In the following pages an attempt has been made to present the principles of elementary dynamics, and to explain the meaning of the physical quantities involved, partly by definition and description, but mainly by worked examples in which formulae have been avoided as far as possible. By continually having to think of the principle and the physical quantities involved, the student gradually acquires the true meaning of them, and they become real to him.
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The purpose of this text is to provide the students with the theoretical background of the three dimensional mechanics of rigid body and its applications to engineering problems existing in mechanical systems. As most of the engineering subjects this part of mechanics is presented in three parts: Modelling, Analysis and Experimental Investigations.
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Author: Richard C. Flagan John H. Seinfeld | Size: 19 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc. | Year: 1988 | pages: 554 | ISBN: 0-13-332537-7
Analysis and abatement of air pollution involve a variety of technical disciplines. Formation of the most prevalent pollutants occurs during the combustion process, a tightly coupled system involving fluid flow, mass and energy transport, and chemical kinetics. Its complexity is exemplified by the fact that, in many respects, the simplest hydrocarbon combustion, the methane-oxygen flame, has been quantitatively modeled only within the last several years. Nonetheless, the development of combustion modifications aimed at minimizing the formation of the unwanted by-products of burning fuels requires an understanding of the combustion process. Fuel may be available in solid, liquid, or gaseous form; it may be mixed with the air ahead of time or only within the combustion chamber; the chamber itself may vary from the piston and cylinder arrangement in an automobile engine to a lO-story-high boiler in the largest power plant; the unwanted byproducts may remain as gases, or they may, upon cooling, form small particles.
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Posted by: ranger - 04-27-2011, 12:37 PM - Forum: General Books
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Dynamics of Machines
Author: Janusz Krodkiewski | Size: 1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: University of Melbourne | Year: 2008 | pages: 176 | ISBN: 0732515351
The purpose of this text is to provide the students with the theoretical background and engineering applications of the two dimensional mechanics of the rigid body. It is divided into three chapters: Dynamic of particles; Plane dynamics of a rigid body; Dynamic Analysis of Plane Mechanisms.
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The development of reliable prestressing techniques has certainly been the most important innovation in the field of structural concrete. It enabled concrete construction to compete successfully within areas that had previously been dominated by steel construction, including long-span bridges, high-rise buildings, pressure vessels and offshore structures. Today, prestressing and, in particular, post-tensioning is a mature technology, providing efficient, economic and elegant structural solutions for a wide range of applications.
Surveys indicate vast differences in the use of post-tensioning among different countries. While the wide spread can largely be explained by differences in local needs, standards, education and habits it appears that the potential offered by post-tensioning is far from being exploited, especially in building structures. Too many building structures, for which post-tensioning would provide a clearly superior solution, are conceived, designed and built as non -prestressed. For too long, non-prestressed and prestressed concrete have been treated as completely seperate entities and hence, prestressing is not yet regarded as a familiar and desirable construction option by many developers, architects, engineers and contractors.
Post-tensioning in buildings is not limited to floor slabs. Post-tensioning of foundations, transfer beams and plates, post-tensioned masonry and the combination of precast elements with cast-in-place concrete by means of post-tensioning offer other interesting opportunities. Developers, architects, engineers, contractors, educators and students will find the present report to be most informative in this regard. It describes the application of post-tensioning within the overall context of building construction and it yields a sufficient basis for corresponding preliminary designs; special information required for the final dimensioning and detailing will be given in a companion report.
VSL should be commended for continuing their tradition to disseminate state-of-the art information on post-tensioning and it is hoped that through this and related efforts an increasing number of companies and individuals will benefit from the use of posttensioning in buildings.
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This publication is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept responsibility for the application of the materials it contains. The Post-Tensioning Institute in publishing this document makes no warranty regarding the recommendations contained herein, including warranties of quality, worksmanship or safety, express or implied, further including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
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The objective of this workshop is to bring together leading scholars in concrete pavement research and fracture mechanics in order to develop recommendations for research needs in the development of advanced fracture mechanic concepts for concrete pavements. Based on participant presentations and discussions at the workshop, a research needs document will be written and submitted by the workshop organizers to the following organizations which can support concrete pavement research including NSF, TRB, NCHRP, FHWA and ISCP.
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