Posted by: ranger - 04-17-2011, 08:33 AM - Forum: General Books
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Plank-And-Beam Framing for Residential Buildings
Size: 1.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: American Wood Council | Year: 2003 | pages: 40
The plank-and-beam method for framing floors and roofs has been used in heavy timber buildings for many years. The adaptation of this system to residential construction has raised many technical questions from designers and builders concerning the details of application. This publication presents technical data that will be helpful to students, architects, engineers and builders. It contains information pertaining to principles of design, advantages and limitations, construction details, and structural requirements for the plank-and-beam method of framing, including span and load tables.
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An insufficient amount of measured data is available on actual indoor humidity levels in U.S. households, making it difficult to design durable homes. This research project has collected 1 full year of indoor temperature and humidity data for a sample of 60 homes across three different climate regions—the hot and humid Southeast (Zone 2), the cold Northeast (Zone 5), and the marine Northwest (Zone 4).
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Fundamentals of Transportation is aimed at undergraduate civil engineering students, though the material may provide a useful review for practitioners and graduate students in transportation. The book is divided into three main parts: planning, operations, and design.
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Author: A. W. Thomson, T. Alexander | Size: 27.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: MacMillan | Year: 1916 | pages: 544 | ISBN: 1103587080
The work forms an elementary consecutive treatise on the subject of Internal Stress and Strain. The whole is illustrated by a systematic and graduated set of Examples. At every point graphical methods are combined with the analytical.
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When properly designed, wood frame structures will resist damage by moisture and living organisms. Recommendations for control of moisture and protection against decay and insect infestations are contained in this document. Many of the recommendations are established practice among architects, engineers, and builders.
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SCI P170: Specification of Structural Steelwork for Bridges: A Model Appendix 18/1 (with commentary) 3rd Edition
Author: D C ILES | Size: 0.23 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: SCI | Year: 2008 | pages: 28
This document is set out as a series of clauses which may be incorporated in a project specification as part of an ‘Appendix 18/1’ to the Specification for Highway Works. The clauses are grouped under headings which generally correspond to those of the principal clauses of BS 5400: Part 6. Reference numbers are given to the ‘model’ clauses for ease of use and cross-reference; when used in a particular project specification an alternative numbering system may be chosen to suit the requirements of the project. Reference to clauses in BS 5400: Part 6 is made simply by quoting the clause number. The clauses are arranged in a two-column format. The left-hand column contains the actual clause text suggested by the Group. The text in the right-hand column is a commentary for the information of the person drawing up project documents and is not intended to be included within the project specification itself. In this commentary, reference is made to ‘Guidance Notes’. These are a series of 60 separate topics that are published as Steel Bridge Group: Guidance Notes on Best Practice in Steel Bridge Construction (SCI P185). The Notes offer extensive, though still relatively concise, advice on practical aspects relating to structural steelwork. It is emphasised that this model document is intended to clarify and assist the production of a project specification that expresses clearly what the designer requires. This should be of benefit in pricing and execution of the work and should in turn lead to improvements in economy and quality of the finished structure. It is assumed in the model document that amendments to BS 5400-6:1999 are made under the Contract in accordance with SHW clause 1803.
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Embankments on Soft Ground
Authors: Laurits Bjerrum (1972)
Proc. Specialty Conference on Performance of Earth and Earth-Supported Structures, ASCE, Purdue, 2, 1-54.
The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) was formed on October 1, 1997, as the result of a merger of three engineering support associations, namely the American Railway Bridge and Building Association, the American Railway Engineering Association and the Roadmaster's and Maintenance of Way Association, along with functions of the Communications and Signals Division of the Association of American Railroads.
Inrastructure and Passenger
* Commuter, Transit & High Speed Rail
* Ch. 6 - Buildings & Support Facilities
* Ch. 11 - Commuter and Intercity Rail Systems
* Ch. 12 - Rail Transit
* Ch. 14 - Yards and Terminals
* Ch. 17 - High Speed Rail Systems
* Ch. 18 - Light Density and Short Line Railways
* Ch. 27 - Maintenance-of-Way Work Equipment
* Ch. 33 - Electrical Energy Utilization
Systems Management
* Ch. 2 - Track Measuring Systems
* Ch. 13 - Environmental
* Ch. 16 - Economics of Railway Engineering and Operations
* Ch. 28 - Clearances
* AAR Scale Handbook
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1- "The Exact Design of Statically Indeterminate Frame Works. An Exposition of Its Possibility,
But Futility" by Frank H. Cilley
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. XLIII, No. 1, January 1900,
pp. 353-407
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Engineering and Design CONDUITS, CULVERTS, AND PIPES
Author: Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington | Size: 3.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Distribution Restriction Statement | Year: 31 March 1998 | pages: 87 | ISBN: 1110-2-2902
Engineering and Design
1. Purpose. This manual provides (a) guidance on the design and construction of conduits, culverts, and pipes, and (b) design procedures for trench/embankment earth loadings, highway loadings, railroad loadings, surface concentrated loadings, and internal/external fluid pressures.
2. Applicability. This manual applies to all USACE commands having civil works responsibilities.
3. General. Reinforced concrete conduits and pipes are used for dams, urban levees, and other levees where public safety is at risk or substantial property damage could occur. Corrugated metal pipes are acceptable through agricultural levees where conduits are 900-mm (36-in.) diameter and where levee embankments are not higher than 4 m (12 ft) above the conduit invert. Inlet structures, intake towers, gate wells, and outlet structures should be concrete, or corrugated metal structures may be used in agricultural and rural levees. Life cycle cost studies are required where corrugated metal pipes are used.
4. Distribution. This manual is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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