1.1.1 General. The Code addresses those construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life and property.
1.1.2 Code Title. The provisions of this document shall constitute and be known as NFPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety Code, hereinafter referred to as “this Code” or “the Code.”
1.2* Purpose. The purpose of the Code is to provide minimum design regulations to safeguard life, health, property, and public welfare and to minimize injuries by regulating and controlling the permitting, design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures within the jurisdiction and certain equipment specifically regulated herein.
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Autodesk Navisworks Suite 2012 x32 x64 ISZ (Multilanguage)
Size: 5.84 GB
Autodesk® Navisworks® project review software products help architecture, engineering, and construction professionals gain control over project outcomes. Integrate, share, and review 3D models and multiformat data with all your project stakeholders. A robust set of integration, analysis, and communication tools helps teams better coordinate disciplines, resolve conflicts, and plan projects before construction or renovation begins. Navisworks supports Building Information Modeling (BIM) for building and infrastructure, as well as 3D model-based design for process and power plants.
Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage project review software supports intelligent 3D model-based designs with scheduling, visualization, and collaboration tools, as well as advanced clash detection capability.
Integrates both large and small datasets from many major 3D design and laser scan formats into a single project model for clash detection and interference management
Offers powerful search, navigation, and display tools that support hard clash and clearance detection
Provides comprehensive monitoring and workflow tools to report and track identified problems through to resolution
Includes all the functionality available in Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate project review software
Autodesk® Navisworks® Simulate project review software supports intelligent 3D model-based designs with advanced scheduling and visualization capabilities.
Supports the creation of a single, coordinated model to facilitate collaboration, encouraging shared learning and helping to provide a platform for interdisciplinary workflows
Provides a comprehensive range of markup, review, and commenting tools to support collaboration among all design disciplines
Offers comprehensive API and data integration tools to help deliver a visual portal for easy and intuitive access to all project data
Autodesk® Navisworks® Freedom software is a free* Building Information Modeling (BIM) project viewer that gives your extended team access to the whole-project model for review.
Installed in Windows 7 64bit. Use keys: Manage - 507D1 Simulate - 506D1
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
The correct design of connections between cladding panels and steel frames is of critical importance to the performance of the cladding and to the building programme. Since cladding is a critical path operation, cladding connections have to be developed such that they not only have sound structural and physical properties, but also permit efficient and rapid erection. A characteristic of many of the most successful cladding systems is that much preparatory work (lining and levelling etc.) is done in advance of the erection operation, and therefore off the critical path. Section 1 of this publication details the advantages of such practice and Section 2 appraises six generic cladding systems in relation to the optimised practices set out in Section 1.
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SCI P080: Fire resistant design of steel structures - A handbook to BS 5950: Part 8
Author: R M LawSon, G M Newman | Size: 10 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 1990 | pages: 140 | ISBN: 1870004485
This publication covers the means of achieving the required fire resistance of steel structures used in building. It follows BS 5950: Part 8 ‘Code of Practice for Fire Resistant Design’ (1990), and describes the background to the Code Clauses. The publication is presented as a Handbook and is intended to be read as a narrative. Cross-references to the Code Clauses are included adjacent to the text.
The main Sections in the Handbook deal with the performance of steel at elevated temperatures, and the means of determining threis e in temperature of steel sectionsi n the standard fire. The evaluatiofn fire resistancei s treated in two ways: by performance based on tests, or alternatively, by calculation methods. The basis of the test approach is presented in terms of ‘limiting temperatures’ that have been determined for beams supporting floors and columns, as functions of the loads applied to them in fire conditions. The calculation approach used for flexural members, such as beams or floors, is called the ‘moment capacity’ method. The method of determining the required thicknesosf fire protection is new to the UK and is largely based on that put forward in the ‘European Recommendations for Fire Safety of Steel Structures’. It permits the calculation of thickness of protection as a functioonf the thermal properties at elevated temperatures of the materials used.
The other parts of the Handbook deal with particular structural forms, such as: shelf angle floors, composite floors, portal frames, and concrete-filled hollow sections. The concept of ‘natural fires’is also reviewed, although this is not strictly included in BS 5950: Part 8. Finally, a number of worked examples is provided.
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This British Standard specifies requirements for weldable steels for general structural and engineering purposes in the form of hot-rolled plates, strip, wide flats, flats and bars and for structural steel sections complying with BC 4848 : Parts 2, 4 and 5 and BS 4 : Part 1. However, in the case of hollow sections formed from plate and with the seams metal arc welded, this standard covers only the requirements for the plate material.
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Posted by: rohailiyaz - 04-14-2011, 06:26 AM - Forum: Archive
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Irrigation and hydraulic structures
theory, design and practice
1st ed.
Iqbal Ali.
Published 1993 by Institute of Environmental Engineering & Research, NED University of Engineering & Technology in Karachi, Pakistan .
Written in English.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Anyone have this book...need urgently
Rohail Iyaz