SCI P173 Reducing noise emissions from steel railway bridges
Author: C W Brown | Size: 0.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 1997 | pages: 19 | ISBN: 1859420427
This publication describes studiesc arried out by The Steel Construction Institute to determine whether there is justification for the view expressed by some engineers that steel railway bridges are noisier than concrete. It essentially comprises desk studies and includes sau m m a r y of earlier work which was directed towards light rail systems in urban areas, together with an extension to cover the applications to railways for high speed trains. It concludes that modern well designed, detailed and maintained steel railway bridges are no noisier than concrete, and gives some general recommendations to be followed to ensure that this is attained.
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SCI P322: Acoustic performance of composite floors
Author: M T Gorgolewski, R M Lawson | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 2003 | pages: 16 | ISBN: 1859421466
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SCI P332: Steel in Multi-Storey Residential Buildings
Author: R M Lawson, R G Ogden, J W Rackham | Size: 11.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 2004 | pages: 76 | ISBN: 1859421547
This publication presents the range of steel-intensive construction technologies that may be used successfully in the multi-storey residential building sector. It explains the need for achieving better value in residential construction, and describes the value-benefits of using these steel technologies.
The publication discusses the important regulatory requirements and other aspects influencing the design of residential buildings. It mentions aspects of compliance with the Building Regulations, including the recently enhanced requirements for acoustic and thermal insulation. It also gives information on the means of achieving robustness in multi-storey structures, to prevent disproportionate collapse.
The steel technologies covered in the publication are:
• Composite construction
• Slimdek
• Slimflor (using precast concrete slabs)
• Light steel framing
• Modular construction
• Light steel separating walls.
The main features and benefits of these technologies are described, together with recent examples of housing or residential buildings using these forms of construction. The attributes and application of a range of cladding options is provided, with illustrations of their use. Details of balconies and parapet walls are also included.
Basements are an increasingly common requirement for densely populated environments, and information on the construction of water-tight basements is given. A complementary publication (by Corus) reviews the application of Slimdek in a multi-storey residential building.
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Author: Michael Halvorson | Size: 27.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Microsoft Press | Year: January 27, 2008 | pages: 546 pages | ISBN: # ISBN-10: 9780735625372 # ISBN-13: 978-0735625372
Teach yourself the fundamentals of working with Visual Basic 2008-one step at a time. With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises. Whether you’re a beginning programmer or new to this specific language, you’ll understand the core capabilities and fundamental techniques for Visual Basic 2008-and rapidly build robust, elegant applications. Each chapter puts you to work, showing you how, when, and why to use the latest features of Visual Basic-guiding you each step of the way as you create actual components and working applications for Windows. You’ll also explore data management and Web-based development topics. PLUS-get practice files with sample code and data sets on the companion CD
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Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment
Author: Maan H. Jawad and James R. Farr | Size: 101 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc | Year: 1984 | pages: 724 | ISBN: 047109207X
Structural Analysis And Design of Process Equipment is the most practical,up-to-date source of information on the analysis and design of process equipment yet published. It provides practicing engineers with clear guidance to the latest ASME Boiler and Vessel Code and offers advanced engineering students a concise introduction to the basic equations and rules used in the design of process vessels and components. Each chapter is written in the working terminology used in the industry of the vessel or component discussed,and can be read in any sequence for easy application and quick reference. The material is organized infour main sections: * a general introduction to the "tools of the trade"—giving a complete history of pressure vessels and various applicable codes from around the world. * an outline of the basic theory of plates and shells—supplying information helpful in analyzing complicated structures that are beyond the scope of elementary design. * detailed analysis and design of components—defining procedures for designing vessel supports,and illustrating the evaluation of stress due to wind and earthquake loads. * coverage of design and analysis of specialized equipment —offering the reader background on tubesheet design in heat transfer equipment as established by Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association. The two concluding sections of the book provide a comprehensive analysis of components such as cylindrical shells, heads, layered vessels, and rectangular reactors, as outlined in the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code. (continued from front flap) K This practical guide also includes a complete introduction to pressure vessel analysis. It gives engineers as well as authorized inspectors the necessary background information to verify the ASME design of pressure vessels installed in various locations and jurisdictions.
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Can anybody help with this book 'wave forces on offshore structures' by Turgut 'Sarp' Sarpkaya?
The 1981 version of this book was cited by James F.Wilson in his "Dynamics of structures", to say that Sarpkaya had given an excellent critique of the literature on the dynamic fluid forces on solid bodies.
Wish to learn from that.
Many thanks!!
The 2010 version:
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This brochure has been produced to assist Structural Engineers and Designers who use Hot finished Structural Hollow Sections whose section properties comply with BS 4848 : Part 2 (Ref 1) and whose Steel qualities comply with EN 102 10-l (Ref 2) to design using the Limit State basis as covered by BS 5950 : Part 1 (Ref 3).
It is important for designers to recognise that hollow sections, unlike their rolled open section counterparts, can be produced by a hot or cold forming process. The process of cold forming produces different mechanical properties in the section to that of hot forming and a reduction in the sectional properties used in design.
Designers wishing to use cold formed hollow sections should design in accordance with the appropriate cold formed standard and with the sectional properties as given in BS 6363 (Ref 4). Further guidance is given in British Steels Tubes & Pipes publication TD369 - ‘Cold Formed Hollow Sections’. In addition to the information contained in this publication, further assistance and design guidance is given in companion British Steel Tubes & Pipes publications (references 16 to 21) and the Steel Construction Institute (references 8 to 15) publications as given in Appendix A.
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Establishes the principles and general rules for the use of steel materials and design of steel structures in buildings. It is also applicable to bridges, civil engineering and related structures, but for such structures it may be necessary to consider other requirements.
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This part of ISO 10721 specifies the requirements for the fabrication, erection and inspection of structural steelwork in buildings designed in accordance with ISO 10721-1, including steelwork in composite steel and concrete structures. This part of ISO 10721 is also applicable to bridges, off-shore and other civil engineering and related structures, but for such structures it may be necessary to consider other requirements.
NOTE For welded connections and for structures subject to fatigue, special considerations regarding scope and field of application are presented in 8.9 and 10.1 respectively of ISO 10721-1.
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This book is a comprehensive treatment of engineering undergraduate differential equations as well as linear vibrations and feedback control. While this material has traditionally been separated into different courses in undergraduate engineering curricula. This text provides a streamlined and efficient treatment of material normally covered in three courses. Ultimately, engineering students study mathematics in order to be able to solve problems within the engineering realm.
Engineering Differential Equations: Theory and Applications guides students to approach the mathematical theory with much greater interest and enthusiasm by teaching the theory together with applications. Additionally, it includes an abundance of detailed examples. Appendices include numerous C and FORTRAN example programs. This book is intended for engineering undergraduate students, particularly aerospace and mechanical engineers and students in other disciplines concerned with mechanical systems analysis and control. Prerequisites include basic and advanced calculus with an introduction to linear algebra.
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