Bi-Axial Column Design in Power Point Presentation
Bi-Axial Column Design in PowerPoint Presentation
By Eric Sandt, PhD
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Nederlandse Wijzigingsblad
NEN 6772/A1 (nl)
Staalconstructies - TGB 1990 –
Steel structures - TGB 1990 - Connections
december 2001
ICS 91.080.10-10
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Vervangt NEN 6771:1991; NEN 6771:1991/A1:1997
Nederlandse norm
NEN 6771 (nl)
Technische Grondslagen voor Bouwconstructies
- TGB 1990 - Staalconstructies - Stabiliteit
TGB 1990 - Steel structures - Stability
ICS 91.080.10-10
januari 2000
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Pages: 222
Date: November 1, 1993
ISBN-10: 0751400971
ISBN-13: 978-0751400977
This book considers the properties of grouts, and how they may be formulated for different purposes, and application areas where the advantages of grouts have been assessed and ratified. Case studies illustrate benefits, problems and future potential. The book gathers together a substantial amount of information on grout properties, utilisation and practice which has hitherto been available in only fragmented or restricted form.
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Dit wijzigingsblad heeft tot doel de aansluiting van NEN 6773 en NEN 6774 op het Bouwbesluit te
Ook zijn inhoudelijke wijzigingen opgenomen.
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andere normen, voorheen weergegeven in de normatieve bijlage A, overgebracht naar de nieuw
gepubliceerde norm NEN 2000 “Datering en onderlinge samenhang van normen ten behoeve van de
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Hoofdstuk 2 “Normatieve verwijzingen” is voor het bovenstaande aangepast en geeft nu een overzicht
van de titels van de normen waarnaar NEN 6770 direct (normatief) verwijst.
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NEN 6770:1997/A1:2001
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Bij NEN 6702:2001, Technische grondslagen voor bouwconstructies – TGB 1990 – Belastingen en
Dit document is door NEN onder licentie verstrekt aan: / This document has been supplied under license by NEN to:
NEN 6702:2001
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A credible rival to MS Office, includes powerful applications for making text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, and databases, as well as HTML and XML documents. Not only does it let you edit basic documents, such as letters and faxes, it also handles equations and complex and multipart documents with bibliographies, reference tables, and indexes.
The interface is similar to that of MS Office, and even advanced Office users will find almost everything theyre used to: templates, collaborative features (versions, recording changes), macros, and even a programming language. OOo, as its known, lets you open and save documents in formats as diverse as MS Office formats, PDF, HTML, and XML. It can also import files from those formats, as well as WordPerfect and others. However, it normally saves files in the open-standard Oasis OpenDocument XML format, for maximum compatibility with other applications.
The latest versions of OpenOffice
have seen a spurt of growth in the extensions available for the program. These include templates for professional writers, an export tool for bidirectional functionality with Google Docs, blog publishing, and others. Blog publishing assistance especially strikes us as a natural area for word processing to grow toward.
We were pleased to find that stability has improved too. No doubt about it, the multilingual and crossplatform is a compelling option for anyone in search of an alternative office suite.
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Posted by: paladin - 10-10-2010, 06:51 AM - Forum: Archive
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REQUEST - Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2009 International Building Code, 3rd Edition
Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2009 International Building Code, 3rd Edition
Francis D. K. Ching, Series Advisor
ISBN: 978-0-470-19143-9
432 pages
September 2009
Publisher : International Code Council
Book's Info :
An easy-to-use, illustrated guide to the 2009 edition of the International Building Code
As the U.S. building industry adapts the international standards, architects and other building professionals need a clear, practical guide to the International Building Code. Marrying the graphic skills of bestselling author Frank Ching with the code expertise of Steven Winkel, FAIA, this invaluable reference provides an easy-to-understand interpretation in both words and illustrations of the portions of the building code that are most relevant for the architect. Highlighting major changes between the new code and previous model building codes, this book will help architects understand how this code change will affect their practice.
* Provides a visually-oriented guide to the 2009 International Building Code
* Uses illustrations and concise explanations to hone the building codes down to the fundamentals that most designers need
* Includes reviews by the International Code Council (ICC) and follows the ICC's 2009 International Building Code
* Drawings by Frank D.K. Ching (Seattle, WA), Professor Emeritus of Architecture at the University of Washington, is world-renowned for his numerous architecture and design books, including Architecture: Form, Space, and Order; A Global History of Architecture; Interior Design Illustrated; Building Codes Illustrated; and Building Construction Illustrated, all from Wiley
* Commentary written by nationally-recognized building codes expert Steven Winkel, the Architect member of the California Building Standards Commission, a past national board member of The American Institute of Architects (AIA), and past president of the AIA California Council
* Winkel is also co-author of Building Codes Illustrated for Elementary and Secondary Schools, Building Codes Illustrated for Healthcare Facilities, and Residential Building Codes Illustrated
Course Description
Lecture Series on Soil Mechanics by Prof.B.V.S. Viswanadham and Prof. G. Venkatachalam, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay.
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GTB 2006 Complete Edition now for € 45, - - (purchase price was € 195, - -)
Eurocode 2 (concrete) is expected during 2011. After then the construction (work) decides to take effect. At present and in the coming years is expected to VBC still be applied.
If you are not in possession of the GTB 2006, based on the BCA and want at the last minute can still buy that for a small fee: € 45, - -.
Note that the new GTB 2010, based on the Eurocode, is expected to appear later this year.
Charts and Tables for the manual design of concrete structures based on the BCA 1995, including amendment A3.
This loose-leaf system is a useful tool for the engineer in a rapid manner, without computers, a design calculation to determine whether the results of a computer calculation to check in outline. Even simple prestressed concrete structures can now be calculated.
It also contains flow charts necessary to determine the environmental class (es).
For students starting in September is also the G.T.B. 2006 limited edition available.
In the world of concrete manufacturers GTB is an understanding. The publication "Charts and Tables for Concrete" for over forty years an important tool for quick calculation of concrete structures to be implemented at an early stage of the design the outline of the construction to indicate if a rapid test of an existing construction to be performed. The phrase "it is in the GTB" in manufacturer country a synonym for "it is in the norm". In the beginning, when the computer arrives barely had done was for the manufacturer, even a tool to quickly calculate using charts to calculate a structure without ever own do not re-invent the wheel.
But today, in which the computer since the introduction of the PC on the desks no longer imagine a digital tool, the GTB appears to have retained its value. Checking in outline of the paper deal with exports, the computer produces, by using the GTB manageable.
Revision of the GTB is desired by the force of the amendment A3 VBC based on the new Europe, concrete technology standards. Introduction of Eurocode 2, the European standard constructor, the only applicable standard in the Netherlands, is not expected to be the case in 2010.
On August 30 is the first complete edition copy of the GTB in 2006 by the Vice-President of the Concrete Society, Professor Dr D.A. Hordijk handed to Mr. G.J.R. Wolters, Inspector-General of Housing Inspection, and the importance of a good choice for building a local environmental group (s) highlighted by the manufacturer.
In his acceptance speech showed the Inspector General of the GTB function plays in maintaining the structural safety of buildings, a topical issue given the recent incidents.
The status that the document obtained and ease of use help with their manufacturers not an easy task. The availability of this revised edition is of great importance to the profession.
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