Author: A. Naaman, J. Breen | Size: 16.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: American Concrete Institute | Year: 1990 | pages: 458
External prestressing--that is, the use of unbonded prestressing tendons outside the concrete section of a structural concrete member--offers substantial economic savings and a dramatic increase in construction speed, making it an extremely attractive option for the construction of new concrete structures, particularly bridges. It is also a logical choice for the rehabilitation and strengthening of many existing structures. ACI's symposium volume, External prestressing in Bridges, provides the last word on this important technological development Based on experience in both the U.S. and Europe, the book addresses:
*The state of the art,
*Technologies for construction,
*Applications in new construction and rehabilitation,
*Testing and experimental observations,
*Analysis and design considerations.
Covering practical construction information as well as analysis and design, this is required reading for anyone involved in building bridges.
* External Prestressing: From Construction History to Modern Technique and Technology, by M.P. Virlogeux
* External Prestressing--A State of the Art, by A.S.G. Bruggeling
* Development of External Prestressing in Bridges--Evolution of the Technique, by P. Jartoux and R. Lacroix
* Properties of Polyaramid Ropes and Implications for Their Use as External Prestressing Tendons, by C.J. Burgoyne
* The Application of External Prestressing of Bridges in Germany, by H.S. Svensson
* External Prestressing in Bridges--The Example of the Sylans and Glacieres Viaducts (France), by P.X. Thao
* Texas SDHPT Experience with External Tendons on Segmental Bridges, by A. Matejowsky
* Re Island Bridge External Prestressing, by G. Causse * External Prestressing in Two-Chord Large Span Structural Systems, by M.Ivkovic and Z. Perisic
* Strengthening of Existing Bridges (Simple and Continuous Span) by Post- Tensioning, by F.W. Klaiber, K.F. Dunker, and W.W. Sanders, Jr.
* Post-Tensioned Repair and Field Testing of a Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge, by A.E.N. Osborn and H.K. Preston
* Deviator Behavior and Design for Externally Post-Tensioned Bridges, by R.J. Beaupre, L.C. Powell, J.E. Breen, and M.E. Kreger
* Externally Prestressed Concrete Slab Bridges: Model Test Results, by C. Menn and P. Gauvreau
* Behavior of 1/5 Scale Segmental Concrete Girders with External and Internal Tendons, by B.G. Rabbat and K. Sowlat
* Strength and Ductility of a Three-Span Externally Post-Tensioned Segmental Box Girder Bridge Model, by R.J.G. MacGregor, M.E. Kreger, and J.E. Breen
* A New Methodology for the Analysis of Beams Prestressed with External or Unbonded Tendons, by A.E. Naaman
* Ultimate Behavior of Precast Segmental Box Girders with External Tendons, by J. Muller and Y. Gauthier
* Externally Prestressed Bridges, by J. Eibl
* Finite Element Analysis of Externally Post-Tensioned Segmental Box Girder Construction, by M.E. Kreger, G.L. Fenves, and K.C. El-Habr
* Computer Evaluation of the Effect of Prestressing on a Shell structure, by J.M. Nagele, S.C. Das, and R.M. Bakeer
* External Versus Internal Bonded Prestressing, by E. Woelfel
* Reliability Analysis of Externally Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders, by A.S. Nowak, A.E. Naaman, and S.-C. Ting
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Author: Ben C. Gerwick Jr. | Size: 34.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 2 editio | Year: 1997 | pages: 616 | ISBN: 9780471181132
Product Description
Methods and practices for constructing sophisticated prestressed concrete structures.
Construction of Prestressed Concrete Structures, Second Edition, provides the engineer or construction contractor with a complete guide to the design and construction of modern, high-quality concrete structures. This highly practicable new edition of Ben C. Gerwick's classic guide is expanded and almost entirely rewritten to reflect the dramatic developments in materials and techniques that have occurred over the past two decades.
The first of the book's two sections deals with materials and techniques for prestressed concrete, including the latest recipes for high-strength and durable concrete mixes, new reinforcing materials and their placement patterns, modern prestressing systems, and special techniques such as lightweight concrete and composite construction. The second section covers application to buildings; bridges; pilings; and marine structures, including offshore platforms, floating structures, tanks, and containments. Special subjects such as cracking and corrosion, repair and strengthening of existing structures, and construction in remote areas are presented in the final chapters.
For engineers and construction contractors involved in any type of prestressed concrete construction, this book enables the effective implementation of advanced structural concepts and their economical and reliable translation into practice.
From the Publisher
Focusing on construction, this revision discusses the fundamental techniques, materials, systems, and technology involved in prestressing. Covers specific applications in erecting bridges, buildings, offshore structures, pipes, poles, piles, machinery, roads, airfields, railroads, tanks, and much more. New to this edition are numerous advances in design and construction such as cracking and corrosion, repair and strengthening of existing structures, and construction in remote areas are present in the final chapters. Includes 184 photographs of actual field applications.
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A textbook combining theory and associated computer programs for students in structural dynamics and practicing engineers. SciTech Book News, March 2003 Book News, Inc..
Product Description
This book presents a series of integrated computer programs in Fortran-90 for the dynamic analysis of structures, using the finite element method. Two dimensional continuum structures such as walls are covered along with skeletal structures such as rigid jointed frames and plane grids. Response to general dynamic loading of single degree freedom systems is calculated, and the author also examines multi degree of freedom systems (including earthquake analysis). Each chapter covers a different aspect of analytic theory and the corresponding program segments.
It will be an essential tool for practising structural and civil engineers, whilst also being of interest to academics and postgraduate students
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Product Description
The support you need to build high-quality temporary structures. All the technical, business, and legal know-how you need to build and maintain 17 different temporary support and access structures has been gathered in one convenient problem-solver. In the completely revised Second Edition of the Handbook of Temporary Structures in Construction, Robert Ratay and a team of experts provide you with full coverage of the latest construction materials and methods--different contracting techniques--new codes and standards--new dispute resolution procedures--tested cost controls--using temporary structures in repair and rehab work--OSHA updates on construction site safety--and much more.
The one and only handbook of its kind, the new edition of this definitive reference provides civil and structural engineers, architects, and contractors with all the technical and businees information required to successfully design and construct temporary support structures. Readers will find detailed guidelines for the safe, cost-efficient design and construction of 17 different temporary structure systems, as well as all-new chapters on such timely topics as the use of temporary structure in repair and rehabiliation work and OSHA's influence on construction site safety. 430 illustration.
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an entirely new approach with emphasis on the behaviour of building structures lAIN A. MACLEOD, Professor of Structural Engineering, University of Strathclyde
This book presents a new approach to what it is necessary to know about structural analysis. In the past the problem of obtaining solutions to mathematical models was a major obstacle and when doing hand analysis it was necessary to fully understand all the steps in the processing ofthe solution. Now the processing is done with ease on computers and the problem area has shifted to such questions as 'What element and what element mesh should I use?', 'How can I better understand how a structure behaves?' and 'How do I validate the computer results that have been produced?'. Teaching of structural analysis has been slow to react to this change in emphasis and this book is probably the first of a new genre of texts on the subject.
It considers material and element models, highlighting the validity of assumptions, and presents a discussion of structural system models that will help designers to create good finite element models of structural systems and to test the validity of the solutions obtained.
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The above link also contains second book linked below (probably accidentally by the poster)
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Posted by: bashir999 - 04-17-2011, 11:07 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear All
Does any one have a copy of the recent submission of ICE (UK) Development Objective & Career Appraisal Report. Kindly share with us.
Thanks in advance.
Author: Frank Lincoln Stevens | Size: 8.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: C. Scribner's sons | Year: 1910 | pages: 404 | ISBN: 1112221972
The primary object of arithmetic is to enable the student to acquire skill in computation. In addition to the attainment of this essential end, great benefit is derived from the exercise of the reasoning powers and their consequent development.
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In preparing this book, the author had especially in mind classes in the upper grades of grammar schools, though the work will be found equally well adapted to the needs of any classes of beginners. It is expected that this work will result in a knowledge of general truths about numbers, and an increased power of clear thinking.
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The main purpose of the volume is an exposition of the principal methods of determining latitude, azimuth, and time. Generally speaking, the limit of precision is that corresponding to the engineer's transit or the sextant.
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