Posted by: tomtumx - 04-22-2011, 10:53 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friends,
I've been searching for some time ASCE 27-00: Standard Practice for Direct Design of Precast Concrete Pipe for Jacking in Trenchless Construction. Appreciate any help.
Some proposals are made for the use of epoxy coated reinforcement in United Kingdom bridge decks. These proposals are based mainly on an extensive review of North American work. A preliminary cost study is made.
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Posted by: mahesu219 - 04-22-2011, 09:55 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi everyone,
Does anybody have the following Proceedings,
Rutenberg A (2002) EAEE Task Group (TG) 8: behaviour and irregular and complex structures—progress since 1998. In: Proceedings of the 12th European conference on earthquake engineering, CD ROM.
London, September 2002
Part 1 records the results of over 300 pile tests in chalk, separated into various defined pile categories. The performance of the piles is expressed graphically to facilitate comparison and estimation of pile settlement. Results of special tests are studied so that shaft and base resistance can be evaluated. Various methods of analysis are used to separate the developed values of the components of shaft resistance and end-bearing resistance from a study of particular pile test load settlement curves. Developed factors of safety on the base and shaft and their relationship to settlement are assessed. Also included is a study of dynamic formulae. Two sections described the properties and distribution of chalk, and discuss suitable methods of investigating chalk sites. In Part 2, the studies made in Part 1 are used in the formulation of a design procedure for driven and bored piles.
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For those who are thinking that I'm going to post some materials, they are wrong. This is the wrong place for that :)
I have a few questions regarding Plaxis course. Has anyone been there? What is it like? Do you learn how to use software or anything more.
I would like to participate to that course but since the price of attending is a bit high I'm having a second thought.
Thank you.
Best regards
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Analysis of curved multi-span orthotropic bridge decks
Author: Das, P. C | Size: 1.17 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 1970 | pages: 51
Presents an analytical method for calculating deflexions and stresses in annular plates acted on by concentrated loads. Conditions of edge-stiffening and orthotropy are included in a general elastic solution.
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