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Author: Silver, P., McLean, W. and Veglio, S. | Size: 30.74 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2006 | pages: 179 | ISBN: 9780750665582
Details a wide range of current fabrication processes as well as material transformation. Featuring the work of twelve fabricators based in the UK, the case studies displayed range from manufacture of complex wire rope, the processes of metal spinning, large-scale composite casting, to computer controlled sheet steel fabrication.
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The story of this book: We wrote a book because we didn\'t like the available texts. We talked to about 10 textbook authors before we started writing. They all advised against it: more work than you would think, slight if negative academic rewards, and little chance of financial gain. Now we know. But it hasn\'t been all bad. We started in 1992 and have re-organized the book 3 or 4 times since. We have enjoyed 8 international trips to work together in Ithaca, the Baltic Sea, and Bangalore. We were just writing a dynamics text, but then we added statics because many of the student dynamics difficulties had their roots there.The book was contracted by Saunders Publishing but then sold, with the Saunders College Division, to Oxford University Press where our friendly editor is Danielle Christianson. Various pre-release versions of this book have been used at Cornell about 10 times and also at a few other schools. We have had about 20 external reviews. Some people have read the book nearly straight through and found it educational, despite the defects which have annoyed some others. If we are lucky we will continue to improve the book as more people find it useful.
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"Advanced Steels: The Recent Scenario in Steel Science and Technology" contains more than 50 articles selected from the proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Steels (ICAS) held during 9-11, Nov, 2010 in Guilin, China. This book covers almost all important aspects of steels from physical metallurgy, steel grades, processing and fabrication, simulation, to properties and applications. The book is intended for researchers and postgraduate students in the field of steels, metallurgy and materials science. Prof. Yuqing Weng is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of The Chinese Society for Metals. Prof. Han Dong is the vice president of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute and the director of National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Steel Technology, China. Prof. Yong Gan is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, the vice president of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute, China.
Content Level » Research
Keywords » Advanced Steels - Applications of Steel Products - Mechanical Properties - Physical Metallurgy - Processing and Fabrication
Related subjects » Nanotechnology - Production & Process Engineering - Special types of Materials
Review.- Physical Metallurgy Frontier.- Auto Sheet Steels.- Advanced High Strength Low Alloy Steels.- Specialty Steels.- Advanced Steel Processing and Fabrication.
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Author: E. M. Lee; D. K. C. Jones | Size: 11.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing | Year: 2004 | pages: 464 | ISBN: 9780727731715
Product Description
Over the past decade there has been a gradual shift away from simply relying on engineering solutions to individual landslide problems, to the use of a variety of strategies to manage the problems over a broad area. Such alternative strategies include the use of building codes, land use planning controls, preventing water leakage, early warning systems and insurance schemes. This book addresses these developments and provides a multidisciplinary perspective on landslide management. It places emphasis on the need to understand the scientific basis of landslide activity together with the legislative and administrative framework and the cultural background.
1 Background to landslide risk assessment
2 Landslide hazard
3 Qualitative and semi̷quantitative risk assessment
4 Estimating the probability of landsliding
5 Estimating the consequences
6 Quantifying risk
7 From risk estimation to landslide management strategy
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Posted by: hrezaei - 04-30-2011, 11:47 AM - Forum: Archive
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Papers On Earth Dams
I need these two papers:
1. Elton, D. J., Shie, C.-F., and Hadj-Hamou, T. (1991). ‘‘One- and two dimensional analysis of earth dams.’’ Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Advancements in Geotech. Earthquake Engrg. and Soil Dyn., Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo., 1043–1049.
2. Vrymoed, J. L., and Calzascia, E. R. (1978). ‘‘Simplified determination of dynamic stresses in earth dams.’’ Proc., Earthquake Engrg. and Soil Dyn. Conf., ASCE, New York, 991–1006.
Outlines the range of formwork materials and proprietary systems, including explanations of commonly-used terms. Safe practice for handling, fixing and propping are described. Advice is given on release agents, pre-concreting and in-process checks, striking, cleaning, and storage of formwork items
In situ concrete/cement
Construction site equipment
Safety nets
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The main types and sizes of reinforcement are explained, including welded fabric. Guidance is given on reading reinforcement schedules and drawings, and on methods of bending, cutting and fixing steel. Emphasises the importance of health awareness, careful handling and achieving correct depth of cover.
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