It is critical to quantify the various properties of soil in order to predict how it will behave under field loading for the safe design of soil structures. Quantification of these properties is performed using standardized laboratory tests. This lab manual prepares readers to enter the field with a collection of the most common of these soil mechanics tests. The procedures for all of these tests are written in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards.
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This is the full series of eurocodes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Recent and organized in one single zipped folder.
Thanks go to Grunf.
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Light in Engineering, Architecture and the Environment
Author: K. Domke, C. A. Brebbia | Size: 15.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WIT Press | Year: 2011 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 1845645502
The Wessex Institute of Technology has for years been convening conferences on sustainable architecture and planning, design in nature, heritage architecture and environmental health. With the growing importance of lighting in the creation of better, healthier environments, the enhancement of heritage architecture, and the recovery of urban areas, as well as new developments in more sustainable lighting, it became clear that a conference focusing on lighting issues would be useful. This book contains the papers to be presented at the first International Conference on Lighting in Engineering, Architecture and the Environment discussing the latest developments in a variety of topics related to light and illumination, from its engineering aspects to its use in arts and architecture and the effect of light on living systems and human health. Ranging from discussions of technical issues regarding equipment designs and light measurement to human perception of its effects, the book will be of interest to architects, planners, environmental health experts, and stage designers in academia, industry and government, as well as colleagues discussing the latest developments in a variety of topic related to light and illumination.
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Author: Eddy Krygiel, Phil Read, James Vandezande | Size: 45.98 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Sybex | Year: July 26, 2010 | pages: 1168 | ISBN: 0470626968
The Ultimate Real-World Reference for Revit Architecture
This comprehensive guide has been completely updated to provide the most modern, detailed, and in-depth coverage of Autodesk's leading building information modeling software. This packed new edition features clear discussions of core topics that are reinforced by compelling examples and tutorials to guide you to Revit Architecture mastery.
The expert authors use real-world workflows to show you how to immediately implement and use Revit Architecture 2011 with spectacular results. They delve deeply into every crucial topic, including how to most productively use the interface, how to create fantastic building designs with Revit, and how to produce solid documentation. They also explore such advanced topics as using Revit Architecture during construction and how to leverage the API.
Coverage includes:
* A thorough, complete overview of the Revit Architecture tool chest
* Advanced modeling and massing using the Family Editor
* Designing simple and complex walls, curtain walls, roofs, floors, stairs, and railings
* Preparing your designs for presentation with color fills, animations, visualizations, and more
* Using the Revit API to create custom applications
* Performing various types of sustainable design analysis
* Advanced topics not covered anywhere else, including modeling for construction, and Revit for film and stage
* Other critical coverage such as managing Revit projects, family creation, office standards, and more
Quickly Become Productive Using Core Revit Features and Functions
Document, Detail, Annotate, and Present Your Designs
Improve Your Workflow with Worksharing and Collaboration
Explore the Essentials of Sustainable Design
Prepare for the Revit Architecture 2011 Certified Associate and Certified Professional Exams
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Report: Seismic analysis of cantilever retaining walls, Phase I
Author: Green Russell; Ebeling Robert | Size: 4.6 MB | Format:PDF | Year: 2002 | pages: 104
This report summarizes the results of the first phase of a research investigation examining the seismic loads induced on the stem of a cantilever retaining wall. The computer program FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) was used to perform nonlinear dynamic analyses on a cantilever retaining wall designed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers static design criteria. The procedures used to determine the various numerical model parameters are outlined and the results of the FLAC analyses presented, in which preliminary trends are identified.
ERDC/ITL TR-02-3, Information Technology Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, [Vicksburg, Mississippi], Earthquake Engineering Research Program, 2002-09, (400/U81/TR ITL-02-3)
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Not for COMMERCIAL, Only for Educational Purpose...
Compatible with Windows 7
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Concise and easy to read, this reference presents key information on how to approach quality assurance for construction projects. Containing quick reference tables and a wealth of figures, the book presents valuable quality related data and guidelines. It provides coverage that spans from the inception of a project through issuance of a completion certificate. Go the extra distance and become the consummate professional: Learn about different types of contract deliverable systems Explore important points to be considered while developing detail design and shop drawing Plan for major activities during construction process Create design review checklists Anticipate costs involved with quality
Understand reasons why an executed work may be rejected Develop ways to assess your quality efforts In addition to covering standard procedures and concepts, the author introduces and discusses a wide range of-the-state-of-the-art-tools and approaches that professionals can use to develop an Integrated Quality Management System most suitable for their specific project. These include Six Sigma, TRIZ, and Total Quality Management, as well ISO 9000, ISO 14000 Environmental Management System, and OHSAS 18000 This information will also prove valuable for cutting-edge instructors who wish to provide engineering/management students with in-depth knowledge about current practices and familiarize...
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Design of Lightweight Footbridges for Human Induced Vibrations
Author: Christoph Heinemeyer, Christiane Butz, Andreas Keil and other | Size: 1.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: JRC – ECCS | Year: 2009 | pages: 98 | ISBN: 9789279133879
This report is a part of activities for the maintenance, further harmonisation, further development and promotion of the Eurocodes. It has been prepared in a field where so far no unified design rules applicable across different materials and ways of construction exists in the Eurocodes, namely in the field of limiting human induced vibrations of foot bridges.
It is a contribution to the evolution of EN´s 1990 and 1991 and may also be used together with some specific rules in EN 1995-2 that apply to timber bridges as a source of support to
- further harmonize design rules across different materials, and
- further develop the Eurocodes.
The rules for the “Design of lightweight footbridges for human induced vibrations” given in this report are the result of projects funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), initiated and carried out by a group of experts from RWTH Aachen, Germany, Arcelor Mittal Luxembourg, TNO, The Netherlands, SCI, United Kingdom, CTICM, France, FEUP Porto, Portugal and Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart, Germany.
The agreement of RFCS and of the project partners to publish this report in the series of the “JRC-Scientific and Technical Reports” in support of the further development of the Eurocodes is highly appreciated.
The examples given in this guideline are mainly from light-weight steel structures, where the consideration of human induced vibrations is part of the optimization strategy of the structure. Therefore the publication has been carried out in the context of the JRC-ECCS-cooperation agreement in order to support the further harmonisation of National procedures and the further evolution of the Eurocodes.
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