Why the Boundary of a Round Drop Becomes a Curve of Order Four
Author: A. N. Varchenko, P. I. Etingof | Size: 4.57 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: American Mathematical Society | Year: 1992 | pages: 76 | ISBN: 0821870025
This book concerns the problem of evolution of a round oil spot surrounded by water when oil is extracted from a well inside the spot. It turns out that the boundary of the spot remains an algebraic curve of degree four in the course of evolution. This text discusses this topic and other recent work in the theory of fluid flows with a moving boundary.
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Dear members...
where I can find ACI code base on SI units? all handbook I have base on Imperical units.
and can you give me suggestion Reinforced Concrete books base on SI units???
Author: Maximilian Kreuzer | Size: 503 KB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Technische Universitat Wien | Year: 2010 | pages: 69
From the table of contents: Topology (Homotopy, Manifolds, Surfaces, Homology, Intersection numbers and the mapping class group); Differentiable manifolds; Riemannian geometry; Vector bundles; Lie algebras and representations; Complex manifolds.
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This volume studies the dynamics of iterated holomorphic mappings from a Riemann surface to itself, concentrating on the classical case of rational maps of the Riemann sphere. These lectures are intended to introduce some key ideas in the field, and to form a basis for further study. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the rudiments of complex variable theory and of two-dimensional differential geometry, as well as some basic topics from topology.
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This is an introductory text on the more topological aspects of contact geometry, written for the Handbook of Differential Geometry vol. 2. After discussing (and proving) some of the fundamental results of contact topology (neighbourhood theorems, isotopy extension theorems, approximation theorems), I move on to a detailed exposition of the original proof of the Lutz-Martinet theorem.
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Author: Alfred Baker | Size: 9.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: W. J. Gage | Year: 1905 | pages: 234 | ISBN: 1151882178
The principles of Analytical Geometry are developed in the first two chapters of this book. The remainder of the book is occupied in applying the principles and methods of Analytical Geometry to the straight line, circle, parabola, etc.
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These lectures notes are an introduction for physicists to several ideas and applications of noncommutative geometry. The necessary mathematical tools are presented in a way which we feel should be accessible to physicists. We illustrate applications to Yang-Mills, fermionic and gravity models, notably we describe the spectral action recently introduced by Chamseddine and Connes. We also present an introduction to recent work on noncommutative lattices.
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The following course is intended to give, in as simple a way as possible, the essentials of synthetic projective geometry. Enough examples have been provided to give the student a clear grasp of the theory. The student should have a thorough grounding in ordinary elementary geometry.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 04-19-2011, 09:51 AM - Forum: General Books
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Author: Dr Sean Smith, John B Wood, Richard Mackenzie | Size: 10.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Scottish Building Standards Agency | Year: 2006 | pages: 309
Sound or noise transmission may be an everyday occurance and, for some occupants, a series of random and uncontrollable events. This can lead to frustration, anger and stress for occupants. In some cases the persons generating this noise are unaware of the repercussions on their neighbours’ quality of life. One method of addressing noise intrusion from the neighbouring dwelling is to improve the sound insulation.
The purpose of this guide is to provide methods and descriptions of how to improve sound insulation between attached dwellings, to assist in deciding on what levels of sound insulation may be required and to inform on key separating wall and floor types and influences of remedial treatments.
The guidance presented in this document is targeted towards general living noise, where the reason that noise is intrusive due to poor sound insulation of the separating wall or floor. Although some of the treatments may be useful in significantly increasing sound insulation in particular dwellings, they are not designed to deal with noise arising from anti-social behaviour.
Scotland contains 10% of the UK’s housing stock and its wealth of architectural styles, construction methods and design features provide an excellent opportunity to review the sound insulation characteristics of a wide range of dwellings. At least four out of five Scottish dwellings share an adjoining wall with another dwelling and as found in flats, almost two out of every five share a separating floor
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Posted by: valjeanlk - 04-19-2011, 09:22 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friends,
Could you please provide me the below paper if you have it ?
Andersen, K.H. and Hans P.Jostad. "Shear strength along outside wall of suction anchors in clay after installation" Proceedings ore and Polar Engineering Conference, Kyusu, Japan, 2002.