Guidelines and specifications for Belltowers, including static and dynamic behaviour
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Contents: Nature and properties of sound; Sustained sound in an inclosure; Reverberation theoretical; Reverberation experimental; Measurement of absorption coefficients; Sound absorption coefficients of materials; Reverberation and the acoustics of rooms; Acoustics in auditorium design; Measurement and control of noise in buildings; Theory and measurement of sound transmission; Transmission of sound by walls; Machine isolation.
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Author: Alfred D. F. Hamlin | Size: 21.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Longmans, Green, & Co. | Year: 1906 | pages: 492 | ISBN: B001F308OY
The aim of this work has been to sketch the various periods and styles of architecture with the broadest possible strokes, and to mention, with such brief characterization as seemed permissible or necessary, the most important works of each period or style. Extreme condensation in presenting the leading facts of architectural history has been necessary, and much that would rightly claim place in a larger work has been omitted here.
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Author: James W. Dally, William Franklin Riley | Size: 1.42 MB | Format:DjVu | Publisher: MCGraw-Hill | Year: 1965 | pages: 88
An experimental stress analyst must have a thorough understanding of stress,strain and the laws relating stress to strain. For this reason the three chapters of this book have been devoted to the elementary concepts of the theory of elasticity.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Strain and the Stress Strain relationships
Chapter 3: Basic Equations and plane elasticity theory
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A Taylor-Galerkin algorithm for shock wave propagation and strain localization failure of viscoplastic continua
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Finite element modelling of free surface flows on inclined and curved beds
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Fractional-step finite element method for calculation of 3-D free surface problem using level set method*
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Dalrymple, R. A., Knio, O., Cox, D. T., Gesteira, M., and Zou, S. ~2002!.
‘‘Using a Lagrangian particle method for deck overtopping.’’ Proc.,
Waves 2001, ASCE, Reston, Va., 1082–1091.
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Dalrymple, R. A., and Knio, O. ~2000!. ‘‘SPH modelling of water
waves.’’ Proc., Coastal Dynamics.
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Monaghan J J .Smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Annual Review of Astrophysics 1992; 30:543–574
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1.1 These specifications set forth the procedures for determining the design loads for metal flagpoles of hollow circular cross section.
1.2 The method for determining the wind speed and resulting wind load on the pole is part of these specifications.
1.3 The method for determining the wind load on the flag and the resulting load imposed on the pole is part of these specifications also.
1.4 Methods of analysis are given with sample calculations for a typical flagpole.
1.5 Minimum properties of materials typically used in the design of flagpoles are included.
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Author: Don Anderson, Svetlana Brzev | Size: 3.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association | Year: 2009 | pages: 317
This document is intended to assist practicing structural engineers in designing masonry buildings for seismic load effects according to the National Building Code of Canada 2005 (NBCC 2005) and the CSA S304.1-04 masonry design standard. The document provides a commentary which explains the underlying theoretical background and rationale for the CSA S304.1-04 seismic design provisions. Changes in the seismic design provisions contained in Part 4 of the NBCC 2005 and CSA S304.1-04, and their impact on masonry design and construction are discussed.
This document is a comprehensive state-of-the-art guide on seismic design and construction of masonry structural elements for low to mid-rise structures, such as warehouses, industrial buildings, schools, commercial buildings, and residential/hotel structures. It is restricted to masonry structures designed and constructed using concrete block units. Consideration of the slenderness effects in tall masonry walls is beyond the scope of this document.
The material is presented in a simple and user-friendly manner. It facilitates the application of seismic design provisions and cross-referencing of code clauses for designers. The document has been developed in a modular form, with the content divided into four chapters, each of which can be used in a stand-alone manner. The appendices contain useful resources such as design procedures and research background for some of the design provisions. For easy reference, relevant code clauses are identified by framed boxes wherever appropriate.
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