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Interest in ozonation for drinking water and wastewater treatment has soared in recent years due to ozone's potency as a disinfectant, and the increasing need to control disinfection byproducts that arise from the chlorination of water and wastewater. Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems is a comprehensive reference that presents practical information to water treatment and wastewater treatment operators and researchers. It describes the application of kinetics to the effective evaluation, design, and implementation of ozone technology. This information will help plant operators determine whether or not ozone treatment is suitable for their facility, and help engineers and researchers design appropriate ozone treatment systems. By presenting complete coverage of ozone kinetics in water and wastewater, this book provides researchers and practitioners with fundamentals of ozone kinetics as well as practical "how to" information.
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Engineering Economy, 6th edition, provides undergraduate students and practicing professionals with a solid preparation in the financial understanding of engineering problems and projects, as well as the techniques needed for evaluating and making sound economic decisions. Information on cost estimation, depreciation, and taxes has been updated to conform to new tax laws and a majority of the end-of-chapter problems are revised or new to this edition.
Distinguishing pedagogical characteristics of this market-leading text include its easy-to-read writing style, chapter objectives, worked examples, integrated spreadsheets, case studies, Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam questions, and numerous end-of-chapter problems. Graphical cross-referencing is indicated so users are able to locate additional material on any one subject in the text.
While the chapters are progressive, over three-quarters can stand alone, allowing instructors flexibility for meeting course needs. A complete Online Learning Center (OLC) offers supplemental practice problems, spreadsheet exercises, review questions for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, and more!
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Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate 2012 Win32 ULTIMATE
Size: 17.37 GB
Autodesk® Building Design Suite Ultimate 2012 is ideally suited for construction professionals and offers the power of BIM and an advanced set of comprehensive tools for design and construction in a single economical and convenient package.
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Work with the essential desk reference for all engineers and engineering students, architects, and system designers involved in fire protection.
In the six years since the last edition of SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering was published, major changes have occurred in the world of fire protection engineering and performance-based fire safety. That's why an up-to-date copy of this trusted text should be the cornerstone of your technical library.
More than 10 all-new chapters, including:
Flammable Liquid Spill Fires
Water Mist Systems
Introduction to Fire Risk Analysis
Uncertainty and Safety Factors, and more
Updated and expanded with the latest facts.
Written by fire scientists and engineers from around the world, this third-edition Handbook presents critical new developments and data in all chapters. For example:
Significant new material on egress and human behavior, CFD modeling and risk assessment is vital for those involved in preparing and reviewing performance-based designs.
The section on radiative exposure calculations has been completely rewritten to form an integrated methodology following an SFPE consensus view of the subject...and more.
Conveniently organized into five sections that cover all the bases, the Handbook features a new design plus extensive index and chapter references that will save hours of research.
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Size: 124 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Japanese Geotechnical Society | Year: 2008
Soils and Foundations is a bi-monthly journal which specializes on the whole field of geotechnical engineering and related disciplines. This journal publishes research papers, reports of important engineering experiences, state-of-the-art reports on important themes, and discussions. Continuing efforts have been made by the editorial board members to maintain the high quality of the journal by reviewing manuscripts in careful and fair manner. A special attention has been focused therefore on the novelty and readers' benefit together with practical applicability if necessary. Further, the editorial board is happy to give instructions to authors of manuscripts which could improve their quality. One of the benefits to non-English-speaking authors is that the English in accepted manuscripts is improved by a specialist who is a native and professionally-educated English speaker. Good papers in this journal are entitled to apply for academic awards of the Japanese Geotechnical Society. The publication fee is free up to a specified number of pages. Soils and Foundations is abstracted and indexed in various services including
Science Citation Index-Expanded; Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology; International Civil Engineering Abstract; Earthquake Engineering Abstracts; CiNii and J-STAGE.
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Author: Victor Guillemin | Size: 1.36 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: MIT OpenCourseWare | Year: 2005 | pages: 83
This course covers harmonic theory on complex manifolds, the Hodge decomposition theorem, the Hard Lefschetz theorem, and Vanishing theorems. Some results and tools on deformation and uniformization of complex manifolds are also discussed.
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From the table of contents: Introduction; Addition of Coplanar Vectors; Products of Coplanar Vectors; Coaxial Quaternions; Addition of Vectors in Space; Product of Two Vectors; Product of Three Vectors; Composition of Quantities; Spherical Trigonometry; Composition of Rotations.
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