Posted by: sidi - 10-03-2011, 07:45 AM - Forum: Archive
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Dear friend ı need this great book as soon as possible.
İf you have, could you share it ?
2nd Edition !!!
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, An (2nd Edition)
Robert D. Holtz (Author), William D. Kovacs (Author), Thomas C. Sheahan (Author)
The 31st Edition of the Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing (Materials Book), with 75 revised and 3 new specs and test methods. The 31st Edition of the Materials Book contains 363 materials specifications and test methods commonly used in the construction of highway facilities. The specifications have been developed and maintained by transportation departments through participation in AASHTO’s Subcommittee on Materials. The book edition is organized in two volumes, Materials and Testing, and each volume has been separated into two books.
The Materials Books and AASHTO Provisional Standards single-user CD-ROM includes all of the information found in the four-volume Materials Book, as well as the single-volume AASHTO Provisional Standards.
Dear All,
I am looking for the following standard from the API:
Recommended Practice 2GEO
Geotechnical and Foundation Design Considerations
This document contains requirements and recommendations for those aspects of geoscience and foundation engineering that are applicable to a broad range of offshore structures, rather than to a particular structure type. Such aspects are:
•site characterization,
•soil and rock characterization,
•design and installation of foundations supported by the seabed (shallow foundations),
•identification of hazards, and
•design of pile foundations.
Aspects of soil mechanics and foundation engineering that apply equally to offshore and onshore structures are not addressed. The user of this document is expected to be familiar with such aspects.
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Clough, G. W., and Duncan, J. M. 1971. "Finite Element Analyses of Retaining Wall Behavior," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 97, No. SM12, Proceedings Paper No. 8583, pp 1657-1673.
This Concise Encyclopedia draws its material from the award-winning Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, and includes updates and revisions not available in the original set. This customized collection of articles provides a handy reference for materials scientists and engineers with an interest in the structure of metals, polymers, ceramics and glasses, biomaterials, wood, paper, and liquid crystals.
Materials science and engineering is concerned with the relationship between the properties and structure of materials. In this context "structure" may be defined on the atomic scale in the case of crystalline materials, on the molecular scale (in the case of polymers, for example), or on the microscopic scale. Each of these definitions has been applied in making the present selection of articles.
* Brings together articles from the Encyclopedia of Materials: Science & Technology that focus on the structure of materials at the atomic, molecular and microscopic levels, plus recent updates
* Every article has been commissioned and written by an internationally recognized expert and provides a concise overview of a particular aspect of the field
* Extensive bibliographies, cross-referencing and indexes guide the user to the most relevant reading in the primary literature
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Author: DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE | Size: 2.43 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE | Year: 16 SEPTEMBER 1985 | pages: 70 | ISBN: unknown
1-1. Purpose and scope.
This manual, intended for planners and design engineers,
presents information on water quality standards
and design criteria for water treatment processes.
This manual also establishes criteria to be followed in
determining the necessity for and the extent of treatment,
and on procedures applicable to the planning of
water treatment projects. This manual is applicable to
all elements of the Army and Air Force responsible for
the planning and design of military construction,
1-2. Water treatment proiects.
State health department, State water resource, and
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency personnel, as
appropriate, should be consulted in the early stages of
project planning regarding supply sources and associated
water treatment needs. In addition to the usual
treatment that may be required to insure delivery of
potable water, consideration will be given to the need
for special treatment to protect pipelines, water heat,-
ers, plumbing fixtures, and other equipment against
scaling, corrosion, and staining, Because of the widely
varying conditions and the many types of water, it is
not possible to establish criteria for all cases of special
water treatment. Treatment for prevention of scaling
and corrosion may not be entirely effective; and in
many cases a decision as to the necessity of special
treatment cannot be reached prior to actual operating
experiences. In general, special treatment will be provided
only in cases where a study of water analyses
and experience with the water definitely show that
there will be severe corrosion of the water system or
that severe scaling of hot-water heaters, storage tanks,
and other parts of the plumbing system will occur.
Marginal cases will be deferred and treatment provided
only after operating experience determines
treatment to be necessary.
1-3. Water quality criteria and standards.
Information on current criteria and standards for raw
and potable water are presented in appendix A.
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Hydraulic Jump Type Stilling Basins for Froude Number 2.5 to 4.5
Author: NANI G. BHOWMIK Title: | Size: 1.01 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: STATE WATER SURVEY DIVISION WILLIAM C. ACKERMANN, D.Sc, Chief | Year: 1971 | pages: 35 | ISBN: unknown
Title: Hydraulic Jump Type Stilling Basins for Froude Number 2.5 to 4.5.
Abstract: Hydraulic jump type stilling basins are used to prevent the detrimental effects
of the supercritical flow velocity on the stability of the channel. Laboratory investigations
were conducted for both the ordinary and the forced hydraulic jumps on a horizontal
floor in the Froude number range of 2.5 to 4.5. Data from the ordinary hydraulic jump
correlate well with the theory and other published data. A set of appurtenances (baffle
blocks and an end sill, basin L) for forced hydraulic jump was found to perform satisfactorily.
Comparison of the test data from this basin with corresponding data from the
ordinary hydraulic jump showed that the required tail-water depth can be decreased,
energy loss can be increased, and the jump can be formed in a much shorter basin. A
theoretical relationship has also been developed to predict the turbulent pressure fluctuations
in the stilling basins. Hydraulic design of stilling basins for the Froude number
range of 2.5 to 4.5 can be accomplished with the aid of the criteria developed in
the report.
Reference: Bhowmik, Nani G. Hydraulic Jump Type Stilling Basins for Froude Number
2.5 to 4.5. Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, Report of Investigation 67, 1971.
Indexing Terms: Baffles, design criteria, energy losses, Froude number, hydraulic jump,
laboratory tests, sluice gates, spillways, stilling basins, tail water, turbulence.
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From the Foreword by Rob Smith, Director of Estates and Facilities (NHS England), Department of Health
‘The built environment for the delivery of Healthcare will continue to change as it responds to new technologies and modalities of care, different expectations and requirements of providers and consumers of care. It is vital that built environment students and practitioners alike avail themselves of the best possible information to guide them in their studies, continuing professional development and the delivery of their tasks. The range is enormous from the assessment of need, planning the service delivery to design, construction, commissioning, maintenance and operation of the healthcare environment.
The book that follows addresses these areas from a blend of contributions of experienced practitioners to the descriptions of the output from recent research that moves forward the frontiers of knowledge and practice in the many areas of the healthcare built environment.
I happily commend this book to all engaged in the exciting fields of planning, delivering, maintaining and operating healthcare environments. When we get it right, we are able to do immeasurable good.’
This book helps academic researchers as well as practitioners to understand how the healthcare infrastructure sector works by addressing the crucial issue of healthcare delivery from a built environment perspective.
It explains the trends in healthcare, models of healthcare delivery; healthcare planning; the NHS building and investment programmes; the procurement process; and facilities management; financial models – including PFI and LIFT; risk allocation and partnering.
Past investigations in the area of healthcare delivery have concentrated on either the medical aspects or the design issues of buildings but Improving Healthcare through Built Environment Infrastructure is unique in considering the ‘meeting space’ of built environment technologies and modern methods of procurement with the medical and operational needs of healthcare settings.
The authors have brought together key industrialists and academics, all heavily involved in the formulation and delivery of new practices. Case studies illustrate how policies and healthcare models are implemented in practice and help identify the key challenges for the future.
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Soils and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic Structures)
Author: DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE | Size: 3.29 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE | Year: 21 October 1983 | pages: 204 | ISBN: PIN: 025929-000
This manual has been prepared by or for the Government and, except to the extent indicated below,
is public property and not subject to copyright.
Copyrighted material included in this manual has been used with the knowledge and permission of
the proprietors and is acknowledged as such at point of use. Anyone wishing to make further use of any
copyrighted material, by itself and apart from this text, should seek necessary permission directly from the
Reprint or republication of this manual should include a credit substantially as follows: "Joint
Departments of the Army and Air Force, USA, Technical Manual TM 5-818-1/AFM 88-3, Chapter 7, Soils
and Geology Procedures for Foundation Design of Buildings and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic
Structures), 21 October 1983."
If the reprint or republication includes copyrighted material, the credit should also state: "Anyone
wishing to make further use of copyrighted material, by itself and apart from this text, should seek
necessary permission directly from the proprietors."
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For those who are interested in publishing his work in Journal paper, this slide presentation is very good to guide you on how to write ISI Journal paper. Eventhough the presenter is from mechanical engineering, but the procedure is still the same with our discipline as civil engineering. Hopefully it is useful for you.
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