Published by the Division of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland
Pages: 221
ISBN No. 1864998687
Year: 2006
FOREWORD by Jorge Matos and Hubert Chanson:
Following the idea and concept of the European Junior Scientist Workshops of the IWA/IAHR Joint Committee on Urban Drainage, the IAHR Hydraulic Structures Section, jointly with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the Portuguese Water Resources Association (APRH), organised the International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS'06). The International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS'06) was held at Hotel da Ameira, Montemor-o-Novo, on 2-4 September 2006. A half-day technical tour included the visit to some relevant hydraulic schemes in Alentejo region, namely the Alqueva and Pedrógão dams on the Guadiana River (Photographs No. 1 and 2). The IJREWHS'06 workshop addressed conventional and innovative aspects of hydraulic structures design, operation, rehabilitation, and interaction with the environment. The main themes of the workshop embraced the hydraulics of dams and hydropower schemes, river structures, hydraulic structures in urban drainage and sewer systems, as well as coastal protection systems.
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Product Details: 100 Of the World's Tallest Buildings
Hardcover: 220 pages| PDF | 159 mb
Publisher: Images Publishing | edition 1998
Ivan Zaknic (Author), Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (Corporate Author), Matthew Smith (Editor), Dolores Rice (Editor)
ISBN: 187549832X
Language: English
Product Description
Majestic, awe-inspiring and unique -- these are the words that best describe the 100 fabulously tall buildings selected for this superb new book.
They embody almost seven decades of engineering and architectural excellence, and each one is a landmark signature on the skyline of its city. From the 1930s splendor of New York City's Chrysler and Empire State Building to the dizzying heights of Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Towers (the world's tallest), each is a lasting monument to the ingenuity and courage of its builders. This spectacular book includes a table that ranks the buildings by height, a summary and glossary of terms.
Presents a spectacular selection of the tallest and most fascinating skyscrapers that have been constructed around the globe. Many photos and drawings.
missing pages: 119-121, 205, 223
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As one of the candidate of Master degree, I have studied one subject called Advanced Rock Mechanic. In this subject, I found some difficulties with the scale of rock crack. I want to know how many scale there are, and also their application. So could you please suggest me some documents and informations related to this one?
Geological Data Management (Geological Society Special Publication)
John R. Giles (Editor)
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: Geological Society Publishing House (September 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 189779939X
ISBN-13: 978-1897799390
Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.9 x 0.8 inches
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Posted by: ir_71 - 10-18-2010, 04:41 AM - Forum: Archive
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ISO 15901-1:2005 Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry
ISO 15901-1:2005 describes a method for the evaluation of the pore size distribution and the specific surface in pores of solids by mercury porosimetry according to the method of Ritter and Drake. ISO 15901-1:2005 describes a comparative test, usually destructive due to mercury contamination, in which the volume of mercury penetrating a pore or void is determined as a function of an applied hydrostatic pressure, which can be related to a pore diameter.
Practical considerations presently limit the maximum applied absolute pressure to about 400 MPa (60 000 psia) corresponding to a minimum equivalent pore diameter of approximately 0,003 m. The maximum diameter is limited for samples having a significant depth due to the difference in hydrostatic head of mercury from the top to the bottom of the sample. For the most purposes, this limit can be regarded as 400 m. ISO 15901-1:2005 applies to inter-particle and intra-particle porosity but cannot distinguish between these porosities where they co-exist.
ISO 15901-1:2005 is suitable for the study of most non-wettable, by mercury, porous materials. Samples that amalgamate with mercury, such as certain metals, e.g. gold, aluminium, reduced copper, reduced nickel and silver, can be unsuitable for this technique or can require a preliminary passivation.
FORMAT: 36 pages, A4
ISBN: 978 0 580 55281 6
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is clear the standard mentioned above is quite specific, but if some of you has it, please share it.
Thanks in advance!
Editor(s): R A Kuntze
Pages: 208
Published: 1984
Hard Cover
ISBN: 0-8031-0219-4
ISBN13: 978-0-8031-0219-4
Eleven papers cover procedures to determine the chemical composition and physical properties of gypsum and gypsum products. They also consider problems and issues associated with the utilization of by-product gypsums.
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The Silica Fume User's Manual is intended to provide practical information for individuals actually working with silica fume and silica-fume concrete. Different chapters of the Manual may be of interest to concrete specifiers, concrete producers, concrete contractors, or concrete inspectors.
Chapters 1 & 2 provide basic information explaining what silica fume is and how it is used in concrete.
Chapter 3 describes primary uses of silica fume in concrete.
Chapter 4 reviews documents available describing or specifying silica fume from ACI, ASTM, and AASHTO.
Chapter 5 presents recommendations for specifying silica fume and silica-fume concrete.
Chapter 6 presents detailed information on proportioning concrete containing silica fume for different applications.
Chapter 7 presents recommendations for working with silica fume in a concrete plant.
Chapter 8 presents recommendations for placing and finishing silica-fume concrete on bridge decks and other flat work.
Chapter 9 discusses health concerns associated with working with silica fume and presents recommendations for personal protection.
Chapter 10 is a collection of references from the other chapters.
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