Air blast loaded structures do not only fail by the arrival of first the pressure wave. In addition, the negative part of the pressure wave and the oscillations of the structure could be a reason for the failure.
The displacement of large plane structures like windows or other kind of fa¸cades is reduced after the impact of the pressure wave by the material damping and by the damping due to the air. The influence of the air damping is investigated here using analytical, numerical and experimental approaches.
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Posted by: Ayman10 - 10-01-2011, 03:00 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friends,
I am in need for this paper:
Clough, G. W., and Duncan, J. M. 1971. "Finite Element Analyses of Retaining Wall Behavior," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 97, No. SM12, Proceedings Paper No. 8583, pp 1657-1673.
This Book is written for Project Managers and Engineers, for Sales Managers and Project Planners, for Top Executives and Managers of the Legal Department of a company as from the client's as also from the contractor's side. Finally it is for students of the mentioned disciplines in their endeavour to become a leader in their respective fields and not to reproduce mistakes that others have made before them. This book does not try to give legal advice, but it tries to help engineers and project managers how to solve difficult contract situations. Contract disagreements between the main parties in international projects evolving into conflicts seem to occur more often nowadays than before. This trend does not only damage the project in question but it also discredits the engineering and contracting industry with a number of negative consequences. The purpose of this handbook is to describe and analyze how disagreements and minor conflicts that are quite normal between the main contract players, should be handled. In major construction projects small conflicts can easily develop into important conflicts causing delays, overruns and insufficient quality. We give advice on how to avoid conflicts and how to solve them in order to mitigate the losses! All parties involved have this responsibility for the sake of their own results, for the sake of the reputation of the project industry and for the sake of their company. The book might help the parties to avoid or solve future conflicts earlier, thereby saving money for their projects, their companies and their society. This book consists of 10 chapters including the introduction to the subject and conclusions with our recommendations. Finally the book includes a glossary with an explanation of the main concepts and a list of literature. The content of the chapters are based on real project and conflict experiences collected by the three authors.
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Provides an authoritative review of the environmental impact of modern cities and methods of developing ecological sustainability. Covers all the major functions of the city, discusses its current use of resources such as land, water and air and examines alternative strategies.
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Assuming only basic knowledge of mathematics and engineering mechanics, this lucid reference introduces the fundamentals of finite element theory using easy-to-understand terms and simple problems-systematically grounding the practitioner in the basic principles then suggesting applications to more general cases.
Furnishes a wealth of practical insights drawn from the extensive experience of a specialist in the field!
Generously illustrated with over 200 detailed drawings to clarify discussions and containing key literature citations for more in-depth study of particular topics, this clearly written resource is an exceptional guide for mechanical, civil, aeronautic, automotive, electrical and electronics, and design engineers; engineering managers; and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students in these disciplines.
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The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
Author: Mark Levi | Size: 5.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Princenton University Press | Year: 2009 | pages: 196 | ISBN: 0691140200
Everybody knows that mathematics is indispensable to physics--imagine where we'd be today if Einstein and Newton didn't have the math to back up their ideas. But how many people realize that physics can be used to produce many astonishing and strikingly elegant solutions in mathematics? Mark Levi shows how in this delightful book, treating readers to a host of entertaining problems and mind-bending puzzlers that will amuse and inspire their inner physicist.
Levi turns math and physics upside down, revealing how physics can simplify proofs and lead to quicker solutions and new theorems, and how physical solutions can illustrate why results are true in ways lengthy mathematical calculations never can. Did you know it's possible to derive the Pythagorean theorem by spinning a fish tank filled with water? Or that soap film holds the key to determining the cheapest container for a given volume? Or that the line of best fit for a data set can be found using a mechanical contraption made from a rod and springs? Levi demonstrates how to use physical intuition to solve these and other fascinating math problems. More than half the problems can be tackled by anyone with precalculus and basic geometry, while the more challenging problems require some calculus. This one-of-a-kind book explains physics and math concepts where needed, and includes an informative appendix of physical principles.
The Mathematical Mechanic will appeal to anyone interested in the little-known connections between mathematics and physics and how both endeavors relate to the world around us.
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Tsunamis: Causes, Characteristics, Warnings and Protection
Author: Neil Veitch, Gordon Jaffray | Size: 10.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Nova | Year: 2010 | pages: 261 | ISBN: 1608763609
A tsunami is a series of water waves that is caused when a large volume of a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, bolide impacts, and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Furthermore, Tsunamis and storm surges have killed more than one million people, and some three billion people live with a high risk of these disasters that are becoming more frequent and devastating world-wide. This book presents field survey results on tsunami arrival times, wave run-up heights, inundation distances and damage to properties on beaches due to tsunamis. The main injuries of survivors (i.e., aspiration and trauma) are also analysed. Effects of coastal forests on tsunami run-up heights are discussed as well. Other chapters in this book highlight topics such as tsunamis and poisonous gases generated by asteroid impact in the Black Sea, tsunami simulation research, coastal protection measures for tsunami disaster reduction, case studies from the Sri Lanka tsunami, tsunami monitoring and detection, and early warning systems.
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Could you please send me the following two papers.
I need these paper for my thesis
1.Chen Y. Numerical computation of dynamic stress intensity factors by a Lagrangian finite-difference method
(the HEMP code). Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1975; 7:653–660.
3.Chirino F, Gallego R, Saez A, Dominguez J. A comparative study of three boundary element approaches to
transient dynamic crack problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1994; 13:11–19.
4.Albuquerque EL, Sollero P, Aliabadi MH. The boundary element method applied to time dependent problems
in anisotropic materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2002; 39:1405–1422.
Thanks you.
Residential Landscape Architecture: Design Process for the Private Residence (6th Edition)
Author: Norman K. Booth, James E. Hiss | Size: 67.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2011 | pages: 576 | ISBN: 0132376199
Residential Landscape Architecture: Design Process for the Private Residence, Sixth Edition, covers the fundamentals of residential design. The text provides a thorough, how-to explanation of each of the steps of the design process–from initial contact with the client to a completed master plan. The text's numerous illustrations and useful case study examples offer a rich learning experience for students. Whether you are just starting your design career or are a current practitioner, this valuable resource is sure to enhance your skills and knowledge.
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1-Clough, G. W., and Duncan, J. M. 1971. "Finite Element Analyses of Retaining Wall Behavior," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 97, No. SM12, Proceedings Paper No. 8583, pp 1657-1673.
2-S. K. Bhatia and R. M. Bakeer, 1989, "Use of the finite element method in modelling a static earth pressure problem"
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics Volume 13, Issue 2, March/April 1989, Pages: 207–213