C. Faellaa, E. Martinellia, E.o Nigrob and S. Pacielloa, "Shear capacity of masonry walls externally strengthened by a cement-based composite material: An experimental campaign", Construction and Building Materials, Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 84-93.
V. Turnšek and F. Cacovic, “Some Experimental Results on the Strength of Brick Masonry Walls” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Brick Masonry Conference, Stock on Trent, 1971, pp. 149-156.
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Introduction to International health and safety at work.
Author: Hughes, P. W and Ferret, E. | Size: 27.74 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2010 | pages: 229 | ISBN: 9780080966366
The handbook is for construction professionals and students on NEBOSH International certificate in occupational safety and health, or other occupational safety and health courses. Covers accident recording and reporting, the hazards associated with movement of people, manual and mechanical handling, work equipment, electrical hazards, chemicals, fire hazards, and construction activities. Each chapter is supported with revision questions, and there are some specimen answers to help students prepare for the final exam.
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Raises health awareness and handling precautions. Looks at the contractual and technical importance of making valid test cubes. Provides details of requirements for cube moulds, compacting equipment and facilities for storing, curing and transporting cubes. Techniques for compacting, handling, demoulding and referencing test cubes are also described.
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Raises health awareness and looks at the techniques for forming a sound construction joint (day joint) at the end of a concrete pour. Emphasises the importance of achieving a good bond and explains how up-to-date technology and materials can produce a key that is both mechanically and visually acceptable for horizontal and vertical surfaces. Some traditional methods are revealed as malpractices
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Reviews the range of concrete foundation types available for houses and gives general guidance on the choice of the most reliable foundation in any situation. Makes particular reference to the hazards inherent in the past usage of a site and in certain types of soil, and gives advice on how these hazards may be overcome. Information on concrete mix design and site practice is included
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Author: Read, R. E. H. and Hinkley, P. L | Size: 0.29 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 1980 | pages: 4
Discusses possible ignition and extensive flame spread over the external surface caused by heat radiated by a fire in an adjacent building (or another part of the same building) and by flying burning brands; and the risk that once a roof has been ignited on the outside, the fire will penetrate the inside of the building. Also looks at the need to prevent a fire inside a building spreading to a nearby building or an upper part of the same building.
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