The text focuses on use of spectral methods to solve boundary value, eigenvalue, and time-dependent problems, but also covers Hermite, Laguerre, rational Chebyshev, sinc, and spherical harmonic functions, as well as cardinal functions, linear eigenvalue problems, matrix-solving methods, coordinate transformations, methods for unbounded intervals, spherical and cylindrical geometry, and much more.
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A Mathematics Primer for Physics Graduate Students
Author: Andrew E. Blechman | Size: 440 KB | Format:PDF | Year: 2007 | pages: 78
The author summarizes most of the more advanced mathematical trickery seen in electrodynamics and quantum mechanics in simple and friendly terms with examples. Mathematical tools such as tensors or differential forms, intended to make the calculations much simpler, are covered in this text.
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The person who wrote this paper is the father of modern communication theory, Claude Shannon. In this seminal work Shannon presents results that were previously found nowhere else, and today many professors refer to it as the best exposition still on the subject of the mathematical limits on communication (such as bandwidth). Further, it laid the modern foundations for what is now coined Information Theory. Classic work.
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Research Perspectives in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering
Author: Rama Prasad, S. Vedula | Size: 16 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company | Year: 2002 | pages: 367 | ISBN: 9810249298
This book contains ten state-of-the-art review articles on selected topics in hydraulics/fluid mechanics and water resources engineering, written by alumni of the Indian Institute of Science who hold senior academic positions in reputable scientific institutions and who are active in research.
The articles have all been peer-reviewed. At the end of each contribution, a rich list of references is given, encompassing most of the work done all over the world on the topic of the article. The topics are of current interest to research workers in many countries.
Turbulent Jets: Application of Point Source Concept
Velocity and Shear Distributions in Open Channels
Computation of Open-Channel Flows with Shocks: An Overview
Scouring Horseshoe Vortex
Wastewater Renovation Using Soil-Aquifer Treatment System
Uncertainty Concepts in Stream Water Quality Management Models
Water Resources and Their Management for Sustainable Agricultural Production in India
Remote Sensing Applications to Water Resources
Modelling Reservoir Operation for Irrigation
Opposition to Large Dams in India: An Analysis
Subject Index
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This International Standard establishes terminology and the content of commercial literature specifications for self-propelled crawler and wheeled hydraulic excavators and their equipment and attachments.
It is applicable to common components and does not cover terms or commercial specifications specific to walking excavators.
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Comments on the Post-Tensioning Institute's "Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground"
Size: 2.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Foundation Performance Association - Structural Committee | Year: 2006 | pages: 48
The objective of this document is to provide constructive comments to the Post-Tensioning Institute's (PTI's) Slab-on-Ground Committee and to inform geotechnical and foundation design engineers of the Foundation Performance Association's (FPA's) concerns regarding the Post-Tensioning Institute’s “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground”, (PTI Design Procedure) 3rd Edition [13].
The PTI Design Procedure is used to design a slab-on grade foundation that will respond elastically to forces the foundation is exposed to including those that are the consequence of soil pressure and soil deformation. This procedure is based on empirical data, computer generated curve fits, the geotechnical engineer’s computation of ym and em values and other variables based on site-specific geotechnical parameters. Therefore, the geotechnical and foundation design engineers should be made aware of assumptions and limitations associated with the use of this procedure.
This paper is intended to encourage refinement of the procedure by indicating areas where additional research, clarification, and / or corrections may result in better geotechnical and structural designs. This paper addresses the PTI Design Procedure, 3rd Edition. The Foundation Performance Association’s document FPA-SC-05 addresses the PTI Design Procedure, 2nd Edition [12]. The FPA refers to both editions in this paper and describes the version under discussion as the PTI Design Procedure, 2nd Edition or PTI Design Procedure, 3rd Edition. The FPA's recommendations to the PTI Committee are included in italics at the conclusion of each section.
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This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and It’s members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report Is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and the limitations of its content and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the following material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility jot application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
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This standard provides a method of designing wind uplift resistance of ballasted single-ply roofi ng systems. It is intended as a design and installation reference for those individuals who design, specify, and install ballasted single-ply roofi ng systems. It shall be used in conjunction with the installation specifi cations and requirements of the manufacturer of the specifi c products used in the ballasted single-ply roofi ng system.
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This Manual is a convenient and useful specification aid for anyone concerned with the design, construction, or inspection of fire resistive and sound control systems. Design information is quickly and easily determined. Comparison of these characteristics allows the user to be more accurate in meeting design and code requirements. The data provided are especially useful to builders, architects, code officials, fire service, and insurance personnel. When differences occur between provisions of this Manual and the appropriate building code or regulation, including provisions of other standards referenced in the code or regulation, the most stringent provision shall apply. The systems in this Manual utilize gypsum products to provide fire resistance to walls, partitions, floorceilings, roof-ceilings, columns, beams, girders, and trusses. Systems are classified according to their typical uses and their fire-resistance ratings. Walls, partitions, and floor-ceiling systems are further classified by Sound Transmission Class (STC) or Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC). The Impact Insulation Class (IIC) is included for many wood framed floor-ceiling systems.
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