Hi there fellow civil engineers. I would like to ask if you have some example for the design of base plates with rib plates. As of now I only have AIJ coefficients and some Timoshenko et al coefficients to design and check for the moment capacity of base plates. As of now I'm comparing the AIJ results to Timoshenko coeff results, but not all sides were available in Timoshenko, for example a portion with 3 sides fixed and 1 side free. Can you please share your own design procedure or if you are familiar about this can you please share your knowledge. Thanks!
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The Design Manual of Civil Works, since its first edition in 1969, by technological knowledge and experience the fruit of the hard work of engineers and Experts from the Commission Federal de Electricidad, and Mexican researchers
universities and research centers, arising from design, implementation and operation of the works carried out by the CFE.
During his lifetime, the Manual has been revised total and partial to become an indispensable reference document for many of the works of engineering that are built in the country and Latin America. Total chapters of the Manual constitute a work of incalculable dimensions Mexican engineering as reflects the best of their knowledge and experiences. Its wide-edge content as have also become a complementary text in universities and schools engineering areas.
This revised edition of the Design for Wind chapter incorporates data and experiences of strong hurricanes that have affected Mexico and other countries In recent years, and the results of numerous studies of its effects on modern structures, and is another example of the effort that the FCC Electricity done to consolidate itself as a world class company.
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Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
The Design Manual of Civil Works, since its first edition in 1969, by technological knowledge and experience the fruit of the hard work of engineers and Experts from the Commission Federal de Electricidad, and Mexican researchers universities and research centers, arising from design, implementation and operation of the works carried out by the CFE.
During his lifetime, the Manual has been revised total and partial to become an indispensable reference document for many of the works of engineering that are built in the country and Latin America. Total chapters of the Manual constitute a work of incalculable dimensions Mexican engineering as reflects the best of their knowledge and experiences. Its wide-edge content as have also become a complementary text in universities and schools engineering areas.
This revised edition of the Design for Wind chapter incorporates data and experiences of strong hurricanes that have affected Mexico and other countries In recent years, and the results of numerous studies of its effects on modern structures, and is another example of the effort that the FCC Electricity done to consolidate itself as a world class company.
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Buckling of laminated plates with general boundary conditions under combined compression, tension, and shear—A semi-analytical solution
Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 46, Issues 7-9, July-September 2008, Pages 925-938
I. Shufrin, O. Rabinovitch, M. Eisenberger
If there someone can help me to found this article..
This is a reference book for students and engineer involved with vibroacoustics and noise reduction from structures and machinery. This title covers in depth structural radiation and vibration wave theory with classical references. Book exercises with answers provide applications to digest physics elements into long-term scientific and engineering background.
In writing this book my aim has been to present a unified qualitative and quantitative account of the physical mechanisms and characteristics of linear interaction between audio-frequency vibrational motion in compressible fluids and structures with which they are in contact. The primary purpose is to instruct the reader in theoretical approaches to the modelling and analysis of interactions, whilst simultaneously providing physical explanations of their dependence upon the parameters of the coupled systems. It is primarily to the engineering student that the book is addressed, in the firm belief that a good engineer remains a student throughout his professional life. A preoccupation with the relevance and validity of theoretical analyses in relation to practical problems is a hallmark of the engineer. For this reason there is a strong emphasis on the relationship of results obtained from theoretical analysis of idealised models and the behaviour of the less than ideal realities from which they are abstracted. The teacher of analysis in any sphere of applied science is faced with a central dilemma: systems which can be modelled and analysed in a manner sufficiently explicit and direct to illustrate a principle are usually gross oversimplifications of the real world and are hence, to some extent, trivial; systems which are of practical concern are usually much too complex to offer suitable examples for didactic purposes.
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Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis
Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis
Prepared By: Michael Mahoney, FEMA Project Officer, Applied Technology Council
Prepared For:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
Publisher: Homeland Security, FEMA
Number Of Pages: 176 , 7 MB
Publication Date: June 2008
Product Description:
Guidelines for design of structures for vertical evacuation from tsunamis [electronic resource] / prepared by Applied Technology Council ; prepared for Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program [and] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
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