels and turbines; pumps; hydraulic machines; resistance to the motion of bodies in water; stream line motion.
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I upload the presentation of Marina Bay Sand project. It designed by Ove & Arup encompass many items, such as three tower, the retail area , etc. Especailly, in the roof level of three tower has the Skypark and large swimming pool.
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Moisture Control in Buildings The Key Factor in Mold Prevention: 2nd Edition
Editor(s): Heinz R. Trechsel; Mark Bomberg
Pages: 620
Published: 2009
Hard Cover
ISBN13: 978-0-8031-7004-9
Twenty-eight comprehensive chapters focus on the major issues involved in the process of moisture resistive construction. This one-of-a-kind publication provides the latest and most important information relating to moisture problems in buildings.
Three new chapters have been added to make this the ultimate publication on moisture control:
• Details and Practice discusses design details suitable for preventing moisture problems in service.
• Quality Management in Design and Construction discusses the need for and application of quality control and management during design and construction for preventing moisture problems in service.
• Towards Development of Methods for Assessment of Moisture-Originated Damage looks to the future.
The latest edition is divided into four parts:
Fundamentals—addresses moisture transfer, condensation, and evaporation.
Applications—discusses the technologies that affect the moisture balance in buildings and the techniques used to determine the suitability of materials, components, systems, and structures.
Construction Principles and Recommendations—covers new and existing commercial and high buildings, new and existing residential buildings, and manufactured and historic buildings.
Implementation—discusses implementation mechanisms.
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I need some plans, elevations in pdf, doesn't matter, for a skycraper for a school project.
I found interesting the US bank centre seattle (I really like the structure - but I've only a ground structural plan).
Can somebody help me!? Thanks.
The AutoCAD® WS web and mobile application for AutoCAD® software lets you view, edit, and share DWG™ drawings through a web browser or mobile device. Now you have the freedom to work anywhere and with anyone. Store AutoCAD drawings and project files in an easy-to-access online workspace. View and edit your designs online or on your Apple® iPad™, iPhone®, or iPod touch®. Share and collaborate easily with others; there’s no software required, and it’s free*.
* Online DWG viewer—Access your AutoCAD drawings from anywhere; all you need is a web browser.
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Understanding wood: a craftsman's guide to wood technology
Title: Understanding Wood
A craftsman's guide to wood technology
Author: R. Bruce Hoadley
Published by: The Taunton Press
63 South Main, PO Box 5506
Newton, CT 06470-5506
ISBN 1-56158-358-8
In this essential reference for woodworkers, R. Bruce Hoadley explains everything from how trees grow to how best to cut, season, machine, join, bend, and finish wood. Why do miters open and glue joints loosen? How do you get a really sharp edge? Examples of problems and solutions help woodworkers puzzle through their own projects, while full-color photos and helpful tables illustrate key points.
Wood is a complex, dynamic material that can only be used successfully if the craftsperson understands it. It reacts to changes in humidity, and the various species have widely different working and structural properties (in addition to their many colors and textures). Both Hoadley and Peters do a good job of helping readers understand the factors that must be considered when using wood and products such as plywood. A frequent writer on home improvement topics, Peters offers a colorful book geared toward hobbyist woodworkers. He covers the process of making lumber from start to finish, including how trees grow, their structure, common ways of milling and drying lumber, grading, and possible defects found in wood. One section shows wood samples (both finished and plain) and describes their basic working characteristics. This particularly attractive book is filled with colorful photographs and illustrations and includes both a glossary and an excellent appendix showing the hazards posed by the sawdust of specific wood species. Hoadley, a professor of wood science and technology, has revised his classic title for its 20th anniversary. While the original is still great, the new title incorporates the latest technologies in adhesives, finishes, and wood products. Color photographs are a welcome addition as the original edition's photos were drab and unappealing. Hoadley covers much of the material that Peters does but in far greater depth. While this complexity may intimidate beginners, it is just what advanced users and professionals need. For example, Hoadley's wood identification section consists of macrophotographs of wood samples magnified ten times so that the correct species can be determined from the pattern of wood cells. This title also includes an in-depth glossary, bibliography, and index. Hoadley's work is an improvement of a classic while Peters's is good enough that it will likely stand the test of time as well. The difference is in complexity, not quality. General public library collections will get more use from Peters's title, while in-depth public and academic libraries will want Hoadley. Jonathan Hershey, Akron-Summit Cty. P.L., OH
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This is a classic article published in 1968 that proposed a foundation of probabilistic method in seismic hazard analysis. Many scientists are agreed this paper is pioneered in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis method.
Cornell, CA (1968). Engineering Seismic Risk Analysis, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 1583-1606.
This paper introduces a method for the evaluation of the seismic risk at the site of an engineering project. The results are in terms of a ground motion parameter (such as peak acceleration) versus average return period. The method incorporates the influence of all potential sources of earthquakes and the average activity rates assigned to them. Arbitrary geographical relationships between the site and potential point, line, or areal sources can be modeled with computational ease.
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