I am planning to take Structural II (SE Exam) and California Seismic Exam. I was wondering if any have experience with this exam, recommendations, Study books and Materials.
This paper would be much appreciated
M.J.N. Priestley, F. Seible, Y. Xiao and R. Verma, Steel jacket retrofit of squat RC bridge columns for enhanced shear strength. Part 1: theoretical considerations and test design; Part 2: experimental results, ACI Struct J 91 (1994) (5), pp. 537–551.
This publication provides guidance on the design of commercial and public buildings where there is a requirement to provide protection against the effects of explosions caused by the detonation of high explosives.
A philosophy for the design of buildings to reduce the effects of attack is introduced and a design procedure is proposed. The steps in the procedure cover threat assessment, preventive measures, the evaluation of blast overpressure and loads, and the response and adequacy of structural components subjected to blast.
The background and basis of each of the steps is explained.
The robustness of buildings and the prevention of disproportionate collapse are discussed in relation to the UK Building Regulations and Codes of Practice, and to technical guidance documents that have been developed by military establishments. Enhancements to structural frames and to non-structural components are proposed, and the inspection of buildings damaged by blast loads is considered.
A comprehensive list of references is provided.
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Looking back some 10 or 20 years ago, the scientific community dealing with the problem of fire in buildings could, schematically, be divided into two separate groups; one group was dealing with the fire side of the problem and was considering that the temperature of 540°C was anything which had to be known concerning the structure of the building; the other group was investigating the behaviour of the structure, quite happy with the comfortable feeling that the ISO curve was a perfect representation of the fire.
The disadvantages of this situation with very little, if any, communication between the two groups progressively became more and more evident and people started to consider talking to each other and, even more, to widen their field of investigation and have a look into the other guy’s garden. Other aspects also came into consideration such the behaviour of human beings, risk analysis, etc. This evolution lead to the now widely accepted concept of Fire Safety Engineering which, simply saying, is nothing more than the fact that we are starting to treat the problem of Fire Safety in the way that engineers treat other problems, i.e. trying to do their best in order to take into consideration every phenomenon which is suspected to play a role.
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Please i need a clarification and advice here.
Supposing i acquired a 64 bit laptop;
1) can i continue running my 32 bit programs on it?
2) what are the advantages of running 64 bit programs on 64 bit machines instead of 32 bit programs on 64 bit machines?
Thanks and regards
And do i need an i7 for structural works!! What would be the minimum, say in terms of specs?
Posted by: tuanbao - 04-12-2011, 04:37 AM - Forum: Archive
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Does anybody have this book Offshore Structures: Volume 1: Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics
Hardcover: 342 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (May 6, 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540197095
ISBN-13: 978-3540197096
Offshore Structures: Volume 2: Strength and Safety for Structural Design
Hardcover: 339 pages
Publisher: Springer (June 19, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540197702
ISBN-13: 978-3540197706
Thank you
SCI P249: Design of kidney shaped slotted connections
Author: D G BROWN, Dr W TIZANI | Size: 0.43 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 1998 | pages: 30 | ISBN: 1859420761
This report presents details of the testing of various two bolt connections, some with plain holes and some incorporating a single kidney shaped slot. Based on the results of the tests, it is recommended that the connection capacity be taken as the capacity of a single bolt in a plain hole multiplied by a factor of 1.6. It was found that the displacement at working load is not significantly greater than connections with two plain holes, and should not preclude the use of such details in orthodox structures.
The recommendations apply to bracing connections in orthodox buildings with two bolts, and where the end and edge distances of the connection detail comply with certain limitations. For strut design, connections incorporating a kidney shaped slot should not be assumed to provide directional restraint.
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These case studies supplement the SCI publications:
Building Design Using Cold
Formed Steel Sections:
An Architect’s Guide (SCI P-130)
and Case Studies on Light Steel Framing (SCI P-176).
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Author: UNIBELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION | Size: aprox total 38 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: UNIBELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION | Year: 2001 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 978-0831134501
The Handbook of PVC Pipe: Design and Construction is the most comprehensive reference text on PVC pipe and fittings. It provides practical engineering and construction information, as well as recommendations on the design and function of PVC piping systems used primarily underground, in both pressure and non-pressure applications.
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This reference by Dr. S.K. Ghosh, provides theoretical background information on response spectrum analysis, and prescribes a clear step-by-step procedure for designs based on such analysis. The complete design of a multistory concrete building based on a response spectrum analysis is included. The static force procedure is used as a reference and point of departure for designs based on dynamic analysis and is also illustrated for the example building.
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