Author: Depatrments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force | Size: 5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Depatrments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force | Year: November 1983 | pages: 158
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Building Bridges: Between Mathematics and Computer Science
Author: Martin Grotschel & Gyula O.H.Katona | Size: 4.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer; 1 edition | Year: October 21, 2008 | pages: 595 | ISBN: 3540852182
Discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science are closely linked research areas with strong impacts on applications and various other scientific disciplines. Both fields deeply cross fertilize each other. One of the persons who particularly contributed to building bridges between these and many other areas is László Lovász, a scholar whose outstanding scientific work has defined and shaped many research directions in the last 40 years. A number of friends and colleagues, all top authorities in their fields of expertise and all invited plenary speakers at one of two conferences in August 2008 in Hungary, both celebrating Lovász’s 60th birthday, have contributed their latest research papers to this volume. This collection of articles offers an excellent view on the state of combinatorics and related topics and will be of interest for experienced specialists as well as young researchers.
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Author: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington | Size: 2.32 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington | Year: 12 Jul 2004 | pages: 106 | ISBN: DC 20314-1000
1-1. Purpose and Scope. This manual provides guidance for the selection, design, installation,
operation, and maintenance of cathodic protection systems (CPSs) used to supplement paint
systems for corrosion control on civil works hydraulic structures. It also discusses possible
solutions to some of the problems with CPSs that may be encountered at existing projects.
1-2. Applicability. This manual applies to all USACE Commands having civil works
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Known for accuracy, precision, and rigor, Soo Tan now brings those same qualities to the Calculus course. With his clear, concise writing style, and use of relevant, real world examples, Tan introduces abstract mathematical concepts with his intuitive approach that captures student interest without compromising mathematical rigor. In keeping with this emphasis on conceptual understanding, each exercise set begins with concept questions and each end-of-chapter review section includes fill-in-the-blank questions which help students master the definitions and theorems in each chapter. Additionally, many questions asking for the interpretation of graphical, numerical, and algebraic results are included among both the examples and the exercise sets.
Real-life, Relevant Applications: Soo Tan's intuitive approach to calculus links the abstract ideas of calculus with concrete, real-life examples. One such example—the maglev (magnetic levitation) train is used as a common thread from limits through integration, to show students the connection between all of these concepts.
Intuitive Presentation Style: By introducing the limit concept in the context of finding the rate of change of the maglev, Tan captures student interest from the very beginning – this approach demonstrates the relevance of calculus in the real world. Elsewhere in the text, this intuitive approach is again used to advantage to introduce and explain some of the fundamental theorems in calculus, such as the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem.
Guidance When Students Need It: Comments appear next to many of the steps and aid in student understanding. Notes found at the end of many examples further explain and clarify the example, and point out subtleties within them. Cautions advise students on how to avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings, addressing both student misconceptions and situations that often lead students down unproductive paths.
Emphasis on Concepts in the Exercise Sets: End of section Concept Questions are designed to test students' understanding and encourage students to explain these concepts in their own words. Beginning each end of chapter review, Concept Review Questions give students a chance to check their knowledge of the basic definitions and concepts.
Emphasis on Problem-Solving: Problem-Solving Techniques, at the end of selected chapters, teach students the tools they need to make seemingly complex problems easier to solve.
1.3.About the Author Soo T. Tan
Soo T. Tan, Professor of Mathematics at Stonehill College, has published numerous papers in Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Analysis. He received his S.B. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, his M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles. "One of the most important lessons I learned from my early experience teaching these courses is that many of the students come into these courses with some degree of apprehension. This awareness led to the intuitive approach I have adopted in all of my texts."
2.Table of Contents
0. Preliminaries. 1. Limits. 2. The Derivative. 3. Applications of the Derivative. 4. Integration. 5. Applications of the Definite Integral. 6. Techniques of Integration. 7. Differential Equations. 8. Infinite Sequences and Series. 9. Conic Sections, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates. 10. Vectors and the Geometry of Space. 11. Vector-Valued Functions. 12. Functions of Several Variables. 13. Multiple Integrals. 14. Vector Analysis.
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Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering in Urban Environments
Author: V. Cuéllar, E. Dapena, E. Alonso, J.M. Echave, A. Gens, J.L. de Justo, C.Oteo, J.M. Rodríguez-Ortiz, C. Sagaseta, P. Sola, A. Soriano | Size: 1.96 GB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Millpress Science Publishers | Year: 2007 | pages: 2.304 pages | ISBN: 978-90-5966-055-7
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 24-27 September 2007
Fifty years ago only 10% of the world population lived in urban areas. Nowadays this percentage has reached about 50% and it might increase to reach a 70% in 2025. On the other hand, the number of large cities with five to ten millions inhabitants has been increasing from 18 in 1970 to 22 in 1990, and will reach 33 towards 2010, 21 of them belonging to developing countries. Such forecasts justify the need for studying the urban environments in order to ensure that this development will occur in a sustainable mode.
This essentially means that the satisfaction of our present needs should not compromise the possibilities of future generations to satisfy their own needs.
The objective of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering is to provide a venue for geotechnical engineers and scientists involved with Soil Mechanics to present new achievements and experiences. The proposed main theme of the Conference is 'Geotechnical Engineering in Urban Environments'
Along with the geotechnical problems related to man-made grounds treated in past European meetings, the purpose of this Conference theme is to extend the geotechnical implications to any type of urban problems: the planning and execution of deep excavations, underground works; rehabilitation of existing buildings (some of them of high artistic or historical value) and infrastructures, which have been solving vital problems for the city in the last decades.
In doing so, any technique of ground improvement may be useful depending upon the specific soil conditions and their possible evolution which should be clearly established based on the experience gained with previous investigations. The new Eurocodes on Geotechnics point out the role of comparable experiences in harmonizing the geotechnical design in different European countries.
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The structural design standards used by state bridge engineers, engineering colleges and universities, and practicing engineers worldwide. Customary U.S. Units. Loose-leaf with three ring binder. Replaces the 15th Edition and Interim Specifications-Bridges-1993, 9400 and 1995.
From the Publisher
A must for every transportation engineering library--the STANDARD!
Product Details
Ring-bound: 424 pages (In this copy only Division I (Design part) is available. Construction section is not available. If you have it please upload. Both parts 720 pages should be included)
Publisher: Amer Assn of State Hwy; 16th edition
Language: English
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MATLAB for Engineers, 3e, is ideal for Freshman or Introductory courses in Engineering and Computer Science. With a hands-on approach and focus on problem solving, this introduction to the powerful MATLAB computing language is designed for students with only a basic college algebra background. Numerous examples are drawn from a range of engineering disciplines, demonstrating MATLAB’s applications to a broad variety of problems.
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International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the Hellenic Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering orginazed the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, which took place in Athens, Greece, in September 2011.
The conference sessions were held between Monday 12th September and Thursday 15th September, 2011. The theme of the Conference was “Geotechnics of Hard Soils – Weak Rocks”.
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I need to do a research for my master's. I'm interested in the subject "free vibration response of railway bridges". Could somebody propose a research topic?????
If I'm in the wrong forum please guide me........
Thank you.....