This Project is one of its kind ...Its a 3 Km Tunnel under the conjested streets of abu dhabi and wats more intresting is its constructed by open cut cut method....Its scheduled to complete within a unbelievable 900 days time period...
It involves not only tunnel building its scope of works goes endless
1. Main Tunnel Construction
2. Utility rooms for tunnel operations
3. Utility Bridge Construction for Utilities crosing the tunnel as there no time for diverting these utilities
4. Pedestrian bridges construction accross the tunnel and also at traffic management areas.
5. Traffic Decking for ensure smooth flow of traffic
6.Diverting existing utilities running in the line of tunnes to new reservation corridors.
The list of utilities need to be diverted
1. Water
2. Irrigaton
3. Sewer
4. Storm Water
5. Telephone
6. 11KV, 32 KV cables
7. Protection to existing 400 KV cables
for info see my presentation
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This is working setup of AutoCAD R14 for Vista x64 (probably all 64-bit Windows OS).
AutoCAD R14 was one of the best drafting applications as of year 1998. It is small, fast, reliable (of course, as much as Autodesk product can be), loads itself intp the memory 10 times faster than the newer versions, and imports better DXF and WMF files, made by 3-rd party programs.
Because the original installer of AutoCAD R14 was made with 16-bit InstallShield application, it is not possible to setup the official program on 64-bit Microsoft Windows OS. Nevertheless the AutoCAD R14 itself is 32-bit application, so it can work almost flawlessly even on Vista x64.
The version presented here overcomes this problem and could be installed on Vista x64.
Autodesk doesn't support nor sell this program anymore
THIS IS IMPORTANT: There is a need for a registry file to be started. The present setup tries to make this by itself, so you should agree for the registry settings to be imported. If this doesn't work, then you should import these settings by yourself. These are in the file named: Vista64.reg
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The earth quakes again in Turkey
Within the interval of few days, we have witnessed series of earthquakes. First Haiti, second Chile and again Turkey. Could this be a coincidence or normal chain of events? Are the earthquakes related to one another?
Design Aids for Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
By Concrete Soc Uk
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 244
* Publication Date: 1996-12-15
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 041921190X
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780419211907
* Binding: Hardcover
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc.
* Publication Date: 1996-12-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0203476395
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780203476390
Product Description:
Eurocode 2 is the key document for future structural design in concrete throughout Europe. To use the Code effectively, structural engineers need a range of aids in the form of flow charts, design charts and simplified procedures. This book provides all of these, and is written with the authority of collaborative work by members of the Concrete Societies of the UK, the Netherlands and Germany. The preparation of the book has been funded under the SPRINT European Community programme for innovation and technology transfer.
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Posted by: babak - 03-09-2010, 05:37 AM - Forum: Steel
- No Replies
Underwater Welding of Offshore Platforms and Pipelines
Underwater Welding of Offshore Platforms and Pipelines
American Welding Society | English | ISBN 0871712156 | 188 pages | PDF | 9.62 MB | 1981
It is not the intention of this paper to elaborate on the history of diving and its progression from shallow air diving through surface mixed gas and eventually to that mode known as saturation. However, the majority of hyperbaric welding being performed is by saturated diver/welders, and, for the benefit of those who are not familiar with the expression "saturation diving," a brief explanation is in order (ISBN-13/EAN: 9780871712158)
Down through the centuries, technology has decreased step by step the limitations of diving, but probably more in the past decade than ever before. The original limitations were very basic things, such as how long could one hold one's breath, how deep could one breathe with a snorkel, and how long could one survive on the air contained in a diving bell. The first real breakthrough occurred around the turn of the 19th century with the invention of the air pump and the closed deep sea diving rig by August Siebe in 1837. Today, however, there are many methods of diving employed in offshore oil fields, depending upon the nature of work, the depth of water, and the required bottom time. This paper will deal basically with the rather recent and rapid progression of deep diving over the past decade and a half and its relationship to the advancement of hyperbaric welding.
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For the seismic design of buildings, structural engineers in Karachi after selecting Moderate Seismic Risk Zone-2 from Geological Survey of Pakistan Maps have been using Uniform Building Code (UBC) for calculating gravity and earthquake loads and carrying out the analysis of the structural frames. Having determined the stress resultants and deformations from the analysis, the design and detailing of reinforced concrete are done in accordance with the requirements of the procedure of seismic design in ACI-318 or Chapter-I 9 of UBC. For other structural materials like steel, timber orstructural masonry, UBC or their respective Codes are used for sizing of the building members. Since 1984, Moderate Seismic Risk equivalent to UBC Zone-2 has been adopted for Karachi by the building designers. The Structural Department of Karachi Building Control Authority (KBCA) has approved the above procedure as the Acceptance Criteria for the structural design and drawings.
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1. Introduction 1
2. Planning 3
3. Site investigations 13
4. River raulics2 hyd 3
5. Hydraulic design 33
6. River and scour protection 43
7. Low level water crossing 55
8. Substructures and foundations 65
9. Concrete superstructures 115
10. Steel/concrete composite superstructures 137
11. Timber superstructures 155
12. Culverts165
13. Emergency and temporary structures 193
14. Bridge uilding aterials201 b m
15. Masonry 215
16. Drawings and specifications 225
Index 229
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