Provides large scale indicative drawings of thermal insulation and airtightness provisions for timber frame interfaces. The details are accompanied by comments and checklists to assist in achieving compliance at various stages throughout construction.
See also introductory document, 'Accredited construction details'. Other indicative detail drawings are available for steel frame details, masonry cavity wall insulation details, masonry external wall insulation details and masonry internal wall insulation details.
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Provides large scale indicative drawings of thermal insulation and airtightness provisions for steel frame interfaces. The details are accompanied by comments and checklists to assist in achieving compliance at various stages throughout construction.
See also introductory document, 'Accredited construction details'. Other indicative detail drawings are available for timber frame details, masonry cavity wall insulation detail, masonry internal wall insulation details and masonry external wall insulation details
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This document is intended to provide practicing engineers and building code officials with a technical resource that contains the current “best practice” for fire-resistant design of concrete and steel structures. The report provides a review of existing U.S. and international guidelines and design standards, which use approaches that range from simple prescriptive methods to sophisticated software programs with advanced methods of analysis under a wide range of realistic fire conditions. Basic concepts of risk-informed decision making for mitigating fire risk, and a general framework for assessing fire risk to building construction and for developing structural design requirements for fire conditions are described. Current best knowledge in thermal and mechanical properties and behaviors of normal strength concrete, high strength concrete, structural steel, and several major groups of common fire protection materials at elevated temperatures, which are necessary for performance-based engineering calculation, are presented. Modern fire-resistant design methodologies for concrete and steel structures are discussed, including methods based on standard fire tests as well as performance-based engineering analysis methods that involve heat transfer and structural analysis at elevated temperatures.
This report is not intended to provide step-by-step design procedures. Rather, it provides general guidance on the approaches to, and practical aspects of, implementing a fire-resistant design approach for concrete and steel buildings. The guidance includes key concepts and examples for identifying performance objectives, conducting risk analyses, selecting design fire scenarios and fire exposure curves, and implementing heat transfer and structural response analyses for the structural fire-resistant design of concrete and steel structures.
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Engineering Statics (Australian Natural History Series)
Author: Hall Archer & Gilbert | Size: ~9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: University of New South Wales | Year: 1999 | pages: 307 | ISBN: 086840425X 9780868404257
This book deals with the fundamentals of statics and their application to a broad range of engineering problems. The treatment is intended primarily for undergraduate students of civil, structural and environmental engineering but we hope that it will also be of use to anyone with an interest in engineering mechanic.
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Performance-Based Optimization of Structures: Theory and Applications
Author: ING QUAN LIANG | Size: ~4.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2004 | pages: 280 | ISBN: 0415335949
Performance-Based Optimization of Structures introduces a method to bridge the gap between structural optimization theory and its practical application to structural engineering. The Performance-Based Optimization (PBO) method combines modern structural optimisation theory with performance based design concepts to produce a powerful technique for use in structural design. This book provides the latest PBO techniques for achieving optimal topologies and shapes of continuum structures with stress, displacement and mean compliance constraints.
The emphasis is strongly placed on practical applications of automated PBO techniques to the strut-and-tie modelling of structural concrete, which includes reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Basic concepts underlying the development of strut-and-lie models, design optimization procedure, and detailing of structural concrete are described in detail. Alternative approaches to topology optimization are also introduced. The book contains numerous practical design examples illustrating the nature of the load transfer mechanism of structures.
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Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations, 2nd edition
Author: C. C. Lee, Shun Dar Lin | Size: 21 MB | Format:PDF
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Posted by: Umer.Aleem - 04-29-2011, 04:57 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hello to all,
I need a Book or Literature or Research paper related to Hypo and Hyperelastic Materials
which include Definition and Stress-Strain relationship comparing with Elastic materials....
Your Help is much appreciated...
Examines the trends and innovations in contemporary UK office design. Case studies incorporate interpretations of analyses by Davis Langdon. Organises subjects according to topic, for example workplace, location, structure, cost and sustainability, and considers critical issues such as light levels and staff amenities. Reflects on the future of the office in light of socio-cultural influences
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