This revision of design manual has been prepared to account for the changes of ZAMIL STEEL standards
during the last four years since 1999 regarding single skin & Tempcon panels, built-up sections standard
dimensions, serviceability consideration and some standard connections, also this revision of design
manual presents the results of special technical studies carried out in the ZAMIL STEEL PRD department
including finite element studies using most recent software techniques, buckling analysis studies and also
derived formulas using numerical correlation studies. Designers can make use of these studies to enhance
the design process.
This revision of the design manual also resolves some miscellaneous and confusing points that were
reported to PRD department.
The contents of this manual were rearranged and presented in “Adobe Acrobat” format along with
navigation pane to ensure effective and fast use of this manual.
Design/Quote engineers are strongly advised to read this manual as a whole in conjunction with the
standard codes and manuals stated in clause 2.1 page 2-1 of this manual.
The clauses containing the major changes made in this revision of design manual (DM 03.10.00) are as
follows :-
2.4. Serviceability consideration _________ 2-15
3.5. Expansion Joints __________________ 3-8
3.7. Bracing Systems Arrangement_______ 3-11 Built up section _________________ 4-3 Galvanized primary members______ 4-5
4.3. Flange braces____________________ 4-22
4.6. Standard Anchor Bolts _____________ 4-67
4.7.8. Crane Beam ___________________ 4-74
5.1. Panels___________________________ 5-1 Double ‘C’ -sections ____________ 5-27
5.2.2. Design Of Roof Purlins ___________ 5-29
5.2.4. Design Of Eave Struts ____________ 5-35
6.1.2. End wall Rafter Design Concept _____ 6-2
6.2.2. End Wall Posts Design Concept _____ 6-6 Top Running Cranes ____________ 7-11
7.3. Bracing Design Notes______________ 7-13 for Lateral Load _______ 8-2
9.1. Design of Joists ___________________ 9-2
9.3. Design of Beams __________________ 9-7
10.11. Egypt Jobs in Non-Free Zone Areas 10-6
12.1. Drainage______________________ 12-1
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Reducing Earthquake Losses
Roger C. Herdman,
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment | ISBN: 0160482674 | 1995 | PDF | 172 pages | 5 Mb
Earthquakes have caused massive death and destruction, and potentially damaging earthquakes are certain to occur in the future. Although earthquakes are uncontrollable, the losses they cause can be reduced by building structures that resist earthquake damage, matching land use to risk, developing emergency response plans, and other means. Since 1977, the federal government has had a research oriented program to reduce earthquake losses the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP). This program has made significant contributions toward improving our understanding of earthquakes and strategies to reduce their impact. Implementing action based on this understanding, however, has been quite difficult. This chapter provides an introduction to earthquakes: a sum mary of the earthquake hazard across the United States, a review of the types of losses earthquakes cause, a discussion of why earthquakes are a congressional concern, and an introduction to mitigation actions taken prior to earthquakes that can reduce losses when they occur. The federal policy response to date, NEHRP is then described and reviewed. Finally, specific policy options for improving federal efforts to reduce future earthquake losses are presented.
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Wind Turbines
Part 1: Design Requirements
BS En 61400-1:2005
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I suggest there should be a separate thread on "green" engineering. Specifically Wind and Solar engineering, and other Special structures or materials with applications to (the future technologies for) civil engineering. this is the knowledge everyone should be acquainted.
I am very confuse regarding the use of softwares for pile designs. People in India uses Indian Code IS 2911 but gives to much conservative results. I have tried to use ALLPILE but through this forum only i realize that it may be wrong to compare... some other programs are also avilable in this forum like MPILE, SHAFT etc but how reliable the design from softwares... output from each is not maching as the methdology may be different but then which to use.. I didnt claim that i am expert in geotechnical but can be considered at good but some of my friends can express their views on this...
Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering: Organisational Readiness
Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering: Organisational Readiness
Publisher: Taylor & Francis | pages: 288 | 2007 | ISBN: 0415430534 | CHM | 11,3 mb
How could the potential of IT be realised to improve business performance in architecture, construction and engineering organisations? How could organisations unleash the potential of IT to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage? How can organisations migrate from technology to IT-enabled business thinking? Based on the author's twenty years research experience, this book provides a holistic picture of the factors that enable architecture, construction and engineering organisations to explore the potential of IT to improve their businesses and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It raises awareness of the importance of the organisational 'soft issues' and the role they play in influencing the outcome of IT investments as well as addressing other complementary enablers, such as knowledge management, learning organisations, maturity models and e-readiness measurements.
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Prestressed Concrete with Internal or External Tendons: Behaviour and Analysis (THESIS for PhD)
Prestressed Concrete with Internal or External Tendons: Behaviour and Analysis
T. M. D. Nihal Ariyawardena
JULY, 2000
O T. M. D. Nihal Ariyawardena 2000
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Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions offers the first new treatment of closed-form solutions since the works of Leonhard Euler over two centuries ago. This work offers simple solutions for vibrating bars, beams, and plates, as well as solutions that can be used to verify finite element solutions. Mechanical, aerospace, civil, and marine engineers will find this to be the most comprehensive book on the subject. In addition, senior undergraduate and graduate students and professors will find this to be a good supplement to other structural design texts, as it can be easily incorporated into the classroom.
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Posted by: mohdblal - 03-11-2010, 07:34 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
If anyone working on MBS (Metal Building Software).
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The software is used to design PEB (Pre-Engineered Buildings) type steel buildings. Designs, Details and generate BOM for most of the PEB type buildings. Mabani, Mammut, Zamil, Kirbi use this software to quicken their working procedures. It is a strong all in one solution for steel buildings.
I have the question if, any body has used the MBS extension tool kit for Pro Steel 3D and how effective is it .......
Following is the path showing the demonstration of the software...
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