Design of water control structures, reservoir management, economic evaluation of flood protection projects, land use planning and management, flood insurance assessment, and other projects rely on knowledge of magnitude and frequency of floods. Often, estimation of floods is not easy because of lack of flood records at the target sites. Regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) alleviates this problem by utilizing flood records pooled from other watersheds, which are similar to the watershed of the target site in flood characteristics.
Clustering techniques are used to identify group(s) of watersheds which have similar flood characteristics. This book is a comprehensive reference on how to use these techniques for RFFA and is the first of its kind. It provides a detailed account of several recently developed clustering techniques, including those based on fuzzy set theory and artificial neural networks. It also documents research findings on application of clustering techniques to RFFA that remain scattered in various hydrology and water resources journals.
The optimal number of groups defined in an area is based on cluster validation measures and L-moment based homogeneity tests. These form the bases to check the regions for homogeneity.
The subjectivity involved and the effort needed to identify homogeneous groups of watersheds with conventional approaches are greatly reduced by using efficient clustering techniques discussed in this book. Furthermore, better flood estimates with smaller confidence intervals are obtained by analysis of data from homogeneous watersheds. Consequently, the problem of over- or under-designing by using these flood estimates is reduced. This leads to optimal economic design of structures. The advantages of better regionalization of watersheds and their utility are entering into hydrologic practice.
This book will be of interest to researchers in stochastic hydrology, practitioners in hydrology and graduate students.
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This book introduces methods for solving the technical and economic problems posed by water reservoirs, so as to ensure they have the best possible economic and social effect. The significance of reservoirs and the development of their function in water management is assessed, and they are classified according to origin and placing. Among the methods for solving the reservoir's function, both graphical and numerical procedures are described, based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. In the explanation of the supply function of the reservoirs, attention is paid to the processing of hydrological data, the respective probability distribution is assessed, the theory of stochastic processes is explained, and methods of modelling the sequence of mean annual and monthly discharges are mentioned. The demands of consumers and the reliability of water supply are analysed. All types of reservoir discharge control are presented, i.e. multi-year, annual, short-term and compensation. A solution is given for the discharge control in reservoir systems and in special cases of water management, as well as in individual reservoirs.
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Contents: Calculus of Matrix-Valued Functions of a Real Variable; nth Order Linear Differential Equations; The General Solution of nth Order Linear Homogeneous Equations; Fundamental Sets and Linear Independence; Higher Order Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients; etc.
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The following pages on Project Management have been constructed to enhance your understanding of types of projects and then to step you through the process of initiating, planning, implementing and closing small to medium size projects.
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This introductory text was aimed at giving a basic knowledge of the concepts and methods of statistical physics to the readers, so that they could later on follow more advanced lectures on diverse topics in the field of complex systems.
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Author: Paolo Rugarli | Size: 6.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd | Year: 2010 | pages: 424 | ISBN: Thomas Telford Ltd
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements reveals the theory behind the finite element (FE) method as it relates to structural engineering and explains how to overcome commonly encountered problems and errors found in everyday structural modelling with finite element software.
Drawing on nearly 20 years of experience as a structural engineer and FE software developer, Paolo Rugarli gives readers clear guidance on the fundamental principles of the FE method, demonstrating through practical examples how these principles apply to the kind of FE modelling that goes on every day in structural design departments.
Explaining computational methods from the software users' point of view, Structural Analysis with Finite Elements also points out the risks involved in using FE software packages, analysing typical errors and problems, with extensive reference to real world examples.
Key features of the book:
* Focuses on the practical structural engineering applications of FEM
* Goes back to first principles
* Gives readable, accessible and concise explanations
* Identifies common pitfalls that analysts encounter when devising structural models
* Applicable to all FEM software
Containing the theory and practice of finite element analysis, this book will prove a valuable guide for structural engineers and students worldwide.
* Introduction
* Overview
* Elasticity: Special Formulations
* The Finite Element
* Assembly
* Actions
* Constraints
* Solving and Stress Recovery
* Error Assessment
* Structural Problems
* The Most Common Finite Elements
* Problems in Modelling
* The Problem of Checking
* Appendices
* References and Index
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This is an elementary text book for the civil engineering students with no prior background in point-set topology. This is a rather terse mathematical text, but provided with an abundant supply of examples and exercises with hints.
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Gives an overview of ground behaviour and geotechnics, but focuses on shallow foundations for low-rise buildings. Covers regulations and legislation for foundations and contaminated land, types of ground, soil behaviour and ground assessment. Also focuses on foundation design and foundations on difficult ground, and finally, looks at foundation movement and damage, remedial treatment and underpinning, and ancillary works (hardcore, soakaways, drains, small embankments, small retaining walls, freestanding walls).
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Here is the new sheet for retaining walls design...with following conditions
1-Section is selected such that the resultant is in middle third of length.
2-SI units
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Shear and punching shear in RC and FRC elements Workshop
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These are presentations for the Shear and punching shear in RC and FRC elements Workshop (representerd in FIB Bulletin 57). Just the presentations, not the papers. If anybody can upload the papers, I would appreciate it.
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