I'm looking for books of the author Larry Andrews like
Special Functions of Mathematics for Engineers, Second Edition (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM49)
ISBN-10: 0819426164
ISBN-13: 978-0819426161
Introduction to Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems
ISBN-10: 0060402938
ISBN-13: 978-0060402938
Elementary Partial Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
ISBN-10: 0120595109
ISBN-13: 978-0120595105
Ordinary Differential Equations With Applications
ISBN-10: 0673158004
ISBN-13: 978-0673158000
Architect's Legal Handbook is the most widely used reference on the law for architects in practice, and the established leading textbook on law for architectural students.
The ninth edition includes all the latest development in the law that affect an architect's work, and comprehensive coverage of relevant UK law topics. Most significantly, the chapter on the JCT contracts has been completely revised to cover the 2005 update.
Contributions by the foremost legal and architectural experts in the UK
Full coverage of the JCT 2005 update
New chapter on procurement
Selected bibliography provides useful references to further reading
Tables of Cases, Statutes and Statutory Instruments provide full referencing for cited cases
Architect's Legal Handbook is the essential legal reference work for all architects and students of architecture.
* The comprehensive legal reference for architects
* Includes new chapter on procurement
* Fully coverage of the JCT 2005 Contract updates
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A passive two-step control fluid damping device for seismic protection of structures PhD Thesis
Author: Wang, Hongbo, Ph.D | Format:PDF | Publisher: STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO | Year: 2008 | pages: 215
This dissertation describes the development of a new passive two-step control damping (PTCD) device for the seismic protection of structures. The new device is a passive system that acts as a semi-active system by delivering two-step variable damping forces. It can be applied directly to structures in series with a linearly elastic brace, or as part of a seismic isolation system by providing an added fail-safe function when the displacement of the structure becomes excessively large. The PTCD device is simple, cheap and reliable, because its operation does not need the external power, sensors, computers or special algorithms that are part of a standard active or semi-active system.
Based on the operating principles of mechanical valves, a prototype PTCD device has been manufactured and tested under both sinusoidal waves and earthquake ground motions in the laboratory. Test results show that the PTCD device consistently provides the analytically predicted two-step variable damping functions. The analytical model was further simplified to allow direct calculation of the two-step force-displacement relationship to encourage use of the PTCD device in engineering practice.
Using a simplified approach, parametric studies were conducted on the seismic responses of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with the PTCD device installed and subjected to the MCEER west coast ground motions. When compared to corresponding systems installed with conventional passive dampers, the proposed PTCD device provided superior performance for earthquakes of different intensities. This was illustrated by the significantly reduced displacement responses under earthquakes with near-fault characteristics when two-step damping is provided, and a lower level acceleration response under low and moderate earthquakes.
To illustrate the effectiveness of this device in limiting extra large isolator displacement, a base isolation system was experimentally studied. This isolation system consisted of a roller isolation bearing (RIB), and the proposed PTCD device. Shake table tests were performed on a rigid superstructure equipped with the base isolation system. Experimental results showed good agreement with the numerically predicted results. Both the analytical and experimental results illustrated that the PTCD device effectively reduced bearing displacements and provided better performance for isolated structures.
The environment can be defined as the surroundings in which we live. These surroundings
may be living (biotic) or non living (abiotic). There is a dynamic equilibrium between biotic
and abiotic environment. We are influenced in our day to day activities by the environment.
We in turn affect the environment by our activities, by consuming its natural resources
and producing pollution. Pollution is the mixing of undesirable elements in any of the
natural resources. For example when we mix the human excreta with water and produce
sewage and dispose it in the river we pollute the river. There are many indices of designating
and measuring this pollution like Biochemical Oxygen Demand, etc. Now this pollution
degrades the quality of water. Water, fit for drinking is the second most important
requirement (first is the air) for human beings. It must have some useful ingredients and
must not have the pollutants.
Actually Environmental Engineering is a very broad subject, but its basic knowledge is
compulsory for every engineer. Some of the knowledge can be obtained by doing some
simple experiments to judge the quality of water and wastewater and that is why the
laboratory analysis of Environmental Engineering has been recommended for the first year
students of all branches in Engineering in the esteem Technical University of Rajasthan.
This manual covers the syllabus of Rajasthan Technical University.
This laboratory Manual has been designed to cater the fundamental knowledge of a
part of environmental engineering i.e. water and waste water. To understand the significance
of the experiment some theory has been included before the experiment. Then the comments
give the overall aspect and in the end the student has to critically comment on the results
of the experiment that why this result is there and what is the meaning of it. This is the
most important part of the experiment and the evaluator must evaluate the work in light of
The requirement of the apparatus and the reagents etc. and how to make them in the
laboratory, simplifies the work of the institution.
The students are advised to prepare the solutions by themselves afresh to have the
complete knowledge and good results.
Though there are so many tests for examination of water and wastewater actually Total
dissolved solids, Chlorides, Fluorides and Nitrates are the main chemical examinations
for acceptance or rejection of a water source as source of supply for a community. As
disinfection is a must, so microbiological examination is done after the treatment of water
to be supplied. The microbiological examination is difficult, time taking and beyond the
scope of this primary level of First year B.Tech. students. However the test of residual
chlorine makes it possible indirectly. If there is required amount of residual chlorine then
it is assumed that there are no bacteria. Determination of sulfate is necessary to find whether
the water is fit for construction (concrete) purpose or not.
The dissolved oxygen in sewage directly leads to the determination of BOD of sewage.
The determination of dissolved and settelebale solids gives idea about the design of grit
chamber and the offensiveness of the sewage.
So the manual on Environmental Engineering Laboratory provides a sufficient basic
tool for the examination of water and wastewater for first year students of every branch of
B.Tech /B.E degree and any body engaged in this profession
It has been taken into consideration that the method of measurements is simple as they
are meant for preliminary examination of water and waste water at a primary level.
Rakesh Chandra Gaur
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4th International Conference on the use of Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications
Author: Various | Size: 218 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Tekna | Year: 2011
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration organized the fourth international conference on the use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as a lightweight fill material in Civil Engineering practice. The Conference was held on June 6th - 8th 2011 at Lillestrøm, Norway.
Previous conferences have been arranged in Oslo, Norway 1985, Tokyo, Japan 1996 and Salt Lake City, USA 2001.
Conference aim
Geofoam blocks as a lightweight fill material
Since 1972 blocks of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) have been used as a lightweight fill material for road construction purposes in Norway. Later a variety of applications have been added for Civil Engineering purposes in general, and there is a marked increase in the use of such applications on a global scale. Research activities are carried out in several countries for further enhancement of material knowledge and application methods.
The aim of the conference wass to gather both users and non-users of Geofoam blocks in order to exchange knowledge about the method through presentation of research results, new applications and case histories.
Conference Themes
-Present use of Geofoam:
Reports by members of the International
Organizing Committee on known applications,
type of projects and volumes
-Expanded Polystyrene:
Chemical composition and production process
Index properties
Product control
-Material properties and modelling:
Model studies
Dynamic properties
-Design specifications:
International standards
National specifications
Seismic design
-Construction applications:
Roads, Railroads and Airports
Buildings and Industrial plants
Settlement mitigation
Load reduction on buried culverts
-New concepts and special topics:
Innovative use of Geofoam blocks
Avalanche protection
Disaster prevention - climate change
Re-use/recycling of Geofoam blocks
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In recent years the importance of failure of non-structural building components during earthquake has generated considerable concern. Experience is well documented of cases where the building structure has survived an earthquake with no damage but the facility is rendered unusable due to extensive non-structural damage. Risk to life safety of the occupants of the building from failure of the non-structural components can be considerable even when the building structure has performed well. The cost of non- structural damage is also far greater than previously expected. These costs include loss of function and disruption costs as well as the costs for repair or replacement of damaged components and articles. Also the extent of non-structural damage to buildings in low seismic zones can be considerably greater than structural damage costs. Many buildings throughout Canada were constructed before a full understanding of these risks existed and methods to reduce such risks were well understood. The Guideline was prepared to help engineers and architects evaluate non-structural building components for seismic hazards and to recommend upgrading when such hazards exist. The Guideline may also be used by building owners to help identify non-structural building components which may be potentially hazardous, but specific recommendations for seismic upgrading should be provided by a qualified engineer or architect.
This guideline addresses the risk due to failure of non-structural components during earthquake. The present publication restricts itself to normal office buildings and libraries and does not include sensitive equipment or critical operations.
This document may be applied to existing buildings, including renovations of existing buildings. In the case of building contents, it may also be applied to new buildings. It should not, however, be applied to verify compliance of architectural building components in new buildings with the building code.
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