Dear Firends,
At the moment, I have a lenovo z580 (i7, 6gb ram, ...) and I'm happy with it. However, I am thinking to upgrade its OS to windows 8.
Could you please tell me following software are compatible with windows 8.1 (x64) or not?
The reason for asking this question is to be sure about availability of cracks which work in windows 8.1. Currently, I have problem with CSI software cracks on my laptop and I have to execute the cracks on another computer (on windows XP) and these cracks don't work properly on my windows 7 x64 ultimate edition.
Presenting the industry standards for reinforced concrete construction since 1927 for Architects, Detailers,Engineers, Fabricators, Contractors, Placers, and Inspectors.The 27th edition of the Manual of Standard Practice contains information on recommended industry practices for estimating, detailing, fabricating, and placing reinforcing steel for reinforced concrete construction. Includes suggested specifications for reinforcing steel. Chapter 3 on bar supports is commonly referenced in project specifications. New material includes a list of specific information on structural drawings that is required by the ACI 318 Building Code and updated illustrations of the markings on Grade 60 and Grade 75 reinforcing bars.
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As structural engineers move further into the age of digital computation and rely more heavily on computers to solve problems, it remains paramount that they understand the basic mathematics and engineering principles used to design and analyze building structures. The link between the basic concepts and application to real world problems is one of the most challenging learning endeavors that structural engineers face. The primary purpose of Numerical Structural Analysis is to assist structural engineering students with developing the ability to solve complex structural analysis problems. This book will cover numerical techniques to solve mathematical formulations, which are necessary in developing the analysis procedures for structural engineering. Once the numerical formulations are understood, engineers can then develop structural analysis methods that use these techniques. This will be done primarily with matrix structural stiffness procedures. Finally, advanced stiffness topics will be developed and presented to solve unique structural problems, including member end releases, non-prismatic, shear, geometric, and torsional stiffness.
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Revit Extensions for Autodesk Revit 2015 extend the capabilities of Autodesk Revit 2015, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015, Autodesk Revit MEP 2015, and Autodesk Revit Structure 2015 software in key areas, including structural analysis, modeling, reinforcement, interoperability and construction documentation.
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Could anyone please share all the following standards.
EN 14227. Hydraulically bound mixtures – Specifications
Part 1: Cement bound granular mixtures (CBGM).
Part 2: Slag bound mixtures (SBM).
Part 3: Fly ash bound mixtures (FABM).
Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically bound mixtures.
Part 5: Hydraulic road binder bound mixtures (HRBBM).
Part 10: Soil treated by cement (SC).
Part 11: Soil treated by lime (SL).
Part 12: Soil treated by slag (SS).
Part 13: Soil treated by hydraulic road binder (SHRB).
Part 14: Soil treated by fly ash (SFA).
Author: Brian Hsuan-Hsien PENG | Size: 9.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: UNIVERSITY OF CANTREBURY | Year: 2009 | pages: 495
In the seismic design of reinforced concrete frames, plastic hinges are allocated to beams such that a ductile beam-sway mechanism will form in preference to other less
ductile mechanisms in the event of a major earthquake. This is achieved by ensuring that the flexural strength of columns is greater than that corresponding to the maximum likely flexural strength of beam plastic hinges. Recent experimental studies in New Zealand have shown that elongation of ductile beam plastic hinges, and its interaction with nearby floor slab containing precast- prestressed floor units, increases the strength of beams much more than that specified in New Zealand and American Concrete standards. This level of strength enhancement has raised concern on the adequacy of the current design provisions. To further investigate this problem, a research project was initiated to examine the
strength of beam plastic hinges in reinforced concrete frames containing precast- prestressed floor units. In this research, the strength of beam plastic hinges was assessed through
experimental and analytical studies. A three-dimensional, one-storey, two-bay reinforced concrete moment resisting frame with prestressed floor units and cast-in- situ concrete topping was tested under quasi-static displacement-controlled cyclic loading. The experimental results provided insight into the mechanics associated with frame-floor interaction. Subsequently, improved design specifications were proposed based on the observed behaviour. To analytically predict the beam-floor interaction, a ductile reinforced concrete plastic hinge multi-spring element was developed and validated with experimental results from cantilever beam and frame sub-assembly tests reported in the literature. The comparisons have demonstrated the ability of the proposed plastic hinge element to predict the flexural, shear, axial, and most importantly, elongation response of ductile plastic hinges.
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This book, framed in the processes of engineering analysis and design, presents concepts in mechanics of materials for students in two-year or four-year programs in engineering technology, architecture, and building construction, as well as for students in vocational schools and technical institutes. Using the principles and laws of mechanics, physics, and the fundamentals of engineering, Mechanics of Materials: An Introduction for Engineering Technology will help aspiring and practicing engineers and engineering technicians from across disciplines—mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical—apply concepts of engineering mechanics for analysis and design of materials, structures, and machine components. The book is ideal for those seeking a rigorous, algebra/trigonometry-based text on the mechanics of materials.
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Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia Pacific Conference On Structures Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10)
Author: Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai & other | Size: 21.8 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand | Year: 2006 | pages: 524
Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia Pacific Conference
On Structures Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10)
Volume 1 Emerging Trends: Keynote Lectures and Symposia
Volume 2 Analytical and Computational Methods
Volume 3 Wind and Earthquake Engineering
Volume 4 Real Structures: Bridges and Tall Buildings
Volume 5 Construction and Professional Practices
Volume 6 Materials, Experimentations, Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Volume 7 Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials:
The Pisidhi Karasudhi Symposium Volume
This is Volume 3
Wind and Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering
Structural Dynamics
Wind Engineering
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