Stiffened Slabs on Grade on Shrink Swell Soils (PRESENTATION)
Author: Jean Louis BRIAUD, Remon Abdelmalak and Xiong Zhang | Size: 7,3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Texas A&M University | Year: 2010 | Slides: 91 | ISBN: none
Presentation, made by Jean Louis BRIAUD, Remon Abdelmalak and Xiong Zhang
91 slides images
A very interesting theoretical and Case Study of Stiffened Slabs on Grade on Shrink Swell Soils
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Physical Geology: Earth Revealed is appropriate for introductory physical geology classes. This text, which includes the same information as the market-leading Physical Geology - 13th edition, by Plummer/Carlson, is for the instructor who prefers to cover plate tectonics early in the course.
The ninth edition has been updated to include the most current information from the various sub-disciplines that comprise physical geology. The book’s purpose is to clearly present geologic processes so that students can understand the logic of scientific methods. This text features an outstanding art program and a proven, accessible writing style.
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I have one proposal to all Civilea Members to contribute in creating a list of software that is used in some countries or some part in the world by structural engineers.
In this forum, we can find a section "Software" where only several worldwide programs are included. My idea is to create some list of local programs. It should be similar like sharing the local standars (codes), but here we will present the local programs. I think we should only present the basic information about the program, web page, the region where this program is mostly used and the price if is available.
So we can create a regions:
- West Europe
- East Europe
- South Europe
- Asia (I have no idea how many parts are there)
- Latin America ( I have no idea how many parts are there)
- USA & CAnada
- Australia
- Africa
Posted by: mskhaled - 09-29-2011, 05:04 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Cut-and-Cover Metro StructuresGeo-Structural Design: An Integrated Approach
Author: Krishan Kaul | Size: -- MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor and Francis | Year: 2010 | pages: 672 | ISBN: 9780415469074
Because of their complexity and scale, metro structures capture all the essential aspects of a cut-and-cover structure, and so are given primary focus in this book. The design of a metro construction is outlined coherently and in detail; and the reader is shown how to apply this design process equally well to other, relatively simple, cut-and-cover structures.
Geotechnical and structural engineering principles are combined with both design and construction practice to make this book a unique guide for engineers.
Some excellent classical engineering books like the "Civil Engineer's Hand Book" by Khanna and by Sir Ganga Ram need preservation in e-book form. What may be the way. These books are very precious and still best guides on certain problems.
This book is based on the discussions and papers prepared for the NATO Advanced Research Workshop that took place under the auspices of the NATO Security Through Science Programme and addressed urban water management problems. The workshop sought to critically assess the existing knowledge on Xenobiotics in urban water cycle, with respect to diverse conditions in participating countries, and promote close co-operation among scientists with different professional experience.
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Unique single reference supports functional and cost-efficient designs of blast resistant buildings
Now there's a single reference to which architects, designers, and engineers can turn for guidance on all the key elements of the design of blast resistant buildings that satisfy the new ASCE Standard for Blast Protection of Buildings as well as other ASCE, ACI, and AISC codes. The Handbook for Blast Resistant Design of Buildings features contributions from some of the most knowledgeable and experienced consultants and researchers in blast resistant design.
This handbook is organized into four parts:
Part 1, Design Considerations, sets forth basic principles, examining general considerations in the design process; risk analysis and reduction; criteria for acceptable performance; materials performance under the extraordinary blast environment; and performance verification for technologies and solution methodologies.
Part 2, Blast Phenomena and Loading, describes the explosion environment, loading functions needed for blast response analysis, and fragmentation and associated methods for effects analysis.
Part 3, System Analysis and Design, explains the analysis and design considerations for structural, building envelope, component space, site perimeter, and building system designs.
Part 4, Blast Resistant Detailing, addresses the use of concrete, steel, and masonry in new designs as well as retrofitting existing structures.
As the demand for blast resistant buildings continues to grow, readers can turn to the Handbook for Blast Resistant Design of Buildings, a unique single source of information, to support competent, functional, and cost-efficient designs.
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Take your Excel formulas to the next level with this updated reference
John Walkenbach's name is synonymous with excellence in computer books that decipher complex technical topics. Known as "Mr. Spreadsheet," Walkenbach provides you with clear explanations on all the methods you can use to maximize the power of Excel with formulas within the frameworks of all the new features of Excel 2010.
You'll learn how to create financial formulas, maximize the power of array formulas, develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, debug formulas, and much more. This invaluable reference is fully updated for the new Microsoft Office release and provides comprehensive formulas coverage, delivering more than 800 pages of Excel tips, tricks, and techniques you won't find anywhere else.
1. Demonstrates how to use all the new features of Excel 2010 to maximize your formulas
2. Shows how to develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, debug formulas, create financial formulas, and more
3. Serves as an indispensable reference no matter your skill level
4. Includes a valuable CD-ROM with sample files, templates and worksheets from the book, plus John Walkenbach's award-winning Power Utility Pak
Prepare to excel with Excel when you have John Walkenbach and Excel 2010 Formulas by your side!
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When we design structures for wind action/loading, pressure/force coefficients are required.
Design code provides values, for common building shapes, but for unusual building shapes, it's hard to say if they are the right ones.
And most clients don't pay for wind tunnel study.
ANSYS fluid dynamics/fluid flow (CFD/CFX) module has the ability to perform this type of analysis similar to a wind tunnel simulation.
By using workbench and importing from autocad:
- the external surface (shape) of building,
- or simplified building shape as solid,
a 3D model can be done in matter of minutes.
Although I think analysis would take a few days.
So if you have an example/tutorial in Ansys of simple building shape and a comparison between analysis values and design code pressure coefficients please share it.
If it's in workbench, modeled with graphical interface it will be highly appreciated.
1.1 This document establishes general principles for the execution of micropiles.
They are for:
- drilled micropiles a shaft diameter not greater than 300 mm;
- driven micropiles a shaft diameter or a maximum shaft cross sectional extension not greater than 150 mm.
1.2 Micropiles are structural members to transfer actions to the ground and may contain bearing elements to transfer directly or indirectly loads and or to limit deformations. Their shaft and base resistance may be improved (mostly by grouting) and they may be constructed with (see Figure 1):
- uniform cross section (straight shaft); or
- telescopically changing shaft dimensions;
- shaft enlargements; and/or
- base enlargement.
1.3 Other than practical considerations, there are no limitations regarding, length, rake (definition of rake, see Figure 2), slenderness ratio or shaft and base enlargements.
1.4 The provisions of the document apply to (see Figure 3):
- single micropiles;
- micropile groups;
- reticulated micropiles;
- micropile walls.
1.5 The micropiles which are the subject of this document can be installed into the ground using drilling, driving or a combination of these methods.
1.6 The material of micropiles covered by this document can be:
- steel or other reinforcement materials;
- grout, mortar or concrete;
- a combination of above.
1.7 Micropiles may be used for:
- working under restricted access and/or headroom conditions;
- foundations of new structures (particularly in very heterogeneous soil or rock formations);
- reinforcing or strengthening of existing structures to increase the capacity to transfer load to depth with acceptable load settlement characteristics, e.g. underpinning works;
- reducing settlements and/or displacements;
- forming a retaining wall;
- reinforcing of soil to form a bearing and/or retaining structure;
- improving slope stability;
- securing against uplift;
- other applications where micropile techniques are appropriate.
1.8 Mixed-in-place columns and timber piles are not included in this document. Columns constructed by jet grouting are covered by EN 12716. Ground anchors are covered by EN 1537.
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