SCI P325: Introduction to Steelwork Design to BS 5950-1:2000
Author: A G J Way, P R Salter | Size: 2.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 2003 | pages: 198 | ISBN: 1859421415
This publication provides design guidance on the use of BS 5950-1:2000. Introductory and background information has been included to make the publication easy to follow and also suitable to those with limited experience of BS 5950-1. Cross-references to Code clauses and explanations of how the Code clauses should be applied under certain situations are provided. The publication covers the design of all the main structural forms and their components.
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I wish someone would help me with a book explaining reinforced concrete design based on BS 8110-1997, I've searched our beloved Forum but all I found were books that explain the 1985 edition of BS 8110.
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Morandi, P; Magenes, G; Griffith, M. Second Order Effects in Out-of-plane Strength of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Subjected to Bending and Compression. Volume 8 Issue 2 (2008). Australian Journal of Structural Engineering.
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The devastating impacts of tsunamis have received increased focus since the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, the most devastating tsunami in over 400 years of recorded history. This professional reference is the first of its kind: it provides a globally inclusive review of the current state of tsunami detection technology and will be a much-needed resource for oceanographers and marine engineers working to upgrade and integrate their tsunami warning systems. It focuses on the two main tsunami warning systems (TWS): International and Regional. Featured are comparative assessments of detection, monitoring, and real-time reporting technologies. The challenges of detection through remote measuring stations are also addressed, as well as the historical and scientific aspects of tsunamis.
Offers readers the only source of practical content on the technological details of the subject
Written by a tsunami detection and monitoring expert who has 32 years of experience in the field
Companion web site featuring multi-media components, timely updates on fast-paced technological developments, and an online forum where scientists can exchange ideas, discuss technological updates and provide the author with valuable feedback
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Author: Stephen D. Killops, Vanessa J. Killops | Size: 5.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WILEY | Year: 2005 | pages: 408 | ISBN: 0632065044
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-based on aci/nscp codes
-under concentric columns only
-must be subject to uniaxial/biaxial bending
please correct my work....
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Fire and combustion presents a significant engineering challenge to mechanical, civil and dedicated fire engineers, as well as specialists in the process and chemical, safety, buildings and structural fields. We are reminded of the tragic outcomes of untenable fire disasters such as at Kings Cross underground station or Switzerlands St Gotthard tunnel. In these and many other cases, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is at the forefront of active research into unravelling the probable causes of fires and helping to design structures and systems to ensure that they are less likely in the future.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is routinely used as an analysis tool in fire and combustion engineering as it possesses the ability to handle the complex geometries and characteristics of combustion and fire. This book shows engineering students and professionals how to understand and use this powerful tool in the study of combustion processes, and in the engineering of safer or more fire resistant (or conversely, more fire-efficient) structures.
No other book is dedicated to computer-based fire dynamics tools and systems. It is supported by a rigorous pedagogy, including worked examples to illustrate the capabilities of different models, an introduction to the essential aspects of fire physics, examination and self-test exercises, fully worked solutions and a suite of accompanying software for use in industry standard modeling systems.
· Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is widely used in engineering analysis; this is the only book dedicated to CFD modeling analysis in fire and combustion engineering
· Strong pedagogic features mean this book can be used as a text for graduate level mechanical, civil, structural and fire engineering courses, while its coverage of the latest techniques and industry standard software make it an important reference for researchers and professional engineers in the mechanical and structural sectors, and by fire engineers, safety consultants and regulators
· Strong author team (CUHK is a recognized centre of excellence in fire eng) deliver an expert package for students and professionals, showing both theory and applications. Accompanied by CFD modeling code and ready to use simulations to run in industry-standard ANSYS-CFX and Fluent software.
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Pipelines and Risers Elsevier Ocean Engineering Series - Vol 3
ISBN: 0080437125
Title: Pipelines and Risers (Elsevier Ocean Engineering Series)
Author: Yong Bai
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Publication Date: 2001-02-01
Number Of Pages: 520
7.0 Mb pdf
Hardbound. This book summarizes the author's 18 years research and engineering experience at universities, classification societies and design offices. The intention is to develop this book as a textbook for graduate students, as it includes design guidelines for engineers and references for researchers. It is hoped that this book may also be used to aid the design of offshore structures as it details applied mechanics and design/engineering. The book has been used in a teaching course for M.Sc .
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